I'm on a sentimental journey, of no return or looking back

Part 8

*August (5 ½ months later), Bob's P.O.V.*

'Fuck, not again,' I thought to myself as I rolled out of bed, careful not to wake Tré, and stumbled over to the bathroom, with a sincere need to pee, but that's what two babies kicking your bladder will do to you. I was stood in the doorway when the most extreme pain radiated throughout my body, starting under my belly, and gushing soon followed. I had been getting cramps for a day or two, but this was most definitely the worst. I stopped myself from screaming as I waited for the pain to pass, and then walked slowly over to the bed.

"Tré," I said, shaking him, he's only been home about a week, and he's still extremely tired.

"What is it Breffni? It's two a.m.!" he groaned groggily.

"Tré, darling, my water's just broke," I said quietly to him.

"We'll get you a new one in the morning babe, sleep," he said patting my arm and went back to sleep. I kissed his forehead, pulled on some clothes and left the room quietly.

*Tré's P.O.V.*

"Fucking alarm!" I said as I hit the alarm and rolled over wrapping my arms around my...oh, she's already up. I smiled and pulled on a pair of pants. On the way downstairs I looked in on Snoopy and also looked into the nursery that Breffni had decorated while I was away, complete with two sets of everything. I smiled and walked into the kitchen.

"Breffni?" I called, no reply. I sat down at the table and lifted the note sitting there:

Tré, I'm at the hospital. DON'T WORRY, everything's fine. My waters broke during the night so I headed down here. Get Sam a sitter and come on down.
Love you, Breffni xoxo

"Shit, so I didn't dream it," I mumbled to myself as I lifted the phone.

"Hello, you've reached Mike, leave a message after the beep."
I hung up and dialled Billie's number.

"'Lo," a groggy hoarse voice answered after three rings.

"Hey Bill, its Tré."

"Ssssh dude, too loud. What are you doing up so early?"

"Bill, I'll explain later, but could you and Adie look after Snoopy for a few hours or so, like now?"

"Yeah sure, *cough* bring her over, Adie's up." I nodded and hung up the phone, then ran up the stairs. I threw some of Snoopy's toys and clothes into a bag and sat down on her bed.

"Snoopy, baby, up you get. You have to go to Uncle Billie's house," I said as I lifted her into my arms.

I ran into the hospital in a pair of sweats and a rather tight t-shirt, borrowed from Billie cause in my rush out of the house I forgot to get changed. I ran up to the front desk.

"Hi, where's maternity?" I asked the receptionist.

"I'm sorry sir, visiting hours haven't started yet. Come back in an hour," she said without looking up from her magazine, which ironically had a picture of Green Day on the cover.

"But my wife is about to have a baby, I mean babies, as we speak. I haven't missed any of my kids' births yet, and I don't wanna start now!" I said quickly, my voice rising ever so slightly. The girl looked up from her magazine and gasped, a smile formed across her face.

"I thought Jen was pulling my leg. Third floor, turn left when you get out of the elevator, and don't worry, she's only 6cm so you've got a bit of a wait." She smiled.

I leant across the counter and kissed her cheek, then ran in the direction of the elevator.

*Breffni's P.O.V.*

"So, you finally decided to show up did you?" I smiled as Tré ran into the room, all flustered, like he'd just run a marathon.

"Why didn't you wake me?" he whined, and kissed me softly on the lips.

"I did, I told you my waters broke, and you said you'd get me a new one in the morning." I smiled and pulled him in to kiss him again. That's the problem with your husband being away for so long...you miss him too damn much. "But you're here now, and that's the main thing, where'd you leave Sam?" I asked.

"I left her at Bill's with Adie. They said they'll keep her as long as we need. But anyway, how are you?" he asked, still a little concerned. I looked at him, straight into those gorgeous blue orbs.

"Tré, I am absolutely, awooooh...!" I screamed as I breathed through another contraction, "... fine." I smiled. He pulled his hand from mine and flexed it a few times, I must have squeezed it a little too hard.

"Nice shirt by the way." I smiled, he blushed.

"It's Billie's. I ran outta the house and forgot to put on a shirt. I was worried I'd miss the birth," he said lifting a coke from the table. "Oops," he grinned devilishly as he 'spilled' some on the shirt, just as a nurse walked into the room.

"Excuse me sir, my oaf of a husband seems to have spilled on his shirt, you wouldn't have some scrubs or something he could borrow." I smiled, as Tré removed the shirt and stuffed it into the bag. The young nurse looked away, blushing slightly as Tré flexed his muscles.

"I'll see what I can do," the nurse said, stealing a glance at Tré as he left the room. Tré started to laugh a little.

*A few hours later*

"Just one more push," the midwife said to me.

"C'mon babe, you can do it," Tré encouraged me. I pushed with all my might and finally baby 1 was out. I fell back into the bed as Tré cut the umbilical cord.

"It's a girl," he smiled with tears in his eyes, then came round the bed and kissed me softly. 'Baby girl Cool' was whisked away for after birth check-up, as the contractions started again, for baby 2. I looked down at the midwife, waiting for her to nod, so I could start pushing, as I breathed through this one. Her face had a concerned expression on it, which scared me.

"What is it?" Tré asked worriedly.

"Breffni, it seems that baby 2 has not turned completely in the womb, and that the umbilical cord is wrapped around it's neck, to deliver this baby through natural birth would be too risky to both you and the baby," she said, tears filled my eyes, only this time from fear.

"Just breathe through the next few contractions, and I'll get a doctor to come down to perform a caesarean section. Don't worry, we'll have the baby out and safe soon." She smiled and ran from the delivery room, as I began to cry.

Ten minutes later the doctor had me in the operating surgery and I was under a local anaesthetic, so I wouldn't feel him cutting into my flesh to retrieve my baby. A few minutes later I heard Tré gasp as the doctor made an incision into my belly, and into my womb and lifted out a little baby boy. The umbilical cord was unwound around his neck, and cut, then 'Baby boy Cool' was whisked away for his after birth check-up as I was stitched up and brought back to my room.


I lay in my bed, entwined in Tré's strong arms, worrying for the sake of my babies, neither of which I had seen or held yet.

Just then there was a knock at the door and a nurse wheeled in two little cots, with a small baby in each, one wrapped in pink, one in blue. She lifted the girl into my arms, and handed the boy to Tré, smiled and left the room.

"Now, we just need names." Tré smiled and sat down on the bed beside me, so I could see baby boy, and he could see baby girl.

"Well, I was thinking, while you were away, and I've come up with two names for each, 'cause I didn't know what we were having," I said to Tré, he smiled, "I was thinking, Olivia, or Rosa for baby girl, and Frank, or Edwin for baby boy." I smiled.

Tré nodded, "Yeah, baby Olivia and baby Edwin. God he's gonna kill us when he's older." Tré smiled, I giggled a little.

"Tré, that's normal compared to your track record, think about it: Ramona, after the Ramones, Frankito, Samiam, after your band. Olivia and Edwin are normal names compared to them three. What do you think, Oli and Edi?" I smiled and kissed each baby's head, then Tré.

He nodded, "Yeah, perfect." He smiled and kissed me again.