You're the Reason I Can't Control Myself

Chapter Three

I’d only ever been to New York once or twice in my life, and one of those times I felt so sick from the flight I didn’t bother to look around so I was totally lost right now. Bob thought it would be a good idea to have a wander about, see some sights, after we’d grabbed some lunch. We all kinda split up, Gavin and Rhys had gone to look for a Subway, Matt and Snoz went to a McDonald's with Shannon, and that left me, Bob, Tomo and Jared to stop off in some random café thing. It was alright.

The Americans agreed to show our little welsh arses about the place, just have a look around, it was great and stuff but I wasn’t all that talented at manoeuvring around large crowds of angry, briefcase wielding business men on a mission tog et to Wall Street. I’m more of a battle though a bunch of excited, sweaty, teenagers’ kinda guy…and they’re not usually moving at 100mph.

As Bob’s bald head disappeared behind a large group of girls who were flashing those enormous handbags which the put their shrunken dogs in (why the hell would you do that?) I practically ran to catch up. This was like swimming though tar, you don’t get anywhere, I swear I was walking on the wrong side of the road or something because everyone seemed to be against me like some strange unknown current.

I was getting a bit freaked out now because I couldn’t actually see the other three and try as I might, jumping up and down like a freak in the middle of the insanely wide pavement didn’t help all that much. It just urged some New Yorkers to jeer at me and mutter ‘tourists’. I’d put up more of a fight if I actually knew where the fuck I was and where I could run to if this got nasty, but no.

I debated stopping and screaming at the top of my lungs until Bob turned and came back for me but that probably wouldn’t work either though; I’d probably be drowned out by the steady stream of cars, all mainly those yellow cabs you always see on TV, who were honking their horns to try and urge the traffic on.

Right, come on, Smith, your fucked if you don’t do anything. I sidled out of the pack and got just off the pavement, onto a totally free, narrow strip of road between the mass of people and heard of cars, like walking a tight rope. I pelted down it, looking to my left at the people and scanning their heads til I saw one I recognized. Ignoring the weird looks I was getting, I just kept running and eventually I actually heard my name being screamed out. It wasn’t coming from my left, where Bob was dawdling somewhere, it was across the road.

Stopping, yeah, right there in the gutter, I looked over the shiny yellow roofs to see Snoz waving his arms about to get my attention.

“What the hell are you doin’ over there, you tit?!” he bellowed over everything else, a good amount of confused American’s gave him a worried look and made a little radioactive circle around the cardigan clad man. I noticed Matthew and Shannon behind him looking mildly amused.

I shrugged. “Seeing the sights, you?” I shouted back.

He rolled his eyes, grabbed Matthew’s wrist and yanked him across the road, Shannon followed happily, a little skip in his step as he risked life and limb striding out in front of the angry automobiles. Snoz came across with purpose, me, while Matthew looked like he might start crying any second; I suppose he didn’t expect to be pulled into a busy road any time soon.

Snoz drew level with me and as out little group blocked the road he asked me what I was doing again.

“I’m…a tiny bit lost,” I admitted.

Shannon laughed and suddenly jumped on Snoz. He looked a bit taken aback but hoisted the man up so he could sit on his shoulders, making them look about nine or so foot tall put together, Shan started to scan the area while Matthew and I looked up at him, he was crazy.

“Jared!” He shouted, once he spotted his brother who looked to be quite a way off from us, still stood on the edge of the road. “JARED! JARED LETO CRIES HIS WAY THROUGH SEX!”

This seemed to have an effect because not only did Shannon wave his arms about then drop down from Snoz, but quite a few people started laughing madly, the rest ignored the craziness that was happening and carried on with their hurried steps.

“He’s on his way,” Shannon beamed, giving Snoz slap of thanks on the shoulder.

You can’t say he’s boring, can you?

I decided to follow Matthew’s example and step back onto the pavement to wait for the three to return, smiling widely at Shan’s taunt. Within the minute Bob appeared at my side, his face red from laughing, Tomo was smiling slightly but Jared seemed more intent on shoving his brother into the road a bit.

“That wasn’t funny!” He raged, a small vein under his eye popping out. “If that’s all over the Internet tomorrow, I’m gonna kill you Shannon, you know that?!”

“Yeah,” he grinned, not really seeming to care. “You lost this,” Shan added, pointing at me as he stepped into the gutter again, waving at the man in the taxi who swore at him for slamming into the car.

I felt myself go pink again. I seriously need some sort of therapy for my cheeks, its not healthy to blush this much. When I saw how much Jared was actually looking at me I felt even worst, I felt like some retarded 12 year old girl, I just wanted to pounce on him.

Bob luckily interrupted by clapping me on the shoulder.

“Couldn’t keep up?” He asked laughing and toying with my hair in a patronizing way.

“It’s alright for you,” I sneered, shrugging him off, “you’re a short ass, you can navigate all this better. I can’t duck under people’s legs like you.”

He slapped the back of my head and mock laughed. “Hilarious, Sean, real funny… I’m not as short as Gavin, though.”

We all kinda ignored this and Tomo spoke for the first time. “Maybe we should go find somewhere less crowded…and more…not in the road,” he suggested.

Our group nodded in silent agreement and Matt asked if there was a park or anything, he’s got a thing about parks, I think he likes grass or something.

“Yeah…there’s a big one over there,” Shannon smiled, nodding his head behind him. “Kinda central, for a park anyway.”

We all laughed, especially since Matthew just smiled and didn’t actually get Shan’s ‘central park’ joke. Ah, bless him, so oblivious. Leading us off I decided to stick between Snoz and Tomo who would most likely save me if I was getting lost. After about five minutes of them just talking to each other and me not really making any interesting contribution I slunk next to Jared who was having a quiet conversation with Matthew.

“No lost yet?” Jared grinned.

“Nope,” I smiled back. Then silence returned. Awkward. Say something, Sean, anything…just…words! “You don’t’ really cry though sex, do you?”

Jared looked at me, I thought his eyes might widen, he might hit me…but no, he just looked like I’d asked him something totally normal. “Why? Would that bother you?”

This was possibly even more awkward, I wasn’t sure what he was really asking. Did he want me to have sex with him? Bloody hell, that’d beamazing odd. “Well…I…huh?”

“Jared, stop confusing the boy,” Tomo laughed, popping his head into our conversation. “He doesn’t wanna have sex with you.”

“Not while you’re crying, anyway,” I added, smiling cheekily.

That brought on the wide eyes I’d expected. I love it when I successfully freak someone out. It also means that I’m not such a star struck fan boy anymore, I’m being me again. OK, that’s kinda a lie, but shhh.