Sealed With a Howl

chapter 16

Roses POV:
"What was that about?" Mom asked me.
"We were just talking about the pictures on the wall in his room" I smiled as she walked over to me.
"Then why did he seem in a strange mood?"
"Dont ask me" I replied turning away from her.
"Is it a werewolf thing?" She whispered.
"Mom, just drop it okay?" I shouted.
She nodded and headed towards the door.
"Dinner should be out in 10 minutes" She mumbled.
I didnt say anything but stared at my reflection in the mirror.
What just happened? Im not saying I didnt like it, in fact my heart was beating faster than a greyhound at a race track.
"Mom says dinners ready" Becky said as she bounced through my door.
I stood up from my bed and walked out of my room.
I sighed heavily and knocked on Lupins door.
I slowly opened the door.
"Urm.. dinners ready" I said quietly.
He nodded and looked away from the photograph he had in his hands, it was the one of me and George.
I turned and made my way downstairs, followed by Remus.
I sat in my usual seat at the table.
He sat opposite me.
All through dinner I had to try and keep my eyes away from his.
I occasionally looked up to find him glancing at me.
"So, what has everyone got to tell me?" Becky said, loud enough for me to drop my fork in surprise, Remus looked up at me, we stared at each other for a second or two before I tore my eyes away and looked at Becky.
"Hes here, Becky, because... because, oh how do I say this" Mom trailed off.
"Im a bloody werewolf, I was bitten. He saved me from being killed and hes going to help me I" said angrily, shortly before stuffing a piece of potato in my mouth and acting as if no one had said anything out of the ordinary.
I could feel everyones eyes burning into me.
I stood and left the table, I ran up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door behind me.
I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling.
I could hear footsteps getting louder, someone was moving towards my room.
"Rose. Can I come in? please" Remus said quietly.
I sat up on my bed and stared at the wall opposite me, "Rose Im coming in"
The door slowly opened, he stepped in a closed the door quietly behind him.
He walked over to my bed and sat next to me.
"Whats wrong?"
"What happened earlier?" I said firmly.
He sighed and looked away.
"I dont know, Im sorry"
"Sorry doesnt solve something straight away. There was a reason you did that" I looked at him, he turned to me again.
"I had to"
"hah.. you thought, Oh dear, shes sad, lets kiss her and hope she feels better?" I raised my voice.
"No. I had to because Ive been wanting to for a very long time now, my feelings took a hold of me" He said staring into my eyes.
"What do you mean?" I asked slowly
"Remember on the train when I told you I love someone, who I cant have, who cant possibly feel the same way about me? Its you Rose" He hid his head in his hands and sighed heavily.
I was speechless. This isnt happening. This is a dream. A good dream.
"Remus...I-" I began
"I'll re-pack tomorrow, I'll get the first train back to Hogwarts in the morning" He stood up.
"No" I said, grabbing his arm.
He turned round, looking surprised.
"Dont leave me" I whispered.
I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, I buried my face in his neck.
I could feel his heart beating against my chest, his arms wrapped tightly around me, one of his hands on my back of my head, the other around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"Dont leave me" I whispered again.
"Never" He whispered back.
Two days later and the house had started to look like a mini Hogwarts, trees everywhere with tinsel wrapped around them.
Angels and stars perched on each.
"Rose, me and Becky are going shopping. Anything you want?" Mom asked me as I had reached the bottom of the stairs.
"A large block of meat, with the blood, would be great" I said seriously.
Lupin had walked up behind me, placed his hand on one of my shoulders,
"Rose, youve got to try your best and ignore the urges for that. I know its hard but I know you can do it" He smiled.
"Meh.. nothing then" I sighed.
"Okay, Remus?" Mom asked smiling.
"Oh no, Im fine thanks"
She nodded and opened the door, Becky jumped down the stairs, took a worried look at me and closed the door behind her.
"Shes scared" I sighed.
"It will take time. They will understand that its not your fault, its part of who you are now" He smiled, turning me round.
"What did everyone think when you told them? About you being a werewolf?"
He sighed and looked at me for a while before answering me.
"James, Sirius and Peter were fine, they each became and animagus to help me while I transformed, still unregistered so dont tell anyone I told you that" He smiled.
I nodded and smiled.
"Severus Snape accidentally found out, he followed us to the shrieking shack one day..." He looked up at the ceiling and smiled.
I followed his gaze, smiled and blushed.
"Mistletoe..." I whispered.
He looked back at me, then kissed me softly on the lips. I could have sworn he was blushing, but he walked past me and up to his room, smiling.
I still stood in the middle of the hall, breathless. Left smiling.