The Correlation Between Peppermint and Eyeliner

Hitchin A Ride

Hey, y'all. I'm updating. Yeah, as if you didn't know that already. I was just thinking a second ago that I'm probably the only person who writes really long Author's Notes before each chapter. Haha. Well, I'm hoping you're liking where the story is going so far. Yeah, I'm pretty excited about the next couple of chapters...Not really knowing what's going to happen at the moment, but it's coming. It's coming pretty good. Pretty soon I'm gonna take a small break, so I think I might post another chapter sometime this weekend, then leave you guys hanging for a week or so. But I dunno, though, because it seems like after you've had to update every two or three days for the last few months and write a little bit of a chapter every day after school, it becomes a regular routine. Wake up, update. Come home from school, write a little. After supper, read stories. After that, write some more. And then after you've had that for the last...two months, (<well, that's how long I've had this story up, but I've been writing it since October), it seems weird not to have that for a week. Eeeeesh. Freaky. Okay, so I'm supposing I should let you read the chapter now. Go ahead. I'm being nice today...And get yourself some burnt-to-a-crisp muffins that I attempted to make yesterday on your way out. <3 WAIT! P.S. I currently have 70 comments! Yay!

Part 23

Billie loaded his suitcase into the back of the tour bus.
“Aw, c’mon, Billie! You know you want to!” Tre shouted and tossed a duffel bag into the compartment, just barely hitting Billie.
“Tre, shut up before I kick your ass.” Billie laughed.
“Billie’s not fucking Alex, Billie’s not fucking Alex! Because he’s old and can’t get it up!” Tre sang, which left Billie no choice but to smack him in the back of the head.
“Ouch! What was that for?”
“For being an idiot!”
“Oh.” Tre pondered for a second, but then was immediately uplifted as soon as he saw Alex running down the middle of the parking lot.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Saaaaaaaaaave Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” she yelled, laughing.
Billie watched her skid to a stop in front of him. “What do I need to save you from?”
“Mike.” She panted. “He’s trying to attack me!”
“He threatened to take Mr. Nelson away!”
Billie raised an eyebrow. “Uh, Mr. Nelson?”
“My eyeliner.” She nodded.
“Ah! We must attack back! Call in for reinforcements!” he shouted, pulling out a giant super soaker out of the compartment. “Wait.” He paused. “Why is he going to take away your eyeliner?”
She looked down at the ground, faking a pout, but trying not to laugh.
“Alex? What did you do to Mike?”
She burst out laughing. Billie turned around and saw Mike, running towards them with a cigarette lighter and a stick of eyeliner. Billie started laughing as soon as he realized that Mike had words and pictures drawn all over his face.
“That.” She pointed to Mike and snickered.
“Alex, tell me or Mister Nelson gets it!” Mike demanded, lighting the lighter and inching it closer and closer to the eyeliner.
“No!” She sucked in a big breath.
“Just tell me, then he goes free.” Mike reasoned, holding the eyeliner just inches away from the flame.
“I’ll never tell my sources!”
Billie looked confused and amused at the same time. “Al, what is he talking about?”
“I got into his room last night. And I drew all over his face.”
“Yeah, I know that. But what does he want to know?”
Alex looked at Mike in the eye. “He wants to know where I got a very, er, personal photo of his.”
Billie’s eyes grew wider. “What was the picture?”
Alex smiled. “A naked picture of him.”
Billie shrugged. “You can get those on Ebay.”
“And Britney.” Alex smiled evilly.
“Where’d you get it?” Billie laughed.
“One.” Mike started a countdown. He inched the flame closer to the eyeliner. “Two…Three.”
“No!” Alex screamed.
“Tell me where you got it!” the flame was so close the eyeliner, it was beginning to melt the tip.
“Fine!” she had had enough. “I got it from…Tre.” She sighed.
“Tre?” Mike raised an eyebrow and looked at Tre, who was spinning around in circles.
“Huh?” Tre stopped and wobbled a bit.
“Did you give Alex a picture of me and Britney?” Mike asked.
“Yep. But she maaaaaaaade me. She tempted me! Sexually!”
Billie looked over at Alex.
Alex rolled her eyes. “There is nothing sexual about a chocolate chip cookie!” she reassured him.


“Tell me one more time about your house.” Alex begged, laying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“Alex, I’ve been telling you about it for the past eighty miles!” he laughed.
“Yeah, I know, but-“
“You’re just so excited?”
“Well, my house is next door to Mike’s house. And Tre’s house.”
“Wow, that was a no-brainer.” She rolled her eyes.
“It’s a three house-house-complex thingy.”
“A three house-house-complex thingy?” she raised her eyebrow.
“Yeah, a three house-house-complex thingy. It has three houses in one house.”
“Yeah. But sometimes it seems like a really big house with really thin walls, with Tre and his ‘lady-friends’.”
“Is he a screamer?” she laughed.
“Very much so.”
“Okay. That was a little TMI.”
“Well, you asked.”
“But…ah, never mind.” She closed her eyes. “What are the color of the walls?” she yawned.
“I dunno. I don’t pay attention much to my walls.”
“You don’t pay attention to your walls?”
“No. Especially when they’re shaking.”
“Okay, once again, TMI.”
“Well, I’m just warning you. If there’s a groupie at Tre’s house, you better go somewhere at least a mile away.”


“How many more hours to we gots ‘till we get to your house?” Alex yawned, getting impatient.
“I don’t know. I suppose we’ve been on the road for…ten hours or so.”
“Holy shit. How long does it take to get to California?!”
“From Colorado? Ron said about…eighteen hours? Yeah, about that.”
“Eighteen hours is a looooooooong time.”
“Yeah, but, we’re already halfway there, because I think we’re somewhere around Nevada. So, we only have about eight more hours to go. But if we stop for food, like what I’m thinkin’ we’re gonna have to do pretty soon, we’re gonna be behind a little bit, making it just as long to get there but it will seem longer because we stopped.”
Alex raised her eyebrow. “Huh? You lost me at food.”
Billie smiled. “Never mind.”
“Alrighty then…” Alex yawned.
This was taking forever.

Hmmmmmmmmm.... This chapter went by fast...It was sorta short...