Status: In Progress - babyblue.bliss

A Sparrow Learns to Fly

The Swann Mansion

They docked the pearl safely out of sight, around the cliffs just in case there were any problems with Norrington snooping round and interfering.

Jack, Angelica, Grace and Alena went ashore; Gibbs went as well, but to stock up on new supplies that were needed on the ship. Jack specifically told him secretly to get plenty of rum, as Port Royal sold the best rum in the Caribbean.

Alena took up the scene of Port Royal; well it was definitely different from Tortuga that was for sure. Her mum had told her to look less "piratey" at the time she thought her mum was nuts, but now it seemed logical in this snobby place.

"Right luv you can go now if ye like" jack said gesturing towards the town, but catching the look from his wife he quickly said. "But Grace maybe it's best if you come with us to the Swann mansion."

"alrigh' then, I don' really see the point" she answered looking at a man who was sorting out crates. she started walking ahead

"well, we want you to meet them in case you get into any trouble, and in which case ye probably will" Her mum said and she and Dad followed.

Alena hung back, she watched as women wearing dresses were walking around linking arms with each other and chatting, with their children running in front. Some men were dashing around doing jobs and going in and out of shops. Some were merely talking and laughing just standing around which she thought pretty pointless. As she walked deeper into the town following her family, she could see a massive house, well more like mansion at the top of a small hill.

"Whoa, what sort of friends do you have dad?" she breathed, her pace slowing down.

He turned his head round but carried on walking "Something ye won't expect from me would ye darlin' don't worry they aren't who they seem" he chuckled

"Let's just hope they would let a bunch o' pirates in there sweet home" Angelica muttered sarcastically, she was still a bit upset about Grace leaving, more than when Liam left, her brother.

They entered the mansion and saw Will Turner with a shocked expression

"will!" exclaimed Jack " haven't seen ya in a while mate hows life keeping?"

"wow Jack, we certainly weren't expecting you ,and Angelica! my ,my Elizabeth will be happy" he smiled "come through."

Alena noticed that they went through lots of doors, in which…. Led to rooms… with even more doors! Just to walk to this Elizabeth woman.

"and I see the family is increasing" said Will as they walked through a very large looking lounge

He was looking towards Alena and Grace who were trailing behind.

"yep, our daughters, this is Grace and Alena" answered Angelica gesturing.

"nice to meet you" will nodded

"Pleasure" they both said in sync. They both looked each other questionably then they burst out laughing.

Alena always got on well with her sister, she always kept her entertained, and fooling around on the Pearl she didn't want her to leave.

Finally Alena saw a woman sat down, she wore a huge dress and she had honey coloured hair that were in ringlets and went passed her shoulders, she had golden brown eyes that sparkled when she scanned everyone she also had a sweet smile, and Alena had to admit she was beautiful.

"Oh my" she gasped she stood up and walked towards them with a grin on her face.

They all caught up with each other and Alena really liked the Turners and no wonder her dad liked them, Will had given Jack some rum which he was very pleased about. He was now lounging on a chair.

"oh did we mention?, we have a daughter " Elizabeth said softly

"and a son" will added "they are twins"

"well I see you've been busy too then" Jack smirked, his dark eyes gleaming

Angelica snorted " jack stop being so rude, your making Will uncomfortable"

She was right, he was squirming around uncomfortably, " was that necessary Jack?"

"Oh Will calm down love, we're really not that high class" Elizabeth said laughing as she gave him a gentle shove.

Just then a girl around Alena's age walked through the door, she didn't look so….. posh compared to her mother, her hair wasn't done up, it was like Will's thick and wavy but had Elizabeth's colour.

"dad have you se-" she stopped "wha.. Who are these people?" she questioned looking at her parents and then at them

"Rose this is Jack, Angelica, Alena and Grace"

"oh, wow"

"they are the Sparrows" said Elizabeth

Alena saw her face change to recognition, "oh my god! Really? I have heard so much about you!"

"yep it's us luv" replied Jack proudly starting to get up."we would stay longer but I expect Gibbs will be wondering where we are" while they were talking and saying their goodbyes , Alena noticed Rose smiling and looking at her in particular.

"you are his daughter?" she quietly asked but was so excited it came out loudly and Grace overheard.

"yea, I am an-" started Alena

"- yeah and so am I, I'm Grace" she interrupted. Moving in front of her

"oh, er… I see" Rose replied taken aback by her forwardness . she glanced at Alena to see her reaction.

" err Grace weren't you leaving now, you know, the whole thing about life by yourself?" Alena couldn't help herself; she wanted to talk to Rose without her sister getting in the way.

"I just wanted to introduce myself, whats the problem in that aye?" Grace snapped suddenly glaring at her.

Rose seemed to forget about the whole situation. "wow, you must feel so free to be a pirate, if I said aye my father will tell me off" rose grumbled.

"not really free there are some limitations" Grace said as walked off muttering to herself

"she always has mood swings, I just learn to ignore it if possible. "

"I understand" rose said, they turned their heads when they heard Jack shriek.

"WHAT! Will you have to be joking"

" er no Jack, I don't joke" they were at the door now and Jack eyes were wide open in shock. Something was wrong.

Angelica was panicking "Elizabeth you can help? I'm sure!"

"What! What's happened?" she asked urgently, Jack was looking out the windows desperately and went to open the door.

"DAD!" he stopped quickly and snapped his head round "what's happening" Alena asked again.

Angelica was angry

"Norrington…. And the Pearl" she answered rushing out after Jack who was already out the door

"two things that don't mix well" Will said solemnly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh what has Norrington done will life ever be perfect?

Please please pleeease review people. I have another chapter lined up and I want to know if people are enjoying it. Also if you have any ideas which you think are good you can tell me.I know its only the second chapter but still