Status: Currently On Hold (Only For A Little While.)

Two Pieces.

Chapter 2 ♥

Ella's P.O.V.~

It's been a week and the guys are leaving tomorrow for the contestants mansion. I'm not looking forward it. They've never had to leave me this long, heck they've never even had to leave. I'm currently sitting in my room, being depressed, when all of a sudden Drew comes running in. "You'll never guess what I just made happen!" He says, bouncing up and down grinning like a weirdo. "What happened?" His smile gets bigger and he sorta shouts, "I called some people and got ahold of Simon. He gave us permission to let you live in the contestant house! He said you're not even 18, so you can't stay alone for a few months and he knows that Keaton is in l-" His eyes widen and he stops himself. But, I'm too excited to notice.

"Oh my gosh! Does Keats & Wes know?"

Drew looks at me like I'm crazy. "Um, duh! They helped me get ahold of Simon. Keaton was a mess when he realized he had to leave you." He realized what he said 10 seconds after. "Yeah, I'm gonna go.." He smiles, hugs me tight, then runs down stairs yelling "woo hoo!" I shake my head. My cellphone starts to play "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes, which means I have a text. It's from Keaton. 

From: Keats ;) :) 

To: El ;) :) 

Hey beautiful. Drew tell you the news? 

I blush at the "beautiful" part. I text back.

From: El ;) :)

To: Keats ;) :)

Hey handsome. Yeah he did. I'm so happy =D!

3 minutes later he texts back.

From: Keats ;) :) 

To: El ;) :)

Yeah, I'm excited! I'm almost there with Wes. Better start packing!

I've just realized that we're leaving tomorrow. It's 9:00 p.m. and I haven't packed....well I just found out tonight. Wesley and Keaton are coming over to stay the night so they, well now we, can all together to the contestant mansion tomorrow. I begin packing. 1 hour and 30 minutes later I have 3 suitcases and a large bag. What? I'm a girl and we're staying there for a few months!

Keaton's P.O.V.~

"I'm so happy Ella's coming. Aren't you? I'm like legit thrilled." I say, smiling wide like an idiot. Wesley looks at me strange then chuckles.

"Dude, you're obsessed with El." He chuckles some more. "No I'm not! love." I say dreamily. Yeah, she's got me goin' crazy. "Whatever! You check her Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr all the time! It's creepy." He argues. "Not all the time!" I argue back. He rolls his eyes and pulls into the Chadwick drive way. "Try to refrain yourself from watching her sleep tonight!" Wesley teases and runs to the front door before I can punch his arm. 

I look at our luggage. Eh, I'll get it later. I just wanna see El. I run into the house. They must be in their rooms. "Sup bro." I faintly hear Wesley say. Must be in Drew's room upstairs. I walk up the stairs.   

I turn to the left and walk the few steps it takes to get to Ella's bedroom. I softly knock. A few seconds later she opens the door. She opens her mouth to talk.