Status: Active -- Writing in Progress

Guitar Notes Tug Heart Strings


“So how were everyone’s weekends?” Jack asked at the Monday morning meeting. Everyone mumbled about the weekend and Cecelia sipped her coffee. She booted up her laptop and smiled when she saw an email from Braden.

Cecelia, you’ve made quite the impression on the guys. Ren told me to pass along my information in case you needed anything, for whatever.

Enclosed were his email, phone number and address of the band’s recording studio. She pulled out her phone and began to put in the contact information.

“Good weekend Cee?” Jack asked as he watched her put her phone into her maxi dress pocket. She smiled and nodded.

“Just hung out with this band called Thunderheads,” she said with a shrug. “You might have heard of them.”

Melanie, the bigger band reporter stopped talking to Travis, the videographer and starred.

“What?” Melanie screeched. “You’re closing in on one of my bands?” She asked.

“I didn’t realize we were claiming bands, let alone you’d had spoken to them. When I met with them they told me they don’t do interviews unless they are with talented reporters.” Cecelia said smiling.

“Ladies, ladies,” Josh said closing the glass door. “Let’s not get hostile. We are one company and we are all working to the greater goal of furthering the company.” He said sitting at the end of the table.

“Now what seems to be the problem?” Josh asked as he sipped from his black mug.

“Cecelia over there just causally slipped she hung out with Thunderheads. A big band,” Melanie sneered. “You know, my domain?”

“I can’t help it if I go to a show, meet their manager and he introduces me,” she said shrugging.

“Okay, and what’s our story?” Josh asked before taking another sip.

“Well, if Melanie has a claim on them she must have a story in mind.” Cecelia said before spinning her black chair to face Melanie.

Melanie opened her mouth and closed it. “Okay, so I never met them, but now that Cecelia has contact info, she can pass it along.”

“That won’t be necessary, Cecelia you’re now the reporter covering Thunderheads,” Josh said raising his eyebrows. “Let’s continue this meeting shall we?”

Cecelia smiled when Melanie glared.

“Did you sleep with the manager for Christ’s sakes?” Melanie whispered as they left the conference room.

“Like I said, I have talent I don’t need to swoop down to your level Mel, I can’t help it if I know what the hell I’m doing.” Cecelia snapped. “And if you ever insinuate that that’s how I get my sources, I’ll let Josh know your boyfriend actually writes your stories.”

Melanie rolled her fingers into her palms, creating fists.

“Go screw yourself,” She yelled.

Everyone in the hallway stopped and starred. Cecelia smiled and rolled her eyes, “Bye Mel,” she said wiggling her fingers.


“Dude, girls fucking suck.” Leo said and gulped his beer. Cecelia shrugged and sipped her wine.

“Whatever, she seriously sucks at her job though. She gets paid more to do essentially the same thing I do, but worse and with bigger bands.”

Leo nodded and took a chip from the bowl on Cecelia’s coffee table.

“I need to come up with a kick-ass story about these guys to show I can do the same job.” She said leaning against her leather couch.

“Well you said the band never gets interviewed right? How about just following them around for a while? See the way they interact with each other, go to their practices, their gigs and see the inner lives of the members. People eat that shit up.”

“Leo, I love you,” He winked and smiled.

“I know, that’s why you keep me around. That, and I’m fucking handsome as hell.” He said smiling.

“Speaking of handsome,” he said as he grabbed another beer. “How hot is the lead singer?”

“According to Jess, he’s super hot,” Cecelia said.

“Yeah but you saw him,” Leo urged.

She nodded and twisted her lips. “He’s hot, but he know he’s hot. So he’s kind of a prick. Plus, I may not be the big band reporter, but I know how they act.”

Leo nodded and ate more chips. “Well tell me wise one, how do they act?”

“Like they are Gods and they walk the earth.”

“Not all of them, but yeah probably.” She nodded.

“The other members seemed more down to earth, so maybe it’s a front man thing.”

“Well, take me next time they have a gig. I’m way more fun than Juliet.”

Cecelia laughed and nodded. “Deal.”


“I think that idea sounds good,” Josh said Cecelia sat in his office. “I think girls who love the band, and love eating up as much info as they can, will flock to the buy the magazine.”

“I agree,” she said. “I’m waiting to hear back from their manager, I placed a call out to him today.”

Josh nodded and wrote down what she was saying.

“I looked up their gig list, and they are playing tonight in Baltimore, so I can drive there and cover the show. And hopefully, start then.”

He nodded and waved his hand. “Well, get out of here and let me know when you find out.”

She nodded and smiled. “Thanks, you won’t be disappointed.”

“I know,” he said as he picked up the phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I promise, the band members will be the next one.

SILENT READERS -- let me know what you think please!