Swinging Keys


"Austin, it's my rules too!"
"I don't care Soleia, I'm the one running this!"

Soleia was fulminating in the tour bus. Austin has called a new game for the warped prom without informing her. Since they were both the bosses, they had to agree first, which Austin didn't do.

"What if I don't like that idea" asked soleia
"Come on, you know you love it" said Austin, smirking
"You're a cocky asshole, you can't just say stuff like that!" said Soleia, eyeing Austin from head to toe. He got up and pushed her against the wall
"I don't fucking care what a little slut like you thinks! It's my crew and I don't care" said austin between his teeth. Soleia gulped, trying to breath. Austin laughed at her sight
"see, you need me. If I'm not there, you can't live" said Austin, releasing her neck. Soleia coughed and massaged her neck lightly. She would probably be marked for a few days.
"Don't underestimate me Austin. I can go days without you and your crew." said Soleia, on her way to the exit.

She walked to the tour bus where she was sleeping and took some make up to hide the mess Austin had done on her neck. After 10 minutes and happy with the results, she fired a quick texts to the other girls of the crew - except Chandler. Soleia, even strong and powerful, was still scared of Danny's sister. She was cold, glacial, and just a crazy vibe around her. The girls met her near the catering tent and they walked a few minutes before sitting in a circle.

"I'm fed up of Austin" said Soleia. All the girls looked at her a bit unsure. Even if they knew how she was a chief, Austin was a way more powerful figure than her. It was like attacking the supreme boss. "What, you all don't agree with me?"
"Can you be more specific" Asked Mayla, playing with a strand of her blonde hair.
"The game he sent you by text earlier, he didn't consult me later. Plus, I've heard he had sex outside the circle meetings..." Kalea moved and blushed, but no one noticed it.
"So, why did you need to meet us for that?" Asked Mayla
"I want to make him pay. I want his dick and all the others to desire us" answered Soleia, looking around
"I don't know, I like being submissive when it comes to sex" Said Kalea, hesitating.
"So do I, I love to be handled! But aren't you tired of being pushed around? Don't you want to have a little power of the guys?" continued Soleia
"Well, I wouldn't mind having Kellin or one of them eating me off" snorted Mayla, texting at the same time
"I just need you two, Em and Kalea, to say yes. I promise nothing will happen, you have my word" begged Soleia
"Ok for me" Sighed Kalea
"Then count me in" smiled Emilie
"Ok, here's my plan girls..."


At the prom...

The crew, of course, went out with each others. Soleia was with Mike Fuentes, Austin with Kalea, Emilie with Danny, Mayla with Kellin and Chandler with Tony. Everyone had a lot of fun and nothing seems to be to out of place, except maybe the occasional gropping happening on the dance floor. Soleia took a mad pleasure seeing Kalea grinding against Austin and leaving him begging for more, as she was walking away for punch or another excuse. She was also happy to see that Mayla wasn't far from Emilie and Danny. She trusted the girl, but knew how impulsive Danny could be if she was driving him crazy. She could die by his hands. well, not literally, but she would be pretty soare -- in a bad way -- afterwards.

As the night ended, the crew met around the fire to draw the keys. To Austin's surprise - and the other guys' too - Soleia sat on Kalea's lap and started kissing her passionately. Soon, the 4 girls, plus Chandler joining them, were making out in front of the guys.
"Hot damn" growled Mike, staring at Mayla who had her hands under Soleia's shirt, kissing her neck.
"I should stop that but..." said Austin, looking at Kalea kissing Chandler and Emilie
"If you stop them, I'm cutting your dick off" said Alex, downing the rest of his beer. The other guys nodded, too mesmerized to talk.

Kalea pushed down Soleia's dress and passed her tongue from her neck to her breasts, squeezing them. Soleia sighed and took Kalea's head in her hands, kissing her.
"Fuck the keys" muttered Mike, going to grab Soleia's arm. She moved away from him and replaced her dress, getting up with Kalea
"Sorry, I don't need dick tonight" smiled Soleia. She turned around and smirked to Austin, who had just realized why Soleia and the girls gave this little show. He cursed himself as he saw the girls leave together to each other's bus.
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so many readers and subscribers! Guys I'm overwhelmed <3
thanks for being supportive and don't forget to comment :)
Anne xox