Sequel: Not Over You
Status: Work in progress

Somebody That I Used to Know

Chapter 10

“Lottie,” I pulled the book away from my face and turned my head to see him lying next to me, his eyes still closed. I smiled at the blonde headed male who slept beside me and turned back to my book. I was starting to get into the scene when it was pulled from my grasp and I was pulled down. A shrieking laugh left my lips as he straddled my waist. I locked eyes with his blue ones and smiled.

“Morning,” I laughed.

“Morning Princess,” he leant forward and pressed his lips to my nose, I giggled running my hands up his arms and wrapping them around his neck. Turning he pressed his lips against my wrists, gently, one at a time causing my heart to flutter at the simple, yet sweet, gesture.

“I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered playing with the strands of hair at the nape of his neck; he smiled wide exposing his braces.

“You saw me Monday,” giggled his hands cupped my hips.

“I know but its Thursday… that’s three whole days where I haven’t seen you,” I pouted, Niall laughed leaning forward and capturing my lips in his. I sighed into the kiss and pulled him closer to me.

“Well we have a whole week together now Princess…” his breath fanned across my face as he spoke in whispered tones. “One whole week.” he repeated annunciating ever word making my head spin as he trailed his hands down my thighs and pressing his lips against mine in a rather heated kiss taking my breath away.

“Imagine what we could do,” I breathed as he began a trail of sweet kisses down my throat, reaching the hollow and sucking, gently biting. A quiet moan left my lips causing the blonde headed male to chuckle.

“Yes, imagine,” he breathed against my skin as he lifted my thighs; I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist and sighed as his hand trailed back reaching the band of my underwear.

I was jolted out of my dream by wetness on my face, cracking my eyes open I saw a pink tongue and a black beady nose. Once I had both my eyes open he stopped and sat back a proud look on his face. I sat up on my mattress making Eddie fall backwards onto my quilt; I turned my head and saw Harry still sleeping on the opposite side, soft snores escaping his slightly parted lips, I smiled softly and got to my feet tip-toeing over to my dresser I grabbed a pair of underwear from my draw being as quiet as I possibly could. Every time it made a squeak or groan I stopped and looked over my shoulder to make sure Harry was still asleep.
I kept pushing but the drawer stuck, I groaned quietly and tried my hardest to push the drawer completely closed. I jumped when a pair of hands snaked around covering mine. He lifted the drawer with ease and pushed it closed skilfully.

“Morning Beautiful,” he whispered in my ear, his warm breath fanning across the skin on my neck. I closed my eyes and sighed lightly as he pressed his lips against my neck and his hands ran up my arms over my shoulders and down my waist grasping my small hips in his large hands. “Are you alright?” he asked tracing his nose up the side of my neck sending shivers across my skin.

I nodded my head, “y-yeah,” I stuttered holding my fresh underwear close to my chest and closing my eyes. I turned around and looked at Harry his emerald eyes locking with mine; a sparkle in his pupils told me he was happy, at ease. I stretched onto my tip-toes and pressed my lips to his nose in a sweet gesture. “I’m gonna go for a shower.” I smiled and turned walking out of his hold, I heard him chuckle from over my shoulder and then heard my bed groan as he lay back on it, Eddie yapped animatedly and Harry laughed louder.

I entered the bathroom and started up, looking down at my bandaged hands I removed the clip and began to unravel my hands one at a time, when the beige material fell onto the tiled floor I looked at the red slits that covered my hands, turning them over I took in how bad they really were. There were several deep and some shallow, it looked like I had been attacked. Shaking my head I peeled off my flannelette pyjamas and stepped under the scolding water.

The liquid hit my skin and I was transported to somewhere else.

“Lottie!” his Irish accent called through my house, resounding in the darkest corners. I stopped combing my fingers through my saturated locks, “Charlotte! Princess!” he called again, I instinctively reached out my hands and turned the water off stepping out I wrapped a towel around my dripping figure just as the door to the bathroom swung open.

There he stood dressed in a pair of beige chinos and a red polo shirt; I drank him in, his blonde hair swept back into a sleek quiff a smile spread across his childlike face. I squealed before running toward him and leaping into his strong arms, he caught me and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

“I’ve missed you Ni…” I stated as I squeezed him as close as I could. He chuckled into my ear and nestled his face into the crook of my neck inhaling deeply.

“You smell exquisite…” he whispered as he ran the tip of his nose along my collarbone. I giggled and pressed a kiss to the shell of his ear, “simply divine,” he nipped at my skin causing a sharp ‘yip’ to leave my lips.

“You haven’t been here more than three minutes Ni…” I breathed.

“I know but I missed you… all of you,” he emphasised his tone husky and sexy. His fingers traced patterns into my thighs and he continued to cover my skin with light butterfly kisses. I smiled and held him close not caring about my nakedness or the fact I was dripping water all over my boyfriend.

I snapped out of the memory quickly and tilted my head back feeling the spray on my face.

Why am I remembering this now?

What’s going on?

I ran my hands over my dripping face and opened my eyes, Harry has been amazing through all this and last night, the kiss, meant something, I didn’t do it out of sadness or anger… I did it because I wanted it and he wanted.

Niall, but Niall was my first love, the first person I shared everything with, and I mean everything; but he hurt me, he tore my heart from my chest while it was still beating and I watched it crumple to nothing more than ash. I watched it blow away in the breeze. The thing is even in the anger and pain that I feel for him there is still a part of me, a small crevice in my heart, which will still love the blonde headed Irishman even after everything he did.

“Lottie,” I heard his voice through the other side of the wooden door, a deep voice that lulled me into a state of sanity in some of my most insane moments.

“Yeah?” I called over the falling water.

“The boys called, he’s awake.”

“Alright,” I answered back turning and switching the water off, I listened as he padded away from the bathroom before stepping out and wrapping a towel around my figure and looking at my reflection in the mirror.

My sodden flaming hair fell past my shoulders, my eyes looked hallow and dark circles were evident with my pasty complexion. I shook my head and began to dry off.

Am I ready for this?

Am I ready to see him?

I thought silently to myself as I dressed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay here is the newest chapter, it's a bit of a glance at the relationship Lottie and Niall had... enjoy, I like this chapter, it's probably my favourite so far
anyway thank you for the comment, recommendations and subscribes.

special shout out to all these wonderfully amazing people
like tonight's sky
Infinity and Beyond
Esther Lerose


Image you're all awesome for your reviews
That is all