Falling for You Was Out of My Control

So Much To Do So Little Time

Evgeni’s POV
“What you doing?” I walked into the lounge room and joined Jessie on the couch.
“Do you know how much stuff we have to buy?” she looked pointed to a rather long list on her computer, “and it’s all so much,” she dropped the catalogue in her lap.
I grabbed the book and began flicking through it, “we figure it out.”
“Yeah we just better do it soon, you start training in three weeks,” she moved over to rest her head on my shoulder.
“We get list from Vero and Marc then go shopping,” I slipped my arm around her and pulled her closer.

“What about paint?” she looked up at me with a smile on her face.
“You want to paint room?” I frowned.
“Yes, it is white come on, that’s boring,” she sat up straight.
“Ok blue, like ice and penguins and polar bears.”
“You know I was going to say blue was stereotypical and boring but I like your reasoning.”
“Exactly,” I nodded.
“And are you going to paint a giant penguin on the wall?” she rose her eyebrows at me.
“Can I?”
“I will see,” she kissed my lips before climbing to her feet.

I sent Veronique a text message asking her for the essential things because I couldn’t keep letting Jessie wonder around the house, she drove me insane. Either I was being dragged into the gym to work out or she was doing this, freaking out about Andrei.

“And we have to buy new cushions for the window seat,” she stated as I walked followed her into the kitchen.
“Because they are old,” she scoffed, “I am not having our Russian prince in an old room.”
“I thought you worry about money?”
“Hey you were the one who said not to worry about it the other night and anything he needed you would pay for.”
“He needs new pillows?”
“Yes have you seen them?” she walked off upstairs.

“When was the last time you washed them?” she pulled them from their pillow cases and looked disgusted at the old pillows.
“I not,” I admitted sheepishly.
“Evgeni,” she sighed, “what did I tell you?”
“To wash things?” I looked around not exactly remembering how many times she had told me if something needed to be cleaned to let her know.
“There you go,” she threw the pillow at me.
“It stinks,” I tossed it on the ground.
“Precisely!” she called as she disappeared down the hall.

I got a message back from Veronique with a huge list of things that they had to buy for Annabelle and almost collapsed. Where were we going to fit everything? Yes my house was big but it was filled with mine and Jessie’s stuff, adult stuff.

“Not say we baby proof house!” I yelled waiting to hear Jessie’s voice so I could find her.
“Well of course we have to baby proof it. What do you think will happen if you leave these around the house and he grabs a hold of it?” she walked out of the office with one of my hockey sticks, “and the stairs. What if no one is watching him and he starts crawling up them?”
“Ok, ok I understand, just not think about it.”
“Well start using that brain Mr,” she taped my head, “you’re going to need it or Andrei will out smart you.”
“No he won’t.”
“Come on Evgeni, the dogs are smarter than you,” she pointed to Jeffrey who sat by my side.
“Not true,” I defended myself, “you not smarter than me,” I knelt down and petted Jeffrey’s head.

He whined and pulled away running after Jessie back into the office.
“I smarter than dog!” I yelled.
“Dream on honey,” she retorted.

Being mean to me wasn't going to get her in my good books. I was busy preparing myself to see her dad tomorrow, not thinking about Andrei. I was thinking about another part of our future.