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The Search for a Pauper in a Field of Princes

That escalated Quickly


~POV Change~

I was pissed! Sam ordered me to stay away from Bella while she was sick. But one thing he didn’t order me not to do was go to her school and chew her vampire boyfriend out for letting her get sick. See if I were her boyfriend, I would protect her and keep her well, but no, all he cares about is her blood. I should kill him, but no if I do that it will break the treaty and they will be able to go and bite Bella turning her into one of them. I would rather die than do that.
I drove up to the high school, and hopped off my motorcycle walking over to the vampires. Something was off; I couldn’t place my finger on it. So I just kept going anyway. The blonde girl, the one that always made stupid remarks at me was talking to someone, some girl. I just kept going and walked up to Edward.
“We need to talk.” I growled in his face.
“Not here, Not Now.” He said calmly as if hinting to something. I looked around, everyone was gone, every car except one, but there was no one near it so I just kept going.
“Now is as good as ever.”
“No, I don’t want to risk them getting hurt.” He said hinting again, but I didn’t understand.
“Your little family of blood suckers won’t get hurt.”
“That isn’t who I was referring to”
“Then who?”
“Edward?” a feminine voice asked… the voice so beautiful. I saw Edward smirk, so I stopped thinking about it.
“Yes, darling?”
Darling? Bella wasn’t here, why was he calling someone else Darling? If he was cheating on Bella I would kill him. I couldn’t help but look to the girl that was talking to Rosalie, when she began to speak again. “What’s wrong?” Her face matched her voice, she was beautiful. She had long wavy red hair, not ginger hair but red, like magenta, I guess. She had a slim figure and was just slightly shorter than Rosalie.
“Nothing is wrong, just head on to your house and we’ll be there shortly.” He responded looking toward her with a look of compassion. He cared for her, and for some reason that upset me and calmed me at the same time.
“You are welcome over anytime you want, however tonight isn’t good, me and the family are going out to a fancy dinner with family friends.” She said with a small smile, she has yet to look at me, and for some reason that made me sad. “Good bye Edward, everyone.” She started to walk toward the other car left in the lot, then I noticed a black haired boy sitting there… he looked just like Jasper. They got into the car and sped off.
“Don’t you dare go anywhere near her dog, she is better without your company.” God how I hate that vampire.

~~POV Change~~

When we arrived home I changed into a fancy ensemble and carried my shoes out to the car. ( Ronan met me down there, and he was dressed to kill, I couldn’t help but smile at my brother. ( We would arrive shortly… to say I was nervous was an understatement.
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dedicated to @leigha for being the first to comment! Hope you like it... there is more to come!