The One

Getting to Know

Thoughts of the silent girl plagued Joe’s thoughts ever since he left the hospital. And then two other thoughts rose above the rest:

"No one talks to her anymore. I mean why waste our breath if she won’t do anything?"

"She’s never spoken since she got here. It’s sad no one tries to talk to her anymore"

It hurt Joe to know people didn’t try to get through to Kade. He could instantly tell she was hurting, and for some reason it hurt him also. He made his mind up he was going back to visit her. He knew she needed someone, and he wanted to be that someone.

“Hey Kev we doing anything today?” Joe asked bounding down the stairs.

“Not until tonight we have a meet and greet.” He answered not looking up from something he was reading.

“Alright… I’ll meet you guys there okay?” Joe said grabbing his iPhone, and car keys.

“Oookay… where are you going?” Kevin asked putting the book down.

“I’m going back to that hospital.” Joe said.

“Why?” Kevin asked looking at him weirdly.

“Because I want to visit Kade.” He replied already out the door.
“Hello Mr. Jonas back so soon?” The head nurse, Beth, greeted as he stepped into the cold hospital. “You here for a specific reason?”

Joe smiled at her. “Actually I am. I’m here to visit Kade.” He replied.

Beth’s eyes got wide, and then she smiled. “Certainly… follow me.”

Joe nodded to Beth, and entered the room thankfully Kade’s roommate wasn’t there. But he saw Kade sitting on the window seat in almost the exact same position as last time. Joe just stood by the door watching Kade. She was staring out the window. He walked silently to her, and sat next to her. Once again she made no indication that she knew he was there.

“Hello Kade, I don’t know if you remember me, but my brothers and I visited this hospital a couple weeks ago.” He paused looking at her. “My name is Joseph Adam Jonas, but people only call me that when I’m in trouble. Usually people just call me Joe. You can call me whatever you want.”

He stopped again, and she didn’t move. Her eyes stayed trained ahead never wavering. At the moment Joe thought that would be good enough. He stopped talking, and shared the silence with Kade, just being in her presence made him feel relaxed, and content. He didn’t understand this girl, but something told him he was doing the right thing by being here, with her.

Joe didn’t know how long they sat there but the sun began to fade. He looked down at his cell, and realized he had to leave to make it to the meet and greet. He looked at Kade. Her piercing green eyes were still lifeless and empty. He grabbed her hand again, it was cold, and squeezed it.

“I’m leaving now Kade, I’ll be back soon. I promise.” And once again her eyes moved to his, and again Joe was frozen to his place. “Bye.” He whispered. Her eyes moved back to their trance-like state as before, and Joe slipped out of the room.
The next week was very hectic for the Jonas Brothers they had to do many appearances, some small concerts, and a lot of meeting the fans. Friday arrived and Joe was exhausted mentally.

He drove to the hospital hopes of a reaction from Kade on his mind.

“Afternoon Beth.” Joe greeted walking into the hospital.

“Ah Mr. Jonas here for a visit?” She asked.

“Yes is Kade in her room?” He asked.

“No actually Kade is in the garden I think.” She replied.

“To the garden!”

Joe found his way to the garden, and his eyes fell on the golden brown head of Kade. He smiled at her, and walked over.

“Hey Kade!” He greeted cheerfully.

And just like the two times before Kade made no indication of his presence. And just like the times before Joe sat and talked to her a little before letting silence become their companion.
Weeks past and Joe began to look forward to his visits with Kade though there no indication of improvement. Joe steadied on knowing somehow someway he was helping his silent friend. People from the hospital got used to seeing him around every once in awhile. Jealous girls tried to sway his attention, but Joe was only interested in Kade, the one he knew needed him.


“I don’t see why you waste your time on her.” Kade’s roommate, Jess, snapped on one of his visits. Kade and Joe were sitting on the window seat enjoying the other’s silence.
“I don’t see my time being wasted… every moment here is special.” Joe replied. It might’ve been a trick of the light, but Joe could’ve sworn he saw a ghost of a smile on Kade’s face.
End flashback.

Living the Rockstar life was wearing on Joe. He loved it of course, he was living the dream. But silence and privacy was a rare thing to him. Joe began to need Kade; as much as he was sure she needed him. He’d go over to the hospital and seconds after he was in Kade’s presence his stress and worry melted.

He told her everything: about his day, his worries, his secrets, funny things the fans did, funny things his family did. He knew he could trust her. And slowly little things began to change. She’d turn ever so slightly at the sound of his voice; her eyes seemed to get a little more lifelike. Other than that nothing changed.
“Hey Kadie! I’ve got a present for you!” Joe announced walking into the room looking at the present in his hand. He looked up to find the room empty. “Huh Beth said Kade was in here.” Joe thought out loud. A movement from the corner of the room made Joe look back. Kade was sitting silently in her bed. He smiled.

“I almost didn’t see you KC!” He exclaimed walking over to her. “Lookie I bought you an iPod, and I put some of my favorite music on there plus of course my CD’s.”

He looked at her, and found her green eyes shining slightly. Slowly but surely her eyes were getting more and more lifelike though sometimes they’d be just as before.

For the rest of the time they had he showed her how to successfully use the iPod, and they listened to the different songs. The actual movement of her fingers were in itself a success and Joe was sure she likes her present.

“Well I hafta go! Kevin’s giving me a curfew because we have a concert tomorrow. I’ll be back soon. I promise.” He grabbed her hand in tradition and squeezed it, and in return Joe felt a slight squeeze from Kade. At this he beamed at her. Progress was slow, but it was happening!
“I’m home!” Joe announced walking into the house.

“Hello dear.” Joe heard his mother’s voice.

“Hey mom! What’s going on?” He asked seeing his brothers on the couch not looking at him. Weird.

“Nothing… do you have your cell with you?” Denise asked sweetly.

“Sure it’s right here.” Joe said taking it out.

“Look at the screen.” Denise said.

Joe did as he was told and found he had 50 missed calls. “What happened?” He asked confused.

“We had a small concert tonight, and you didn’t show, we had no idea where you were, the fans were disappointed, and most of all we were humiliated.” Kevin said angrily standing up.

“Where were you?” Nick asked.

“I was… I was at the hospital with Kade.” Joe answered.

Nick and Kevin shook their heads angrily. “I’m sorry Joseph but we’re going to have to ask you not to go there anymore.” Kevin said.

“What?! That’s not fair! Mom!” Joe protested his stomach dropping at the idea of not seeing Kade anymore.

“I’m sorry honey but I’m standing beside Kevin on this one.” She replied.

Anger stabbed Joe. “This isn’t fair at all! You don’t understand how much she needs me… how much I need her. I’m helping her! She’s making a lot of progress!” He yelled.

“Calm down Joseph! I understand you care for this girl, but this is your job! Do you know how much trouble we’ll be in?” Kevin asked.

Joe shook his head angrily. “So you’d rather throw away a life instead of getting into a little trouble?” He asked his eyes wild. His family never saw Joe this angry. He was fuming.

“I’m sorry Joe.” Kevin said softly.

“No I’m sorry! I’m sorry you’re killing her slowly when I was saving her!” He yelled turning to walk to his room.

“Joe!” Nick called.

“Don’t even try to talk to me.” Joe said through his teeth.
Once he was gone the rest of the family stared at each other wide-eyes.

“He must really like that girl.” Nick said quietly.

Everyone after that was at a loss for words.
Joe stared at the wall angrily. He didn’t understand why they were being so unfair. Sure he accidently missed a concert, but the fans would understand. But him being ordered not to see Kade that was crossing the line. What would she think once he never came back? She’d feel so betrayed.

He quickly pulled his phone out, and dialed the hospital.


“Hi this is Joe Jonas can you patch me through to Kade Colby?” He asked.

“Sure thing Joe, hold on.”

Joe heard a receiver hang up, and another answer.

“Kade? Kade this is Joe.” He sighed knowing she was there. “Listen… I got into some trouble here at home, and I can’t come back to see you. You don’t know how much this angers me: not being able to see you. But I want you to know that it’s not my choice. I do want to see you, and hopefully I’ll be able to come back soon. I want you to continue to enjoy the iPod I gave you. Please know I will find a way to see you again. Okay?” He waited. “Alright Kadie bye.” He heard her hang up before he hung up also.
Jess hung up the phone a smirk on her face. Kade wasn’t in the room so Jess had to answer the phone, and she was sure glad she did. Joe wasn’t coming back for what seemed like a long time, long enough for Kade to slip back into her nonresponsive self. Joe wouldn’t come back after Kade gave him the cold shoulder. Why should Kade have the Joe Jonas when she certainly didn’t deserve him?
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Alright! I hated making Kevin and Nick look like the bad guys but I promise they'll be good soon! Please tell me what you think!!

Oh BTW this chappie was supossed to span like a month! IDK if I put that in there! Sorry if it's confusing!