Violent Kisses and Violent Minds

Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Thirty Two:
After taking quite a few minutes to tell Simone two of the three important things, Travis prepared himself to say the third.

The first one had been how they had been kidnapped and how they had escaped.

The second one had been how it was in fact Hutch that hit Simone with the car.

She was shocked by both stories, naturally. Both of them were horrible, and that’s why the third thing was the odd one out. Still, Travis felt that he needed to tell Sim, because honestly, after being kidnapped, he didn’t know how many more chance he would have to tell her.

“You don’t have to say anything, I just need to say this… You know how I said I think I like someone else?” She nodded. “Well, I don’t just think that, I know I do, and…” He let in a deep breath. “It’s you.”

Simone looked shocked… again. Sure, she liked him too, but she had hidden it deep below. He was dating one of her best friends, after all. But now that he’d told her that he in fact liked her, she felt a wave of happiness and excitement flood through her aching body.

“I like you too, mate,” she said. Travis smiled. He gripped her hands tighter, and looked into each others eyes. Nothing too mushy, that’s it. They immediately dropped hands and looked hastily towards the door when they heard the eager shuffling of feet outside the door. They heard the door handle jingle as it turned, and three people walked in.

Including Megan.

Travis glanced nervously at Simone, and Matt and Jess wandered into the room, following Megan. Matt and Jess both flopped into a seat. Megan took up a position leaning against one of the walls when Travis got up from his seat and walked over to her. He whispered into her ear, “Hey, I need to talk to you… outside.”

She nodded and they exited Simone’s room. Sim looked at her hands, and lifted one up and began chewing her nails. She then remembered that she didn’t actually have any nails, as a result of chewing them too often.

Travis led Megan outside of the hospital and down into the park across the road. He sat her down on one of the benches, then took a seat next to her. He held her hands, and she was looking at him with a worried expression. She was wondering what was going on. She could tell he looked different, nervous perhaps.

“Megan, I need to tell you something…” Travis began.

“What? What is it?” Megan interrupted in a panicky tone.

“You can calm down, it’s nothing that bad…” He wasn’t sure whether to believe that or not, she would most likely think it was very bad. But he couldn’t be sure. For all he knew she could be feeling the same way as him, just didn’t want to fuck things up by telling him how she really felt.

But Travis was brave. He faced it face to face.

“Meg… I’m sorry… but I just don’t think this relationship is working out.”

“What?” Her voice rose in pitch and Travis involuntarily flinched back.

“I just don’t think this is working out like it should… I know it hasn’t been long, but I think we’re just going about this all wrong.”

“But… what? The sex… it’s amazing, Trav!”

“That’s part of it… I don’t think we should have had sex yet, Meg, we’ve been together for what, five days?”

She sniffed. “So what are you suggesting we do about it?” He looked at the wooden bench before tracing his gaze back up to her eyes. She read the look; she knew what he was thinking. “You think we should break up?” He nodded, an apologetic expression on his face.

“I’m sorry, I just really don’t think this will work out. And it’s better to get out now when we realise it then to keep on going until we can’t stand it anymore.” She nodded, agreeing with him. Tears welled in her eyes. “Oh, Meg, I’m sorry.” He pulled her into a hug, her tears falling down to rest on his shoulders.

She pulled away from him, then, and something seemed to click over in her mind. She didn’t want to be hugging him! He just broke up with her! She liked him, really liked him, and he just hurt her like that! He was probably fucking a bunch of other girls all around the town! That man-whore!

She angrily slapped him across the cheek, leaving a red mark and a not so nice stinging sensation on his face. Travis placed a hand to his red cheek and rubbed it softly as Megan stood up and walked quickly away, but not before kicking Travis in the shin on her way past him. He watched her walk back to the hospital, tripping over a few times in her angered-rage-walk.

That didn’t look good. What would she do when she found out he likes Simone?