Like Vines, We Intertwine

Questioning Headaches or Headache Questions

I was sitting on the couch next to Ryan. We were watching TV, and we were cuddling on the couch. My dad left already for work, and my sister wasn't home yet. I couldn't really tell how my dad liked Ryan or not. My dad is a really hard person to read when

"You know what your dad said to me?" Ryan said out of nowhere, causing me to lose my train of thought.

"What?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Your dad said that he really sees us together. He thinks he doesn't have to worry anymore about supporting you."

"Really?" I asked as my eyes went wide and had the biggest smile on my face.

"Yea." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"Good. I was hoping he would love you!" I said as I kissed him on the lips.

I adjusted myself and somehow was stradling his lips as he was sitting on the couch still. We still had our lips locked together, and it started to get hot. I felt his warm finger tips on my back when I heard my phone go off. I groaned, but continued kissing him. It was when Ryan's phone went off as well was when we stopped. We both pulled apart and gave a quick annoyed look. We grabbed our phones just in time.

"Hello?" I said.


"Amanda, stop yelling!" I said.

"How ironic, I'm on the phone with Pete." Ryan said.

"Are you right next to Ryan?" Amanda asked.

"Does next mean on top of him?" I asked innocently.

"EWW! That's my brother! Get off of my little and only brother and go upstairs! I need to tell you something."

"Ok? Jeez! So demanding!" I said as I kissed Ryan on the cheek and got off of him.

I went upstairs and sat in my childhood bedroom. I opened it a little bit, just in case Ryan was able to sneak upstairs and listen on into our conversation.

"Alright, what is so important that you made me get off of my boyfriend?"

"You are not gonna believe what I found!!!"

"A naked baby picture of Pete?" I asked.

"No! His mom already showed those to me a long time ago. I found a wedding ring in Pete's bags as I was fixing them. I was unpacking all of our stuff."

"WHAT?!?!" I screamed.

Little did she know, I knew he was gonna propose to her a long time ago. He had shown me the ring and everything before we left for home. I of course had to act surprised.

"No way?!"

"Yea, and I know I shouldn't tell you, but he told me it's for you."

"WHAT?!?! Pete's gonna propose to me?!?!" I asked a little freaked out.


"Obviously. I love Ryan. DUH!" I said.

"No... he said that he's holding it for Ryan."

My heart skipped a beat.

"Wait why would Pete show me that wedding ring if it's for Amanda." I thought.


"What? Are you sure?" I said.

"Yea... because he caught me."

I fidged a little bit.

"No... don't think that. Pete was just probably making an alibi." I thought again.

"Oh well. We will have to see. Look, I'll call you back." I said as I heard footsteps coming.

I hung up with out hearing her say good bye as Ryan appeared at my doorway.

"Hey." he said softly.

"Hi." I said with a smile on my face.

He walked towards me, and kissed me on the lips. He passionately kissed me, shoving his tongue down my throat which I didn't mind. I laid down on the bed as he followed me, our lips still attached. He then let go and kissed down my neck.

"Hey. We're going to dinner tonight. With Pete and Amanda. In some fancy restaurant. Dress nicely." Ryan said while he made pauses to kiss my neck.

"Ok." I moaned out.

But in the back of my mind, all I could think about were the "What if's." What if that ring was for me, and Pete was just helping me? What if it wasn't for me, and I'm just getting my hopes up? All these questions led to the one question screaming in my head: Was I ready to get married?