Help me!

A flight in Dreamland

I stared out the back windows of the car, remembering the perfect holiday to Cyprus me and my parents were coming home from. It was perfect. The sun, sea and sand on the beaches were gorgeous. the clubs in the evening were fantastic.
I was glad to be coming home, though. No matter how much I loved it there. A fortnight's stay was plenty.
My parents were too busy singing to the radio to notice it, but I did. "Mum, Dad. Watch out!" I screamed "Look!" I pointed ahead of us at the steep cliff we were coming to. Dad tried to turn but because of the icy weather back here in England, we just slipped further towards it. He tried to stop, but the breaks chose this moment to give up on us. My heart leaped as we tumbled further, down, down, to the ocean below us. I could feel the panic rising in me, and screamed as loud as I could, even though I knew it was useless. We were miles away from anyone. I closed my eyes, ready to take my last ever breath.

"Livia, wake up, what do you want to eat?" I slowly woke up to the sound of Linda's voice.
"Are you OK?, Have you been dreaming? she asked me. I nodded.
"I think so." I whispered, my voice all croaky and scared.
"It's OK." i said to myself "It was all a dream, i'm still on the plane." But still couldn't get over the shock of what I had just dreamed out of my head. This wasn't the way mum and dad died, but it was close enough for me to know what they felt like when it happened.
The rest of the journey I was silent.
As I stepped off the plane I noticed a man with greying hair standing to the side. once he spotted us he started waving, and I realised It was uncle Bill when we got over to him, he beamed at me, I gave a wry little smile in return.
"My, Livia. How much have you grown?" he cried, while I almost suffocated in one of his tight hugs. When he eventually let go, He looked down at me, a sorry expresion on his face.
" don't feel sorry for me." I thought to myself "You don't care about me or my family, otherwise you would have got in touch before now, and i would already know you as uncle and aunt, instead of having to be told." I already knew that I hated them. I hated them both.
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again sorry this is short, but its better than nothing. I love comments. Thanks.
Beckiie. X