Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter Sixteen

I went back into the bunk area, and crashed onto my bed. I was mad at Gerard, and laughing at the same time. It truly was a Kodak moment, ya know? But still, part of me missed him. Part of me missed being in his arms, and him whispering the soft ‘I love yous’ and the way, when we were walking, if I started to trip, he put his hand on the small of my back, and stopped me.
But that was all changing, because I didn’t have it anymore. ‘Oh well,’ I thought as I lay in my bed, staring at the top of the other bunk, Matt’s bunk. ‘You can find a new love, forget about the old ones again. Run away, find a NEW state to live in. Hey, you never know, maybe you’ll fall in love with another famous person, it’s in your nature.’
It WAS in my nature, I just noticed.
All the sudden, I saw something moving in the shelf in my bunk. I screamed. And then I rolled out of my bed and onto the floor, screaming some more. If you’re wondering, I’ve got serious Arachnophobia, and Spiders, to be blatant, Scare-the-living-shit-out-of-me. Anytime I see one, I either scream like a maniac, or if it’s really gross, I throw up. You know the second Harry Potter movie? Yeah, well, picture me gagging through the whole spider scene. Ugh.
Zacky jumped off his bunk, to see me still screaming. “Whattsa matter?” He asked, concerned.

“GET IT AWAY!!” I screamed, jumping around. He rolled his eyes, going to my bunk, and seeing the spider. Three seconds later, he grabbed a tissue, and put it in there, throwing it in the trash.

“There,” he sighed.

“Is it dead?” I asked in my little girl, pout voice. I swear I saw him smile quickly.

“It’s dead. In Spider heaven,” he smiled, cracking a joke we always had after he killed a spider when we were younger.

“Thank GOD!” I said, sitting on his bunk. You think I’m going right back into MY bunk? Do you want me to have a heart attack. Anything that has more than two legs, that is in any way, GROSS, I will have nightmares. Or anything that has no legs. EWW!

“You’re a pansy,” He rolled his eyes, climbing up and sitting next to me.

“No, I have phobias,” I said, slowly.

“Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes again.

“Seriously. I have Hospital-phobia, claustrophobia, Arachnophobia, and needle-phobia.” ((A/n all this is true actually. I can’t stand hospitals, small spaces due to hospitals, spiders, and needles. Ugh.))

“Okay Korynn,” he sighed. “So what was the shouting about?” I smirked, thinking back to the whole prank thing.

“Oh, I played a bit of a prank on Gee,” I smiled. He looked up at me.

“What do you mean?” I shrugged.

“Well, I mean…I played a prank on my ex-boyfriend, whom I’m finding it hard to forgive,” I said slowly. He rolled his eyes.

“I meant what KIND of prank?”

“Oh, well, it involved whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate syrup, and caramel syrup, and a sharpie.”

“Oh no!” He said, trying not to smile. “You gave him Hitler! AND covered him in the works! You’re like, the best prankster ever, remember?” I smiled at the memory of letting frogs out of the school lab, spray painting the jocks lockers, and then filling their lockers with…well…eggs. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget covering every hallway in the school in toilet paper and whipped cream. That was on Halloween.

“My favorite was covering the school in toilet paper,” I said, smiling. He looked at me.

“Nah, my favorite was crashing the school dance,” he said. I laughed, thinking of that. We showed up in costume, vampire costumes to be exact, hooked up the speakers to our music, let confetti mixed with water fall from the ceiling ((difficult)) and watched everyone get a nice shower. Heh, let’s just say, teachers weren’t happy, and you didn’t have to go to Yale to figure out that it was us who’d planned that. We ended up getting expelled and having to go to a different high school. In which our parents made us swear up and down we weren’t going to terrorize the entire school. That was a lie. Which they figured out when we switched schools for the second time.

“Yeah, that was pretty good too,” I said, turning to him. He looked at me.


“Hmm?” I asked.

“Are you really finished with Gerard?” He asked softly.

“I guess,” I sighed. “I have to be. Because part of him is right…he just shouldn’t have said it like that.”

“Said what?” He asked.

“Said…” I sighed, trying to think of how I could put it. There was no other way, really. “ThatIwasstillinlovewithyou!” I gasped out. He cocked his head in confusion. “Don’t make me say it again,” I pleaded. He broke into a huge grin.
“No, you don’t have to. You did that the first time you ever said you loved me, remember?” I smiled at that too.

“Yeah, I remember. What exactly does this mean Zacky?” He tackled me, kissing me. It took a second, because I was shocked, but when I came out of it, I kissed back. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I played with him, and refused. He groaned against my lips, and I broke into a smile, parting my lips a bit.
I broke away. “Better?” I gasped for air. He smirked.

“Wonderful,” he said, before crashing his lips against mine. We fought for dominance ((in which he won)) for a few minutes, and then broke apart, me snuggling into his chest, quickly drowsing off. The last words I heard were, “I’m never losing you again.” I could deal with that….

“Wakey Rinny,” someone said, putting what smelled like coffee in my face.

“Ungh! Goway,” I groaned turning to face the other side. Only, the other side was taken by someone else. I opened my eyes a bit to see Zacky, and smiled remembering last night. I turned back the other way to see Vyra, Bobbi Jo, and Taylor sitting there, waiting for explanation. “What?” I asked, playing stupid.

“Don’t be an idiot,” Bobbi Jo said. “If you tell US what’s going on, we’ll tell YOU what’s going on.”

“Uh, I fell asleep in Zacky’s bunk because of my large problem with Arachnophobia, and ended up spending the night there.” I said, lying.

“Okay, I believe that, but I believe more than that went down,” Bobbi said after a second. They all knew about the spider issue.

“Like what?” I asked.

“DID YOU KISS?!?!” Vyra shrieked. I smacked her arm playfully.

“Vyra, don’t scream, No more skittles for you! Ow!” She bit me. Argh. She smiled happily.

“Now did you?” I got out of bed, and walked into the living area.

“We may have,” I mumbled, pouring myself my own coffee. Vyra and Taylor screamed, damn their hyperness.

“You kissed! You kissed!” They sang in a sing-song voice. I glared at them.

“Would you SHUT UP?” I hissed. “Give it time to sink in for a second guys.” They shut up.
I sat down on the couch, pulling my knees up to my chest. “I dunno, it feels like this shouldn’t happen so soon. You know?” They nodded, sitting down. “And, it feels wrong, because I just broke up with Gee, barely three days ago, should you even be ALLOWED to date so soon after?” They shrugged.

“Follow what your heart says,” Taylor said. “If you’re in love, then you’re in love hun.” I sighed, knowing she was probably very right.

“Yeah, I know,” I said, taking a drink of my coffee, after blowing on it for a second. “But I can’t help but feel a bit guilty. And since My Chem is on tour with us, we still can’t exactly go public yet. Gerard would do flips if that happened, and we all know, since he’s very incapable of doing flips, front or back, it’s very bad.” Vyra giggled.

“Member when we tried to teach him to do cartwheels? Frank caught right on, Gee however…”

“Ended up with a sprained ankle and broken wrist,” I finished as Bobbi and Taylor started laughing.

“Zacky had to teach Korynn how to do them,” Taylor said when they were finished. I smiled, remembering the day when we were 14 and Zacky discovered I couldn’t do a cartwheel, flip, front or back, or flip in the air on a trampoline. He said it was impossible to get through life without knowing how to do so, and set out to teach me.

“You have to run first,” he ordered. “No, you’re gonna land wrong! Korynn, pay attention!” He demonstrated.

“I still don’t get WHY I need to learn this. I’ve gone through years without learning how to ride a bike.” His eyes widened. “Shit, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“You’re right, tomorrow we’re riding bikes,” he said, grabbing my arm. “Now run, then do a little jump, then go over.” And finally, finally, I got it right, and we moved on to flips. And of course, the next day I learned how to ride a bike, two wheels. I didn’t get why. If you lived in my town, you owned a four-wheeler, or knew somebody who did, and rode around on them.

“Heh, yeah,” I said, taking another sip of coffee. “And then I learned how to ride a bike. Zacky said it was the necessities of life. Spending forty-eight hours straight learning something I’ve never bother with is NOT a necessity,” I finished, stirring around my coffee with my finger, out of habit.

“You didn’t know how to ride a bike?”

“None of us did,” Taylor shrugged. “Zacky was one of the few.”
‘Misery Business,’ started on my phone and I picked it up. “Lo,” I asked.

“Hey Korynn,” someone said into the line, I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Frank.

“Oh, hey Frankie,” I said, smiling a bit.

“What’re you doing in Chicago?” I looked at the girls.

“Hang on,” I turned to the girls. “What’re we doing in Chicago?” They shrugged.

“Shopping,” they said.

“Shopping,” I repeated.

“Hmm, well, no one probably told you, but there’s a party at Pete’s house in Chicago, sort of a welcome home thing from his parents. Do you wanna go?” I’d met Pete Wentz before, and he was super nice. So I figured, might as well let the girls meet him.

“WHO WANTS TO MEET FOB?!” I shouted, so that I could practically hear Frank wincing.

“WE DO!!!” They screamed.

“You guys, I think my ears started to bleed,” Frank whined.

“Oh, quit being a baby,” I said, and he sighed.

“Whatever, anyhow, the party’s at nine, and if you’re VIP which we all are, and by the way, bring dates, meaning the guys, and stuff, anyway, if you’re VIP…” I drowned him out, dazing off into another universe after he said that VIP got to stay the night. Eventually, he got pissed enough that I wasn’t listening that he finally hung up, and I sat there, watching TV with the girls.
“Be my date?” I asked Zacky, cuddling into his chest a bit more. Due to the spider incident, I still refused to sleep in my bunk.

“For what?” He asked.

“Pete’s party,” I replied.

“Sure,” he said, and I could tell he was smiling. I wanted to reach up and kiss him, but I was too comfortable.

“Mm, I’d kiss you, but I’m too comfy,” I mumbled, starting to let sleep take over.

“Sleep babe, you can kiss later,” He said, starting to stroke my hair out of habit. And soon, I was sound asleep. Waiting for Chicago to arrive.


“Hey Korynn?” Vyra came in.

“Wha?” I asked, busy straightening my hair, and then spiral curling it so that some strands were curly (Particularly the black ones) and some were straight. I grabbed the spiral iron and started on that.

“Can I borrow the red corset with the lace up in the back?”

“The one that reveals a ton?” I asked, still curling.

“Maybe,” she blushed.

“Black suitcase on the left,” I pointed out, smiling a bit, still staring a bit in the tiny mirror.

“Thanks.” She left and five minutes later, Bobbi came in.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hey,” I repeated, now straightening.

“Whatcha up to?” She asked. I stared at her from the mirror.

“What’s it look like hun?” I asked. “What’s wrong?”

“Can I borrow the black skirt with the red trim?” She asked, biting her lip. I sighed.

“Dark red suitcase, on the right in the middle.”

“Thank you,” she said. I nodded, smiling a bit again. I finished my hair and started my make-up. I did think eyeliner, black, so that it made my already really blue eyes stand out even more, and mascara, just enough that it made my eyelashes seem longer and thicker and my eyes a bit bigger. And then I did a blue eyeshadow.
Once finished with that I did my outfit, which was black Tripp pants, a blue shirt that had the misfits logo on it, and converse. I threw on an AC/DC sweatshirt and walked out.

“You look gorgeous,” Matt said, taking a look at me.

“Thanks,” I grinned. “Took long enough.”

“Yeah,” Zacky grumbled, coming out. “I had to go to the bathroom SO bad and you were in there FOREVER!” I laughed.

“But I’m pretty now,” I said doing a little spin.

“You’re always pretty,” he smiled, grabbing me and pulling me closer. “I like the curly black strands though,” He said, taking one of them.

“You do?” I asked. “You always said you hated my hair with the curly black parts before.”

“Yeah, but that was nine YEARS ago,” he grinned. I laughed and kissed him lightly.

“C’mon, we gotta go soon. We’ll go make sure YOU look nice too.” I grinned. He sighed and rolled his eyes as I dragged him back to the bunk area, opening his suitcase. I found him a pair of Tripp pants, and a white Black Flag shirt. Then I pulled out my eyeliner and started on him.
Once I was finished I threw his shirt at him. “Go change. And then come back here, because I want to add a bit of red eyeshadow.” He sighed and went back to the bathroom. Two minutes later he came out and sat down, as I began his eyeshadow.

“Are you done YET?” He asked as Matt came in and told us the girls were ready. I’d just redone his eyeliner.

“Yes,” I sighed, kissing him as reward. “Let’s go, but hey!”

“What?” He asked turning around to face me.

“No kissing in public yet,” I warned. He nodded understandingly, and grabbed my hand.

“We’re gonna DANCE!!” He shouted starting to dance around the living area. I laughed at how stupid he was being and started to dance with him. “See fun?” He asked, kissing me again. I nodded, kissing back.

“Hey lovebirds!” Matt shouted, coming in and going to the door. “Get a f’n cage and let’s GO!” We laughed again and ran out, catching up with Vyra and Rev, who were busy talking and holding hands, and Bobbi and Syn, who were making out in plain site.

“Watch this,” I whispered. “AGH! Paparazzi!” I screamed and everyone touching in any remote way pulled apart, glancing around.

“Where?” Syn asked, a nervous wreck now.

“Korynn,” Taylor said sighing. She’d sent Tyler with a friend she had in Chicago and she’d gone as Johnny’s date. “Honestly.”

“Well, it was fun,” I shrugged, watching them all look around one last time before joining hands or kissing. I’m such an immature brat. I smiled at Zacky, who was still laughing a bit at my remark.

“YOU GUYS ARE HERE!!” Pete shouted as we walked through the door.