
Chapter 1

I flick my long hair in front of my face. As I drag my feet along the long hallway, I’m dreading the moment I get to the door at the end. I want to stop to turn and flee like a scared rabbit, but I know the wolves will catch me. I hadn’t realized I had stopped until I feel the gentle push of my mothers hand on the small of my back; I flinch away from her and continue walking. I get to the door and stop; my father reaches from behind me, turns the doorknob and pushes it open. I trudge forward into the large square room, and look around discreetly. Through my blond almost white hair, I can see a large window that takes up most of the far wall, in front of me there is a large desk with a heavy lady sitting in a comfy chair, on the other side of the desk there are two wooden chairs that don’t look nearly as comfortable. Through my peripheral vision I can see that the left and right walls are covered in bookshelves which are overflowing with books. On the wall where the door is there is a squishy couch that looks like if you sat down you would sink into its depths, and disappear for ever.
“Thank you so much for seeing us today Dr. Morgan,” My mother gushes, rushing forward arm outstretched and shaking the doctor’s hand vigorously.
“You’re welcome why don’t you take a seat,” Dr. Morgan gestures to the two chairs in front of her my mother eagerly takes a seat and I slowly slide into the only other available seat, my father is standing behind us with one arm braced on my mothers chair the other on mine. Dr. Morgan starts “So what exactly is the problem?”
“We just want our daughter back, she used to be so sweet and now she’s falling behind in her classes, refusing to talk to her old friends and now she’s doing this thing for attention.” My mother can’t even say the words "My daughter is cutting herself" of course she would think it’s for attention. She doesn’t look at me as she says it just waves her long arm in my direction, almost smacking me in the nose.
“Skyler what do you think of all this?” Dr. Morgan asks me. It’s the first time anyone in the room has spoken to me directly.
“What do you mean?” I ask as I look up to find everyone staring at me, I quickly lower my eyes and focus on my hands, which are folded neatly in my lap.
“Do you want to come here and get help?”
“Yeah,” I say, halfheartedly. She makes some calls and my parents sign papers to get rid of me, so they can have new stories to tell at the country club about how they are helping there pour daughter. Finally a nurse comes and leads me away, I don’t say good bye to my parents and I don’t look back.
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First chapter will update the second one soon tell me what you think so far :)