Touched By Angels, I Fall Out Of Grace

Good Morning

I turned to you, you turned away.
From everything that I'd never say.
Wrote it down, but tore it up.
Recycled dreams could never live up
to the name that haunts my every waking day...

My eyes fluttered open and I sat up. I looked around an unfamiliar room and started to panic. "Abbie? Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked next to me and saw Frank. Flash backs of last night washed over me and I calmed down. "Yeah. Hahaha, I just didn't recognize where I was." I said laying back down next to him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me drawing me closer. I cuddled close nestling my head in the crook of his neck. "Abbie?" Frank whispered? "Yeah?" I answered. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled onto his shoulder. "Of course." I kissed his neck and we fell back asleep.

A few hours later all of us cleaned the house and then headed to the park. All the guys ended up with the girls they were hanging out with last night so they came with us. Mikey's girlfriends name is Caity, and Bob girlfriend's name is Kaylee. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous when Gerard had his arm around Rachel. I pushed away the feelings and concentrated on Frank. My boyfriend. I really did like him alot. I guess I just lust after Gerard. I've always been like that, I want what I can't have.

"Swing!!" I yelled as we turned the corner and saw the park. Rachel, Caity, and me got a swing. Frank got behind me and started pushing me. I looked back at him and smiled. His hands were soft on my lower back as he pushed me higher and higher into the air. I giggled and swung my feet in the air.

...and time slips by when high
expections leaving me be
and I know that this day is worth it
in every single breath I take in.