Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

Homecoming...Vampire Style

I woke up to find myself laying on my stomach and someone rubbing my back gently. "Just a few more minutes..mom" I mumbled through my pillow, thinking I was at home. I heard a deep chuckle from above me. I shot up to see Hayden, and it all came back to me. "You bit me!" I exclaimed, pointing my finger at him. "Yes, and might I add that you taste delicious" he smirked, putting his hand over mine and gently pulling it down. "How long have i been asleep?" I asked. "About...a week" he said, holding back a laugh. My mouth dropped open,"H-how could I sleep that long?" I stuttered. "I put you to sleep, when you first get bitten by a vampire, you experience extreme pain for the first couple days, and I thought you would be better off asleep" he explained. "Aren't you considerate?" I said, sarcastically. He chuckled again,"You are a very deep sleeper, Lucinda tried all she could to wake you up, she even chattered a vase by 'accident' right beside you, and you didn't even move, I find that truly amazing" "She must really hate me" I mumbled, staring down at my hands. Then, a felt a hand on my back, rubbing it in the same gentle, circular motion. I looked to see Hayden smiling at me slightly, but his eyes seemed sad. "I have something to show you Fae" He took a remote control off the night table and pressed a button, causing a big flat-screen television to come out of the foot board. He pressed the power than play buttons.

It was news forecast.
"Hello and good evening, I'm Melissa Harris. In the small town of Chimney Rock, Nebraska, people are searching fruitlessly to find the where abouts of a 15 year old high school student named Fae Jeffreys, all that the young teenager left behind was note telling her family and friends not to worry and that she loved them. Some might speculate that this was a suicide note, but detective Bob Matthews does not think so" a young woman said, standing outside my house, which had 5 police cars in front.
"The window in her room was broken from the outside, someone could have broken in and stolen her father's car and taken her with him" a tall man with light brown hair said.

"Fae Jeffreys was a soft more in De Paul Catholic High school, she was on the soccer team and had honors in English literature and history, her teachers say she was a hard-working student but seemed shy. We have one her close friends, Sam here to tell us about her" Melissa Harris continued.

Then, Sam moved into the picture. His dirty blond hair was messier than ever, and his beautiful brown eyes were red, and his face was splotchy, like he had been crying.
"Sam, how long have you known Fae?" Melissa asked him, gently.
"I've known her since she was born, she's my best friend" Sam choked out, bringing tears to my eyes.
"Was there any reason she might have wanted to kill herself?" she asked.

"No! Don't even say that alright?! Fae was happy, she was the happiest person I knew! I was the one who wanted to kill myself! Fae is the one thing in my life I live for! She's still alive I know it! Fae if you're out there i promise you the son of a bitch that has you is going to get it!" Sam shouted, tears pouring down his face.

He had lost it.

I began sobbing uncontrollably. Hayden pressed the stop button and the screen turned blue. I dug my face in my hands, my sobbing growing harder and harder. I felt Hayden wrap his arms around me, pulling me against his perfect chest, still rubbing my back. "He loves you" Hayden whispered,"He loves you so much, he is going insane without you" I gripped his shirt and screamed into his chest. "Shh...Fae...please calm down" he said, calmly, holding on tighter as I struggled against his grip, still screaming. My lungs grew tired after a few minutes and I collapsed against him, panting. "There we go...now I am going to give you a set of instructions and I would appreciate if you follow them alright?" he purred in my ear. I nodded, closing my eyes. "First, you are going to take deep breaths..." he whispered. I began breathing in and out, steadily. "Good girl...good girl..." he soothed, resting his chin against the top of my head. I had never been this close to Hayden before. His cold body seemed strangely warm as he held me. "My second instruction for you is to get up and take a long hot shower, I will be waiting here for you to return" he instructed, lifting me out of his arms and into a standing position. I stared at his face, still unphased through all my crying and screaming, then walked shakily into the bathroom and took a long shower.

I stepped out of the shower about an hour later and put on a soft blue robe I found on the counter and walked out to find Hayden still sitting on the bed, having not moved an inch since I left. He stood up, smiling slightly. "Hi" he whispered, placing hands on my shoulders. "Hi" I stuttered, not looking at him. "I have a dress for you to wear" he said, opening the closet to reveal a beautiful strapless mint green evening gown. "I thought the green would match your lovely eyes" "A dress for me to wear to what?" I asked, taking a shaky breath. "A ball at a friend of mine's home" he retorted. "Do I have to go?" I asked, exasperatedly. "Yes, now put the dress on, I want to see how it looks on you" Hayden said. I sighed, picked up the dress and went into the bathroom.

I walked out in the dress. For a few seconds Hayden didn't say anything, just stared at me. Then, he walked over to me and said,"Lucinda will do your hair and make-up" I shuddered. "I'll be advising just to make sure she doesn't burn you with the curling iron" he smirked.

Lucinda did get a little too close with the curling iron once, but she did a great job otherwise. She curled my hair and put it into a loose but elegant bun with a few pieces of a hair around my face. She did a good job on my make-up too, although it could have been a little less heavy.

I slipped on some strappy high heels that matched the color of the dress. Hayden, wearing an all-black suit with a white tie, led me downstairs and out the doors. There, a sleek black car was parked in front. He walked down the steps briskly and opened the passenger door, smiling slightly at my blank expression. But his face grew concerned when I still didn't move. "Fae...?" he said, moving closer to the steps, staring at me.

"This is basically like homecoming you know? Except...vampire style" I muttered the last part.
He smiled,"Hm...how about we make it more like homecoming?"
"What are you up to?" I snapped.
"Nothing" he replied innocently. Like a vampire could be compared to a puppy dog.
He suddenly appeared behind me, placing his hands on my waist, delicately. "Hello, Fae. My name is Ashton Samuels and i'm here to take you to homecoming"

At this, I let out a huge laugh that seemed to startle Hayden.

"What?" I asked.
"I've never heard you laugh before" he whispered.
"Sorry" I mumbled.
"Dont be sorry" he purred, I could feel his nose at my hair, inhaling deeply.
"And besides, the thought of you being compared to Ashton is kinda funny" I mumbled.
"And why is that?" he asked.
"You're both so different..he's a loud obnoxious football player and you're..." I started, but I couldnt seem to find words to describe him.
"An incredibly sexy vampire?" he guessed, making me giggle again.
"I suppose you and Ashton do have one thing in common" I said.
"And what is that?"
"You're both obnoxious" I muttered.
"I think you're right" he chuckled.

Hayden's friend's mansion was huge. Although I didnt like it as much as Hayden's. This one was more like a castle than victorian style. I was so preoccupied staring at it I barely noticed Hayden opening the door. "Fae? You cant hide in the car forever" he said, with a smile. He offered his hand to help me out of the car. I took it, afraid I might trip on my dress. He lifted me out of the car smoothly and closed the door quietly behind me.

"Are you scared?" he inquired, as he led me down the path to the mansion.
"Yes, out of my mind" I answered, truthfully, making him chuckle softly.
"Why are you scared?" he asked.
"Um...hello? I'm just about to go into a party full of vampires!" I exclaimed.
He laughed and placed an arm around my waist,"I'll make sure none of them harm you"
"Great, real reassuring" I muttered sarcastically.

We walked in silence for what seemed like forever, but was probably only about a minute, when Hayden said, softly,"Excuse me for not saying this sooner, but you look lovely tonight, Miss Jeffreys"

I looked up at him, slightly suprised, but he wasnt looking back, just concentrating on making sure I didnt slip on my dress as he led me up the stairs carefully.

He rang the door bell and a man who looked around Hayden's age with beautiful brown eyes and dirty blond hair opened the door.
"Hey Hayden, good to see you...and you're friend" he said, eyeing me, interestedly.
"Fae this is Kristopher, and Kristopher this is Fae, my girlfriend" Hayden placed an arm around my shoulders, grinning while I held back an eye roll.
"Ah, so you finally decided to settle down? Even with a human" Kristopher said, studying me closely.
"You could say that" Hayden replied.
"Well, I have to admit, she looks delicious" Kristopher said.

My eyes suddenly became locked on his, and I couldnt move.


Hayden suddenly pushed me behind him, breaking my gaze with Kristopher, letting out a low noise that sounded like a hiss.

"Sorry, terribly sorry" Kristopher muttered.
"Have better control of yourself next time" Hayden growled.

Hayden grabbed my arm in a familiar tight grip and led me into the mansion, past Kristopher who just smirked. I was beginning to question what Hayden had gotten me into.
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hey guys! Thank you so much to all my subscribers and my two comments which are greatly appreciated! I tried the whole spaces thing in this one a little, tell me if I did it right or not.