Swinging Keys


The next few days were quite morose in the buses -- no matter how cliché that was, the rain and the road mixed to the events of the few days before changed the ambiance around.

Scared by Austin's reaction to her kissing Zack, Kalea kept her distances and stayed in Pierce The Veil's tourbus, where she passed time by watching movies with Jaime. Mike, still feeling jealous over Soleia, stayed with them or in his bunk, not talking with anyone. Austin cleared most of the meetings as he didn't feel like taking care of them. Plus, he was questioning himself, not quite understanding how he could have reacted this way. It wasn't him. It seemed Emilie had somehow let her relation with Tony fade as she passed the most of her time with Danny, leaving him with Chandler. The latter thought that this change would let Tony all to herself, but often bumped to a more silent (than usual) Tony.

The only ones who seems to be happy these days were Kellin, Mayla and Soleia. The first two saw their first sexual encounter as a benediction, as they passed most of their time together. Rumors of them dating started to get out in both their fanbases; the fact they both sang a song with the other's band during a warped date didn't slow the rumors. As for Soleia, she grew closer to Josh after the evening they passed together. She would keep it silent as she knew the crew rules were really clear about dating; it was impossible. Getting Josh in the crew? It was not a possibility. She tried to put all those questions in the back of her head and tried just enjoying her time with him.

After another in the arms of her beau, Soleia got out of the tour bus and decided to go get the merch ready.

"what does he have that I don't?" Soleia jumped when she heard Mike's voice from behind the her
"What are you talking about?" asked the young girl, placing shirts on a board
"Don't act like you don't know. I'm talking about you and Josh! I've seen you come and go from his tour bus, and you didn't pick up on the crew when Austin stopped."
"I still don't know what you're talking about. I have nothing to do with Josh and the crew rules are clear. no dating" Shrugged Soleia, mentally slapping herself for not being more careful when she left his bus.
"What does Josh have that I don't?" Insisted Mike. He took the shirt she was folding from her hands, so she would look at him.
"He's... not from the crew" said Soleia, unsure
"Simply for that."
"Yeah. He just appreciates me, he likes hanging out with me and he's not waiting anything from me"
"I'm not either! I... I love you Soleia" Finished Mike, looking at her
"No... no you don't" said Soleia, pained by the look on his face
"I'm mad in love Soleia, since I first saw you, there's nothing about you that doesn't attract me!"
"You said it. attract! You love my body, you like having sex, you like handling me. It's not me, that you love. It's having me that you love." said Soleia, wipping the tears that were rolling on her cheeks
"No.. it's you" insisted Mike, staring at her
"It's not... and if it is, you have to stop" finished Soleia, going backstage to grab other merch boxes.

She sat in the truck for a moment, letting her emotions go out. She had conditioned herself to forget love and affection; having Mike spreading his feelings toward her like that, insisting that she means something for her... it was too much. She dried her eyes and went back on the site, her sunglasses not moving from her face.

Mike was between rage and sadness. He was sad that Soleia pushed him away -- and it made him rage to think she pushed him away and prefered someone else to him. he wanted to do something about it. he had to.


"are you gonna stay there and not leave except when you have to?" asked Alan to his lead singer, who was in the back of the bus playing video games
"You're acting like a kid. come on, im sure kalea isn't mad at you!" said Alan, closing the tv
"I'm sure she still is. Being drunk is not an excuse for how I acted" sighed Austin, playing in his hair
"I know. But grow some balls and go apologize"
"I feel like it's all I've been doing lately..." Austin muttered
"Because lately you're an ass" laughed Alan, helping his friend up.

They got out and he saw Mike on his way
"Hey. I'm back running. meeting tonight." said Austin almost whispering, as he kept walking


"Austin is there" said Mayla, looking by the window. Kalea had her head on Mayla's lap, watching a movie. As Kellin was doing his set, Mayla was resting against Jaime, who was playing in her hair.
"I don't wanna see him" answere blankly Kalea, her stare on the tv.
"You'll have to one day" said Jaime, pausing the movie
"Just not today. not when I'm still like that" said Kalea, pointing at the bruise she still had on her jaw from when Austin hold her
"I think it would be a good thing that youd see him now... he'd see how bad he hurt you" pointed Mayla, as she moved from Jaime to go get a bottle of water "He'd see how much of an asshole he is"
"And you'll see him at the next crew meeting" said Jaime. Both girls stopped and stared at him, surprised he knew about that
"I... used to be in the crew. Soleia didn't tell you?!" both girls shook their head, before going back to their conversation
"Maybe you should listen to his apologies but not go back to the crew yet..." suggested Mayla. Kalea nodded and got outside to see Austin.

He looked at her and forgot on the spot what he wanted to say. He noticed the bruises he made her and it made a lump in his throat.
"I'm such an ass" he breathed, looking at her. Kalea shrugged, sitting in one of the chair, him in front of her.
"I'm sorry. I know it's not enough. I just don't know what else to say..." Austin was trying his best but Kalea remained silent, making it hard for him.
"I don't expect you to excuse me yet, but I wanted -- I needed you to know how deeply sorry I am." Kalea nodded and looked briefly at him. She wanted to forget all about it, he seemed sincere and nice -- just like before he drank and smack her in the face.
"Thank you for coming to see me Austin" said Kalea almost inaudibly. She got up and was about to get in when Austin grabbed her wrist
"Wait!" Austin started. he saw how scared she looked and took his hand off her wrist "there's a meeting tonight..."
"I don't think I'll go" said Kalea. Austin nodded and Kalea got back in.


everyone was talking, waiting for the meeting to start. Most of them weren't there because family flew in for the show or because of other impediment. Soleia tried to talk a bit with Tino, as Emilie was on a date with Danny, Kalea stayed with Mayla because of what happened and Chandler was talking with Austin. She felt someone's gaze on her and surely when she turned around, she saw Mike staring at her. His stare was cold and harsh; she felt like sadness has left place to bitterness -- and she didn't like it.

"So, tonight, as we're just a few, I thought maybe we could just go with suggestions as to what we can do" Said Austin
"Maybe Soleia could give us ideas, she's good at making people suffering" said Mike. Soleia turned red and took a step in front
"We could maybe just take advantage of the fact we're close to a forrest to have fun outside and not in our tour bus?" said Soleia, people nodded in agreement
"Oh, and this time will you also disappear to be only found with someone from out of the crew?" asked Mike. Soleia could swear she didn't recognize Mike when she looked in his eyes.
"What is he talking about?" Asked Austin, looking from Mike to her
"I-I dunno!"
"you know what I'm talking about! You consciously had sex with someone outside the crew" continued Mike
"Can you explain that to me?" Asked Austin, dragging her a bit apart
"He... Mike told me he was in love with me this morning. And now he's going bat shit!" whispered Soleia to Austin
"Hey maybe that would interest you guys!" Said Mike loud enough for Soleia and Austin to hear him "Josh sent this message to her this morning: 'I really enjoyed our night, and the one before, and the one before that one. See you tonight beautiful' and it's signed JOSH" Mike finished, a devious smirk, between pain and madness. Austin looked at Soleia; she was paled and agape, staring at Mike. She walked quickly to him and slapped him in the face
"All the chances you ever had with me, better remember them, cause I won't talk to you again" Muttered Soleia. She tried to go away but Austin stopped her
"You know the rules" said Austin
"Austin, come on, he's out of his mind and he speaks because hes bitter. you know its not true" Said Soleia, looking in Austin's eyes.
"He's not the first one to tell me about you and Josh"
"Who did?" Asked Soleia. She looked around and saw Chandler talking with Tino. She turned her head and smirked, before going back to her conversation.
"It will have to be decided how you'll get punished for this. And be sure you won't see Josh again..." Austin finished, leaving Soleia there. Everyone left to go have sex, as she stayed behind. She sat at the fire and tried to find an excuse -- a good one -- to get away from being punished. She sighed and threw a bucket of water over the fire. She walked to Josh's tour bus and got in, before crawling in his bunk

"I thought you were busy tonight..." said Josh, half awake
"I needed to see you" said Soleia, curling up in his arms. Josh nodded and fell back asleep, leaving Soleia to her waking nightmares
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<3 don't forget to comment guys