Super Heroes Don't Always Win

Heaven Helps us!

Mind hated this he tossed, and he turned but which ever way he tried to move the images and thoughts came back all the same. The misery. He huffed and pulled himself from the bed. He trudged to the kitchen and perched himself on the counter, he highly doubted that Cause would come here, It was pretty disgusting compared to his flat downtown, but he wished all the same, he need some comfort. See The Cause had an amazing gift in that he could make you feel any emotion at all, including pain, and this came in handy when you wanted to; for example, slip in to a blissfully calm sleep, which Mind did. This, however, didn't look like it was happening so he de-perched him self and made his way down the long dark hall to E's room. The darkest in the lair. He slipped inside, not making a sound, and stood by the bed looking down, for once, at the blonde man he loved, in a brother way of course cos he wasn't gay and that's just gross and E trusted him so he would never want to hurt him like that or spoil what they had, He sighed. 'Just do it, for gods sake be a man and speak up!' Mind thought as he fidgeted by the bed.

"Err E" He whispered


"Mmmm" Said the sleeping man

"E I-I-I err"

"What do you want its 6 in the morning?" The groggy man groaned as he turned to face his smaller counterpart 'Why can't he just leave me alone? For gods sake I'm trying to sleep' He thought, regretting it immediately as Mind turned towards the door and starting to leave as he mumbled about not wanting to disturb him.

"Mind, I'm sorry, come here, what is it?" E pleaded to his sad friend

"Its nothing I just well I-I can't sleep" He said timidly as he bit his lip. E smiled and beckoned him towards the bed. Mind stepped forward and reading his mind climbed in, blushing slightly as he did so. E just smiled and placed a hand gently on the side of his head 'close your eyes' He thought. Mind did as was asked of him and as if by magic the horrifying thoughts were replaced by images of a dinner table, three men sat around it eating, smiling, and laughing. His father, his Grandfather and him. Not long ago this was a reality but things had changed and with that change had come the need for an escape. The drugs never worked so he had gone to the younger of the two brothers he was close friends with and begged for an escape which he had been granted, but this didn't last long as Cause grew estranged from the group finding his own flat. Of course he was still part of the crew, of the family but he was more like the weird cousin you only see at Christmas and for that one day you get along but for the rest of the year you barley hear from each other. This is where the problem had arisen because without The Cause around Mind could barley sleep at night. So like any good person did he had gone running to the older more dominant of the brothers, which took a lot more guts, and not begged more asked strongly for help. E had granted him the occasional vision of a past life, but it was not the same as the drug like state the The Cause created. Although The Effect's ability to cast any picture into ones mind did fool him he did not feel as calm or happy afterwards. Mind fell asleep in The Effects bed and the blonde man smiled, for once, at his friend. He had no idea how hard it must be knowing every thought that went through someone's mind every throw away comment that was never spoken. But then that was the price of being (among other things) a mind reader, there is no such thing as peace and quiet when you head is practically Grand Central Station.
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Let me know if you need a list of 'powers' or whatever aren't I clever? FUCK SORRY!!! :P xx Review are chocolate and I must eat!!!