Thick and Thin

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Electra's p.o.v

My heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest. I was in shock, if you could call it that. I had never thought he would be asking me this tonight.

"Matt" I started. He still had a hopeful, yet nervous look on his face.

"What do you think?" A smile formed on his face.

"I hope you are going to say yes, but the whole point of asking is to get your answer."

I laughed for a second. "Yes!"


"I hate flying." I said as I clung to Matt's arm.

"You hate flying?" Matt didn't seem to believe me.

"Yes, I'm terrified of flying, okay? I know that because of that band I fly a lot, but I'm still terrified."

"Don't be. It's okay."

"Shut up." After the plane was in the air, I started to calm down. I ended up sleeping on the flight, because it was the only way I didn't freak out.

"Electra wake up." Matt's voice whispered in his ear, his warm breath sending chills up my spine.

"What? Why?" I asked opening my eyes.

"We're home."

We had landed in Huntington Beach. Later that night I was sitting on my couch, waiting for my mom to come over. She said she would come because I needed rest, not to drive. Yep, that was my mom alright. I heard a knock, so I went to answer the door. There my mom stood, smiling happily before hugging me.

"Do you want something to drink mom?" I asked her as soon as she came inside.

"I'm going to go get some water." She went into the kitchen. I sat back down and yawned. I looked down at my hand and saw the engagement ring. A few minutes later my mom came back and sat down. She couldn't see me hand.

"So how was your trip?" She asked.
"Awesome." I moved my hand.

"That's good I'm gl- holy crap! You and Matt got engaged?!" Yup that was most certainly my mom, stop in mid-sentence when she saw the ring.

"Yeah. In Hawaii." She hugged me so tightly I couldn't breathe.

"Mom I can't breathe"

She looked like she was going to cry.

"My baby girl is getting married."

"Mom honestly, we aren't even going to plan anything for a while."

"It doesn't matter! You are going to!"

"Mom, calm down."

"I'm just so happy!"

"Mom seriously, chill. Please? You are scaring me."

"Has the blood thing came up yet?"


"What does he think about that?"

"Um well he has let me drink his blood twice."



"Why are you embarrassed?"

"Most girls never have to say "Yeah I drank his blood", more proof of how un-normal I am." I kind of laughed after saying that.

"Sweetie you are special. Very, very special."

"Why does everyone keep saying that? Matt always tells me that."

"Because you are." My mom lifted my head to look me in the eyes as she said it again. I swear, I feel like I'm a kid again.

Matt's p.o.v

There was nothing, and I do mean nothing, on t.v. worth watching. So I turned it off and grabbed my guitar. After a while I picked up my cell phone and went to send a text message. I selected Electra's number.

"Hey babe, what r u doing?" I hit send. A few seconds later my cell phone went off.

"Hi Matt! Talking 2 my mom. U?" Was what she said.

"Nothing. Have fun. Call or text me later ok?"


That night we talked on the phone for about two hours before hanging up and going to bed. We were going to hang out the next day. Sure enough we did hang out the whole day. We'd been home two days when I was in my living room looking for my phone and my door opened.

Zacky and Brian walked in. What did they have a key or something?

"Hey guys." I didn't look up at them, I continued looking for my phone.

"Hey Matt. We called Electra and she agreed. We are all going out tonight." Zacky announced. Where was my phone? I found it and looked up.

"Cool! Hey Mary." I swear, Mary and Brian hadn't been apart since they met.

"Hey Matt." She responded.

"Okay we are meeting at Johnny's bar at 9." And after telling me that, Brian turned, kissed Mary, and they walked out the door.

"See ya." Zacky called as he followed them.

"See ya!" I responded.

That night at 5 minutes till nine Electra and I walked into Johnny's bar. We had beat the guys to getting here. We sat down on a booth and waited.

"Figures they are late." I kinda laughed.

"Oh shut up." We looked up and Mary and Brian where standing right there. The rest of the guys finally showed up a little bit later.

"In case you are wondering, asking you to marry him is what Matt was hiding from you." Brian spilled after he had a few beers.

"Yeah we all knew." Mary added calmly.

"Matt you were planning on asking me for that long?" She looked at me, shocked.

"Um yeah." I answered.

"That was the big surprise?"

"Yeah." This was not exactly something I really wanted to talk about. The fact that I'd been ready to ask her to marry me after a month and a half of her being my girlfriend, wasn't really something I wanted to talk about.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Just wondering, since you aren't looking at me."


"Can I talk to you alone?"

"Yeah" We walked outside.

"Matt what's going on?" She asked.

"Yes I was ready to ask you to marry me after a month and a half. I know that is kinda soon, but I know I love you and want to marry you." I confessed.

"Matt, I know. That actually makes me really happy." I kissed her.

"So don't worry about it." She told me when she pulled away from the kiss.

"I'll try." She smiled.

"Well, well, well look who we have here." A voice laughed.

"You've got to be kidding me." Electra sighed.

"Sorry, they are here." I came up.

"Well shit!" She turned around and all four of us stood there, glaring at each other. Electra was obviously extremely pissed off, but who wouldn't be.

"Brock, Loren, what do you want?" She snarled.