Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor


For the first time in about a week I was alone in my house. It was a nice feeling. I adored having Zane and Sindri here, but I was one of those people who enjoyed solitude for a little while. Like most days when I was not entertaining a wolf or human, I was working on restocking my medicines. Today's medicine of choice was a numbing salve since I ran out of it and a large number of us now wanted to carry it around. The process was going smoothly. My first batch was almost ready to be steamed when the door flung open and smashed into the wall. With no thought on my part, I threw my dagger at the intruder and imbedded it in the door frame right next to his head.
"Max, you could have killed me!" Arawn cried still frozen in place.
I crossed my arms when I saw my brother and scowled. "Then do not barge in here when there have been hunters roaming the woods."
"I told you, you shoulda knocked." Sionnah laughed pushing my idiot brother further into the cottage.
"We always are coming through the door. I understand that there are hunters but you never throw knives at us." He countered.
"Because I always know it is a friend. They either knock or if its a human or Zane I can hear them approach. No one silently walks up on me and then throws my door open who is not a hunter."
Arawn was silent a moment and then conceded. "Touche, I did not think my plan through."
"You did not." I turned back to my salve. "Now why have you barged into my cottage little brother and Sionnah."
"I would like it to be known I did not barge in, this idiot did." The Bear Brook wolf grinned as she rubbed her cheek to mine.
"I take back my statement about you." I smiled.
"I am sorry I scared you." He came over and hugged with and then he pulled away. "Why I am here!" He held me at arms length. I looked at him confused. "Why does Sindri smell like you?" His eyes narrowed.
Deciding to play dumb because my heart was still trying to calm down from his entrance I replied, "He has been staying here for the past week, I would hope he smelled like me or my cottage is no longer mine."
He scowled, "Not what I meant big sister. Why has his scent changed to a mixture of yours and his?"
I could see Sionnah chuckling behind him silently. My eyes went to my twins and replied, "He asked to court me and I said yes. I assume our scents would mix however, should our scents not have mixed long ago? We are close friends and exist in the same space quite often."
"Sindri is courting you!?" Arawn for some reason was fuming. "When did this happen? Why did I not know sooner?"
I rolled my eyes and went back to work. "Yes. A few days ago. Because I have not seen you or anyone else. Only Zane really knows."
"Why does he know before your own brother?"
He is still mad. "You are important to me that is true, but unlike you Zane is Sindri's child. His opinion on the matter is a little more important than yours. He would have to accept our relationship before Sindri would be able to fully commit to courting." I turned to face Arawn. "Why are you in a snit, you like Sindri?"
Arawn pouted as Sionnah replied, "Because you did not tell him and he had to find out by Beta Sindri's scent."
"You could have come by anytime this week. I know you are busy, but that has never stopped you before."
"With Sindri out of commission, Ivy and I have been scrambling more than usual. I never realized how much Sindri does."
"The life of a Beta is not easy." I quieted a moment before whispering. "What are your thought on the matter?" Arawn tilted his head confused. "Me and Sindri."
"Oh!" Arawn snorted. "It is perfect. I, along with more than half of everyone here, have been waiting for you two to start courting or being mates."
My mouth dropped, "Then why were you so mad!"
"Because I did not find out before everyone else.... excluding Zane. I can accept him finding out first. I am your brother Max, I should have been told."
"When have I had the time?" I scowled. "I have not left the cottage since Zane and Sindri were brought here for their wounds to be attended to."
"Nonetheless. You could have told me before he left."
"You are impossible." I threw my hands up.
"He can be." The Hunter grinned receiving a glare. "How did Zane take it?"
I was thrown a moment from the change of subject, but easily recovered. "He was fine with it, but," I began to chuckle, "He warned both of us."
"If I hurt Sindri or vice versa, he would be very angry and not talk to us. His eyes got all narrow and his arms were crossed. It took everything in my not to laugh, but then he hugged us and told us he approved."
"That's adorable. Normally I would be surprised if a pup threatened his father on behalf of the courted, but Zane cares deeply for you. Not threatening would probably be more surprising."

The next day I made my way into the village to find the red cloaks. After spending most of yesterday making the salve, I wanted to give most of them some for the field. The walk through the village was awkward.
Sionnah stopped before leaving the cottage. "Miss Macha, I feel I should warn you. Expect for people to stare at you." My brows furrowed, not understanding. "You are now being courted by Beta Sindri. The Beta of one of the most well known packs in existence and you the most famous red cloak that lives. With Sindri walking around, almost everyone probably knows now. The most sought after werewolf bachelor, aside from Alpha Corbin, and renown werewolf supporter together? People and werewolves are going to talk." She rubbed her cheek to mine and whispered, "Don't let it bother you. Good-night, Miss Macha." She smiled and caught up to my brother. No one batted an eye when they started courting, why was it such a big deal that Sindri and I were?
I was definitely getting stares and some whispers from both humans and werewolves. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I tried to hurry. When I finally arrived where most of the red cloaks were they all stopped and looked at me. "Please stop staring, I do not like it." My voice was almost a whine.
"We are sorry, Miss Macha but you and Beta Moonshadow are together. That is big news." Rami gave a reassuring smile.
"Wolves court or find mates all the time here, why is it big that Sindri and I are together?"
"It is rare for a human and wolf to court especially in times like these and both of you are quite famous." I groaned while placing my face in my hands.
"No one should be surprised."Ranya commented. "Especially after Beta Sindri and Zane were attacked. You were the only one allowed to get close to them. From what I understand only pack would be able to do that and as you keep saying you are not pack."
"My scent is familiar though."
Rami shook his head. "Does not matter. From how Ranya describes Beta Moonshadow, his instincts would not let anyone but pack or ma- someone he has feelings for near his son."
"Master Rami is right, Miss Macha." I spun around to find Corbin behind me. "My brother cares for you deeply, please don't hurt him." He smiled kindly at him.
I raised a brow and crossed my arms. "I do not plan on it unless it is for his own good. Like pushing an arrow through his side or cauterizing a wound."
"I meant mentally."
"He may be your Beta, but I will not let him push me around."
Corbin chuckled, "I do not believe anyone could do that." He swiped a hand across my shoulders as he stood before the red cloaks. "I have a mission for some of you, will you hear me out?"
Most of the red cloaks looked to both Rami and me. We nodded our agreement. "Excellent. We have been given word that there are three hunter groups nearby. One coming here, another heading towards Riven Territory, and a third we are unsure of. The other Alphas and I have talked and we would like to split your group into three to go with each werewolf party."
"What would be our jobs?" Rami asked.
"Recon with the Scouts. We want you there in case we can talk to them. We hope the hunters will be more susceptible to other humans than trying to talk with werewolves."
"It is not a bad idea." Rami nodded.
"But they do not like us." I drummed my fingers on my lips. "We are traitors to them. We can try, but to a degree we are perhaps worse than your kind. You could not help what you are, but we chose to "side" with you."
"Excellent point, but we would like to try." Corbin looked down at me. "We want to end this war between humans and werewolves with as few dead as possible. That includes the hunters."
I nodded, "I will agree, but I will not make any of us go. It will be voluntary." I looked to Rami who nodded in agreement.
"As you wish. Let me know who wishes to join by supper, please. Thank you for listening." He gave a small nod and turned. Before leaving he bent down to whisper in my year. "I'm happy for you." He rubbed my cheek and left.
With a smile, I asked, "Alright, who wishes to join?" Majority of the red cloaks raised their hands. The ones who did not were not warriors and would help in others ways to keep the village protected. For those heading out whenever the wolves were ready, practiced stealth and some drills while everyone else sparred both empty handed and with weapons. Around supper Rami went to talk with Corbin while I retrieved my meal. I sat down at one of the long tables and tried to not let the stares freak me out. Halfway through my plate (and quickly losing my desire to eat), Sindri sat down next to me. I turned my head and smiled at him. "Hello."
"Hi." He smiled back and scooted closer to me so our arms and thighs were touching. "How was your day?"
I could not help but groan, "Everyone stared at me."
"Is that really something you aren't used to?"
"Hardly anyone stares at me. I am invisible and I like it that way."
"I don't think invisible is how I would describe you now. Maybe in the city, but in the village, you are anything but invisible."
"I do not want to be the center of attention."
"Sorry Miss Macha, but you are alvays the center of attention. You are famous." Kyle smiled as he sat across from us.
"Eavesdropping is rude." I lightly chastised.
"I have great hearing. I can't help vat I hear."
"How are you doing, Beta Moonshdow?"
Sindri looked up from his meal in surprise. "Fine."
"Even I know that is a lie." I gave him a side glance.
"I am a little tired and my side hurts. Happy?"
"You are cute." Kyle grinned. "Aren't they cute?"
Sid sat down next to his mate and looked at the two of us. "They are something." Kyle barked out a laugh as Sindri and I bent our heads down in embarrassment.
"See cute."
"On to other news, what have you two been up to since I have been isolated in my cottage?" I smiled as my leg bounced. As Kyle talked to us about practice and meetings the werewolves and humans haveve been having, Sindri placed a hand on my leg. I took a deep breath to calm down.
"Vat about you Miss Macha? Vat have you been doing this past Veek?" Kyle grinned.
"I took care of Sindri and Zane while they were healing and then made more numbing salve." I replied.
"That would have been really nice to have when I was hurt." Sindri commented.
"I was not expecting hunters to shoot anyone seven times or I would have stocked up before wandering around the woods."
"Shouldn't you alvays expect hunters to attack here?"
I shrugged, "I understand that strategically you want to cut off the head of the snake, but we have over seven packs, a village of humans, and red cloaks wandering around on alert. I feel to attack this area would only spell death for those who do. Or at least small hunting parties. If it were wolves instead of humans who found Sindri and Zane, I believe the ending would have been different."
"I probably would have died." Sindri replied matter of fact.
"Perhaps, but werewolves are also faster than humans. They would have brought Trista or Corbin to you faster than us. They would have brought you to either Dr. Pent or I faster than me trying to talk you down and helping both you and Zane."
"Also, the hunters probably would not have gotten away." Sid added.
Sindri and Kyle both nodded. "That too. Although are we not trying to talk them away from believing you are all mindless killers?"
"There's a difference. If it was only Beta Moonshadow, we may have tried to talk to them. But they attacked a pup and even if he is not ours, instinct tells us to get rid of the threat that harmed a pup."
"Survival of the species." I nodded in understanding.
"Mostly and vho vouldn't vant to protect Pup Zane?" Kyle grinned.
"What about me?" Zane grinned happily.
"You're cute." Zane looked at Kyle and grinned more before sitting next to Sindri.
The rest of the meal was light conversation with Zane telling stories of his day. A little while later, Zane, Sindri, and I started the walk back through the woods. Still having energy to burn, Zane shifted and ran circles around us. Every so often he would trot back to make sure we were still following before sprinting off ahead. A couple of times he chased after different animals flying by, but never caught any of them.
"Are you staying at the Den or your cottage?" Sindri asked as we started towards my home.
"The cottage, I have a few salves I want to make and ingredient I want to sort before we head out."
"You are going?"
"Yes, I will be leading one of them. Rami and Tessa are the other leaders. Are you?"
"If Corbin decides to stay here, I will be."
"I do not believe you should. You are still healing." My stomach started to turn.
"One of us has to."
"There are seven packs here, technically you and Corbin do not." I did not want to comment on how the Moonshadow pack was the smallest of all the packs here.
"We do and we will be careful. Even while healing I am still an excellent fighter."
"If you get hurt, I am not using the salve on you."
"So mean." He bent down and nuzzled my hair.
"Cold hearted remember? I even betrayed my own kind." I grinned up at him.
"Better stay on your good side." He chuckled. As walked up to my door, Zane waited patiently for us. "Say good-night to Macha, Zane." The pup yipped and ran at me. I bent down and let him climb into my lap. He wiggled to get close while trying to lick my face.
"Good-night to you too, Zane. I will see you tomorrow." I laughed and kissed his head. He let out one more bark, before jumping off my lap and running to the tree's edge. As I stood I watched him chase fireflies. "I remember when you had that much energy."
"I usually have some of that energy, I just use it differently now." He pulled up against his chest so we could watch Zane while he held me. He rested his chin on my head.
"Teaching inexperienced wolves to fight?"
"And not falling asleep in meetings."
"My hero." We both chuckled with our eyes not leaving his pup.
"We should get going before I have to carry him back tot he Den. He is no longer a toddler." Sindri's voice held some sadness in it.
"No he is not, but he growing into a wonderful, strong wolf." He hummed happily and gave me a gently squeeze. I turned in his embrace. "Alright, off with you so you can get your pup to bed. Good-night Sindri."
His nose nuzzled my cheek. "Good-night, Macha. I will see you tomorrow." I watched them leave and headed inside for the night. Two days later five red cloaks, myself, thirteen wolves, and Sindri made our way to the group of hunters sitting quietly in the neighboring forest. I was hidden behind a tree observing the men when I noticed Phillip getting up to take the next watch. I slipped my bow over my shoulders and started stalking him through the trees. Coming out from behind the tree, I placed hand over his mouth and hit the back of his knee so he was kneeling.
"Phillip it is me, Macha." I hissed in his ear as he struggled. Upon hearing my name, he stopped. "Thank you." I released his mouth ad let him up.
"Miss Macha, what are you doing here?" He quietly yelled.
"We heard about some hunters this way and came to check it out. What are you doing here?"
He tapped his foot and let out a breath. "We are meeting with Lawrence McCoy." My face paled. "Yeah. He's heading back to Archcrest for a hunter meeting." I was trying to pay attention as my heart rate pulsed in my ear. "Shit, Macha. He's not here, please try to calm down."
A low growl came from our right as Sindri stalked over to us. Phillip stood up and backed off. "Quiet Sindri or we will be caught." I gasped trying to get a grip.
"What happened?" He asked through pointed teeth pulling me into his embrace.
"I told her we were meeting with a certain hunter to head back to Archcrest." Phillip replied with a scowl.
"This hunter-"
"Yes." I replied focusing on Sindri's hand rubbing my back.
"Why are you meeting in Archcrest?"
"This war of course."
"Can you tell us anything else?"
"No. I'm still low on the totem pole. I'm slowly making my way up, but it's been slow."
"Thank you." I smiled weakly, finally over my panic attack. "Go before they think something happened to you."
Phillip nodded. "Be safe and sorry."
"Not your fault." Sindri and I watched him go to finish his round.
"You okay?" Sindri kissed my temple his hand still rubbing my back.
"I will be. I did not expect... him to be around here."
"We will be extra careful. Next time please don't run off without telling someone."
"Sorry. I saw Phillip and knew I needed to talk to him. " We walked back and continued to watch the waiting hunters. We were close to leaving when one of the red cloaks was caught and thrown before the waiting hunters. Everyone locked up as we watched the encounter. Then McCoy's company entered and thing became worse. Biting my lip I whispered, "Wolves, stay and watch. Only intervene if we need help." I signaled for the rest of the red cloaks to circle around. Once in position, I came out from behind my tree with my arrow aimed at the man holding my team mate. "I request you let him go."
The hunters fell quiet and then burst into laughter. McCoy was the one to reply. "What are ye going to do? Take us all out on yer own?" An entertained smile spread across his lips.
"Who said I was alone?" I asked innocently. The next thing the hunters knew, the rest of the red cloaks came out with pointed arrows.
McCoy scowled at the new development. "Get 'em." Arrows flew while the hunters ran at us. We easily adapted from ranged to close combat. While the red cloaks fought, I ran towards the one still caught. My goal was made easier when some werewolves joined in. McCoy dragged my man away by his cloak. Pursing my lips, I took aim and hit him in the bicep.
"You wolfwhore!" He growled and threw the red cloak to the side. The young man scrambled to his feet and ran for cover. "I should have killed you the first time." My breathing was uneven as memories flickered through my mind. My hands shook as I replaced my arrow.
"Please, refrain from approaching." My voice held none of the fear and anxiety I felt inside.
"Sorry Darling, aint going to happen." As he came closer I let my arrow fly and for once it missed its target. I reloaded and aimed only to pale, nearly dropping my bow. "Am I really that terrifying?" He laughed. Inhaling sharply, I aimed and shot missing his head by inches. "That was worse than your last-" He was cut off by a howl behind him. He whipped around to see a very angry wolf with an arrow sticking out of her right shoulder. "Bloody hell!" Because I was raised by my Grandmother, I darted forward and knocked the brick wall of the man to the ground just in time to get him out of the way. For my troubles the wolf's claws ripped through the back of my shoulder and grazed my skin. I cringed, but did not stop as I got up, grabbed the man's hand, and pulled him. "What are ye doing?" He yelled. I did not reply as I looked behind us. Mentally cursing, I used his own momentum to get him behind me as I pulled out my dagger.
"I request you to stop and leave." I held eye contact and tried to portray myself as a dominant personality. The she-wolf growled with a cocked head trying to decipher my words. She was far from being understanding as she howled and charged. I tried to defend myself, but ended up being hit to the side. I probably should have died, but I managed to jump back enough to only get nicked. The wolf roared at me as she stalked forward to finish her work. Fear bubbled up as my mind went to my brother, the pack, the village, and Sindri. As her hand raised to slice my throat, a blur plowed into her. "Sindri!" I whispered as he fought her. I watched for a little while as they fought in human form and then easily shifted to wolves. "Shit." I pushed myself up and ran to where the rest of the fighting was. "Get out!" I called to the mixed group. No one listened. Fine! "Rabid!" The group froze. "Get out, a rabid and wolf are fighting. GO!" The hunters scrambled to retreat while we regrouped.
"What do you mean by rabid?" Kyra asked in apprehension.
"Exactly what I mean." I looked back from where I came. "Sindri is fighting a rabid. Be ready to get out of the way."
She nodded in understanding. "While we wait, let's look at the wounded." I followed after her. We had two unharmed wolves listen for the two fighting wolves.
"Incoming!" Everyone stood and backed away to give the wolves room. The rabid ran out first like a bat out of hell. Fear emitted from her, but the moment she saw us her frothy chops opened and barked at us. Before she could take a step, Sindri flew out and clamped his teeth around her neck. He tried valiantly to get her to submit, but in the end he crushed her trachea and severed her major arteries and veins. She only struggled for a few seconds before the dull light in her eyes disappeared. When I knew she was no longer a threat, I ran to my wolf.
"Sindri?" The wolf looked up at me with tired eyes. I knelt down and stroked his head. "You fought well. I am sorry you had to kill her." He sneezed a reply and turned to lick my face. Then his nose dipped down to sniff the four cuts on my side. He growled in anger. "I am fine, how are you?" He looked up at me with 'are you kidding' eyes before shifting back to his human form. "I hope you brought extra pants because you torn your other ones apart." I commented unamused.
"They're in my bag." Smartass. "Let me see your shoulder." I shifted so he could see. "They aren't deep, but do need to be cleaned. How's your breathing?"
"Look at you, sounding like me." I chuckled.
"I'm with you too much. I need a hobby."
"We will find you something. It hurts a little to breathe, but I do not believe my ribs are broken. It does not feel like the last time I came in contact with hunters in a large group."
"Good. Your bag please." I passed him my medic bag and cringed a little when he started cleaning the cuts on the back of my shoulder. "We're being stared at again." His voice was low so only I could hear it.
My eyes opened to find most of the humans looking at us curiously. "Probably because I am sitting in between the legs of a naked man while he nurses my wounds." I tensed at the sting from the ointment he was spreading on them.
"I'm helping you and I was just a wolf."
"Unmarried woman are not supposed to see naked men.'
"Human society and norms." I could hear him roll his eyes.
"You were the same way when Arawn was unconscious."
I felt him shrug. "I shouldn't have been surprised. You nurse people and sometimes they are naked."
"On rare occasions. Like now, Mr. Beta." He chuckled and kissed right above the cuts.
"Done, but I want to see your side."
"Not now."
"Macha." He warned.
"Sindri." I turned to stare at him right in the eyes. Unbeknownst to me most of the wolves froze at my challenge. "I am wearing a shift and skirt. Unless we find another pair of pants, you cannot look at him side."
"I don't care, we are not letting a rabid's cuts unclean." We continued to stare at each other. "You can have mine."
I sighed, "Fine, but come here." He hesitantly leaned in. "Smile." His eyes narrowed as he slowly peeled his lips back. "I am not going to punch you in the face or something. You have wolf hair in your teeth." I rolled my eyes pulling a few clumps of fur from between his teeth.
"Thank you."
"Only for you... and maybe Arawn and Zane. I have definitely pulled fur from Zane's fangs before." Sindri chuckled as he helped me up. Most of the red cloak's averted their eyes from Sindri's naked form while some of the wolves blatantly stared.
"Here." I went behind a tree to slip on his extra pair of pants. I untied my skirt and slipped it off so I was only in my shift, pants, and bustier. I sat on a rock with the skirt of the shift around my waist.
"Better?" I asked with a smirk.
"Yes." He pulled the side I hurt up to reveal a bruise forming around four grazed. "You're more bruised than hurt." Once he finished cleaning me, I slipped behind a tree again, took off his pants, and put my skirt back on.
"Would you like your pants back?"
"No, I'm going to shift back for a while."
I nodded and draped them over my arm. "How are you doing?"
"I'm fine. A few cuts and bruises, but nothing to worry about."
"Says the man who freaked out about my seven cuts." I raised a brow. He merely grinned and kissed my forehead. Werewolves...
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I'm on break! Freedom <3