Our Writer Couldn't Think of a Title So We Got Stuck With a Fall Out Boy Pun

Chapter 5

Gabe was...weird. It seemed odd to Pete that him and Patrick were friends, they were kinda opposites. Where Patrick was quiet and reserved and thoughtful Gabe was loud and spontaneous and kind of careless. But he was still amusing and fun to hang out with, even if he did almost blow Pete’s cover.

All Pete’d been doing is sitting there being very aware of how Patrick’s arm was brushing against his and just over all enjoying spending time with Gabe when he just had to ask about Pete’s sexual orientation and it wasn’t even that he’s ashamed of liking both guys and girls, he’s perfectly cool with it, his family’s perfectly cool with it, and his friends are perfectly cool with it. But that doesn’t mean that Patrick’s going to be perfectly cool with it, and while Patrick being homophobic kinda puts a damper on the whole ‘getting married and adopting kids from Africa’ thing, he still rather Patrick liked him, even if he was straight.
“I’m sorry about him, you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to, it’s really none of our business.” the wonderful angel said, turning to Pete

“No it’s fine” Pete said turning back to Gabe “I’m bisexual, what about you, Patrick?” please for all good things in the world, let Patrick be at least a little bit gay, just enough to make him like a dashing young lad like Pete.

“Oh um I’m straight” Patrick mumbled as Pete’s world came crashing down

“You liar” Gabe said, quickly becoming Pete’s favorite person. “what about that one boy you liked in high school?” wait Patrick liked someone in high school? Did Pete know him? Was it him?

“A hormonal teenage crush barely credits me as bisexual.” it does if it means that you’ll like Pete

“You liked a boy in high school? Do I know him?”
“Oh um probably not, I don’t even remember his name” Patrick said as his cheeks turned bright red and he looked really adorable

“oh...that’s too bad…” Pete said, because really? Why can’t he just remember if the guy he liked was named say Pete? Because that could be very beneficial to Pete
“Yea isn’t that just terrible, Patrick?” Gabe said kinda sarcastically, as if he knew something that Pete didn’t, which was probably true.

 Turning to Patrick Pete said, “Hey you ready to go?”

“Yea, almost, I’ll meet you up in my office in a minute, ‘kay?”

“Okay” Pete said, grabbing his trash and turning to throw it away before it went up to Patrick’s office.


Patrick took longer than just a minute to get up to his office and it that time Pete started to think about how maybe he did like someone that he knew, or maybe even Pete. Either way he was just going to bite the bullet and ask him about it again.
He was pacing Patrick’s office when he entered “I’m so sorry about Gabe” Patrick said as he entered the room “he doesn’t really understand the meaning of personal boundaries”
Just do it Pete, just suck it up and ask him.
“Oh it’s okay I’m used to things like that, but you honestly don’t remember the name of the guy you liked in high school? I would think that someone with a memory like yours would be good at remembering little things like that”

“Yea it wasn’t that big of a deal, it was just a small crush, not like I thought we were going to be soul mates or anything, I never really planned on telling him.”If it’s no big deal you should just tell me?

“So you remember that you didn’t want to tell him but not what his name was? That’s kinda strange." wait "You remember his name, don’t you? You just don’t want to tell me which means that it was like a teacher or something or you think I’ll get weirded out, so which is it?” Please just tell me

“Fine, it was out Trig teacher.” wrong

“Our Trig teacher was a girl, who did you like Patrick?”

“Why do you care so much anyways? It’s not a big deal” crap, just do it Pete, just tell him.

“Because I li-” -ke you, a lot actually, and I’ve felt this way for kind of a long time. Damn that phone ruining their great love story.
Dr. Stump? You’re needed down in the clinic pronto” said the voice of one of the evil nurses stationed at the front desk.

“C’mon, well continue this later.” Patrick said leading them out the door and back down to the clinic.


Except they never did, they never did ‘continue it later’. Pete tried to bring it up a few times, he really did, but every time he went to say something either they got interrupted or the words got stuck in the back of is throat or something and it just didn’t happen. Which is why he’s sitting here, two weeks later, in front of his TV sitting and watching stupid Soap Operas and eating enough ice cream to make him sick when he really should be at work. This was all Patrick’s fault, if he wasn’t so perfect and nice and adorable and smart Pete wouldn’t be having this issue and he’d be able to function like a normal human being. Of course that was the time when one of his best friends, Mikey decided it would be a good time to knock on the door.
“Pete? I know you’re in there, let me in.”
“I gave you a key for this reason.” Pete yelled in the general direction of the door.
“This is kinda pathetic, you know that right?” was Mikey’s choice words upon entering Pete’s apartment. “You’ve known this guy what? Two weeks?”
“Ten years...give or take”
“Yes, but you never talked to him so it doesn’t count. So you’ve known this guy for two weeks and now you can’t even stand to be in the same room as him because you just can’t stand not knowing if he likes you or not, but you won’t ask him because the pain of rejection would just be too much to bare."
"Yup, you got it!"
"Pete, he's just one guy, I don't see what the big deal is, you've liked plenty of people in the past."
"Mikey, I've liked this guy for ten years, it kinda is a big deal"
"No, you've been creeping on this guy for ten years, you've dated other people during that time, so you couldn't've liked him that much."
"Whatever, it'd still suck a lot to have it be all awkward considering he's kinda my boss and stuff."
"All you need to do is tomorrow, go up to him, kiss him, duck, and hope for the best. If worst comes to worst you can say that one of your friends dared you to do it and then just hope for the best"
"You really think that will work?"
"Well yea, if he's as smart as you claim he is I think he'll get what you're going for."
"He's incredibly smart but he's also oblivious"
"Oblivious enough to write off a kiss as just a friendly gesture?"
"No, I guess not. Fine tomorrow I'll just kiss him and hope that he won't kill me or anything."
"That's the spirit!" Mikey said in a far too enthusiastic voice.

Tomorrow is going to be very interesting.