Status: updated as much as possible!

Post Traumatic

But Maybe I'm Just Falling

(Mike's POV)

So here I was a week later following Talinda's words of wisdom and moving boxes of my crap into Kelsey's pleasant two bedroom house. She had decided to turn the extra room into a studio for me and I was more than grateful for it but I still felt kind of bad for seeming to take over almost everything. When I had first walked into her room I immediately noticed that littered all over her walls was posters of us and other bands but the best was the picture of me, her, Brad, and Chester all standing at the Hollywood Walk of Fame making goofy faces with a costume character of Elmo. I'll admit, I cried for a good few minutes when I first noticed it. "Are you sure I'm not invading? I mean I swear I don't mind if you want me to find another place for my equipment." I was griping for the thousandth time this morning and I could tell that it was starting to annoy her some. What was even more shocking to me now that I stared at her fully, was that she was starting to round out some. Not much and you honestly couldn't even tell unless you really paid attention to it, which I did. "Shut up, please? For the ten thousandth time this morning, everything is staying here, end of story."

Clearly I wasn't going to get anywhere the more I persisted so I opted out instead for a simple hug which she gracefully returned. I rested my forehead against hers and grabbed a hold of her hands before letting out a light sigh. "I know I'm being a bit much and I really am sorry babe. Your appointment is in a couple of hours, right? Did you wanna stop by Talinda's for a little to see the kids?" She shakes her head, glancing down at clock on her phone screen. "We have a couple of hours actually, so yeah, if you're up for it?" I nod, placing a light kiss on her cheek as we then pulled away to finish up whatever unpacking of boxes was left that needed to be done. Thankfully there wasn't much and in a matter of minutes the both of us had gotten most of my stuff organized into neat sections. She grabbed her bag and keys which I then nonchalantly took out of her hand, causing her to pout slightly. "I'll drive, it's not a problem." She quickly opened her mouth to protest but decided against it when I headed out of the front door. "Don't treat me like a cripple, Michael. I will still kill you." She was so cute when she threatened me and my life. "Don't worry babe, I know you can't live without me."

The drive to Talinda's was relatively shorter than usual seeing as now being at Kelsey's was a bit closer than coming from my old apartment was. We casually strolled up the driveway where I suddenly noticed a 'For Sale' sign planted right in front of the large cast iron gate. Tali was really going through with it, she was finally selling their home. "Oh no, we have to talk to her." Kelsey gasps as we continue on to the front door where we're greeted by Talinda's niece Alyssa. "Hey guys, Tali is in the house with the girls. It's a bit of a mess in there right now, I warned you." We both give her a hug before heading inside, indeed being met with a barrage of many boxes and bubble wrap all around us. "Uncle Mike! Auntie Kelsey!!" The twins eagerly run up to us, wrapping their arms tightly around our legs. Kelsey picks up Lily while I grab onto Lila. "Where's mommy guys? Is she in her room?" They both shake their heads anxiously before wiggling out of our hands and racing up the large flight of stairs with us following close behind. "Mommy! Uncle Mike and Auntie Kelsey are here!!!"

When I look inside her room, it's almost heartbreaking to see it completely bare. The pictures of her and Chester on their wedding day that hung on the wall were gone, more than likely already tucked away safely in a moving box. No trace of him was to be found anywhere inside here other than the large king size bed and Chester's mic that was protected inside a plastic case on a high shelf. Her eyes meet with mine and Kelsey's, tears practically pouring down her face in an instant. Kelsey hugs onto her tightly first until I make my way over. "It's not easy being here anymore, I can't handle it. I know we built our life here, I know he left all of this to the kids, but it just isn't meant to be. I love Chester so much, more than life itself. I just can't stand it anymore, I can't handle all the signs and the signals. The lights constantly flicker, the girl's beds always have imprints in them like if someone is laying there whenever it's just me in there folding clothes or whatever. I miss him so goddamn much, I don't want these invisible little things, I want him. I physically want to be able to touch him, to see him, to kiss him. Not just in these dreams and scenarios I have in my head all day!"

I'm left speechless, because honestly, what is there to even say? I totally understand how she felt in some ways. I missed him too, I wished that I could physically see him all the time and actually be able to have a real conversation where he could talk back to me. But nothing could change what had already happened, so I knew the only thing that could be said was something that I'm sure she was probably tired of hearing. "We're here for you, Tali. Me and Kelsey will help you with anything that you need, even if you need us to take the girls or whatever while you finish up. I just finished moving my shit into her place, so we're a lot closer now. We can help, just tell us what it is you need done." Her face perks up some when she realizes what I had said. "You actually took my advice, huh? I'm so happy for you two. Honestly, it's a good thing that you you're living together. Now you can focus more on your music without any distractions and Kelsey can finally have someone to help chip in with the housework, am I right?" We all laugh now, trying to help ease away any tension and stress that had been building up in here for who knows how long. It felt like a piece of me was being torn apart by her moving out of this place, but how I felt wasn't relevant. How her and the kids felt was what really mattered, they had to live here full time, I didn't. "Yes! It'll be great to finally have someone to do the dishes that I don't feel like doing after I get home from work."

I shoot Kels a slightly confused look which only causes her to snicker. "Mommy!!!" The sounds of Lily yelling could be heard loudly throughout the empty house as suddenly the three of us spring into action and race down the stairs to see what was wrong. When we get to the backyard, my mouth drops to the floor when I see a beautiful double rainbow in the sky directly above us. It's going over the entire house on each end and it's definitely a breathtaking sight. Lily and Lila rush over to Talinda's side before she picks up them up in each of her arms, snuggling them closely to her. They wipe away the tears that are falling from her eyes as we continue to stare in awe. "See mommy, don't be sad that we have to leave. Daddy's going to go with us too, he loves pretty rainbows!" A lump swells in my throat as I'm immediately moved to tears hearing them say that to her. It was true though, he was always going to be with them no matter where they went. "Yes my little babies, your daddy will be with us every step of the way." I glance over at Kelsey whose still smiling at me through her own tears. She motions down to her stomach and I'm almost certain that she was thinking the exact same thought that I was. I lean over and place a gentle kiss on her lips as we then hug onto each other tight.

"Talinda needs this to happen, Mike. Whether we're ready to be parent's or not, this was something that I think we all need to happen. What else could be more of a sign than this beautiful array of colors hanging over us? They're right, Chester loves rainbows, this is all a sign from him. After we go to the appointment, I want to tell Talinda that we're going to keep the baby. And I also want to tell her that we're also going to name the baby after Chester regardless if it's a boy or girl, we'll work all that stuff out when the time comes. You threw me into a whirlwind, Mike. I came back home to be closer to family and in literally a couple short months I'm now in a relationship with you, living with you and going to be having your child. I've been arrested with you, fought with your ex wife for you. Now in return all I'm asking is for you to be on board with this idea. You don't have to decide right now, but I'd like an answer soon. Because I'd give my life for you, I just hope you'd do the same in return for me. I love you, Michael Shinoda. You're my one in a million, you always have been."
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I honestly have nothing to say besides I'm sorry, life is never easy and it definitely affects my time to update! Anyways, hope you all enjoy this! Sorry for the shortness, it'll get better soon! xx