The Tearing Sound Of Love Notes

Head Rush.

I walked into my room and saw that I had a missed call from Summer. I called her back and a few rings later she screamed, "Raven! Oh my God! How are you?" I smiled, "I'm doing okay. I met this really nice boy." "Spill!" she squeled. I know what you are thinking, how did you become friends with her? Well we were friends since 3rd grade, but we just grew up to have different styles and music tastes. I like rock and metal, she likes hip hop and rap. I like dark clothes, and she diffinately loves her pink. Our personalities never changed towards eachother so we are still close. "Well," I started, "I had this dream the day before school, and this boy was in it. I thought nothing of it until I got to school and he was standing across the hallway." "The boy from your dream?" she asked. "Yeah, I was kinda freaked out. And then it turns out he has art with me. He is a pretty cool guy." I said laying on my bed. "That's so great. Is-" Summer was cut off by her mom yelling something. "Oh geez, I have to go. I'll call you later." Summer said. "Bye." I hung up and rolled over on my side.

I woke up with my dad knocking on the door. "Raven? Are you awake? It's 7:45!" He said through the door. My eyes snapped open and I flung myself out of bed, a little too quick. I got a major head rush and fell over running to open the door. I hit the floor face first and there was a big thud. My dad screamed from the other side of the door, "Raven?!?! Are you okay?" "Ihm fhihhne." I mumbled against the carpet. I got up and opened the door. "What happened?" my dad said looking me up and down for cuts or bruises. "I just got a head rush and fell." I said waving it off. "Okay welll you better get going." he said looking at his watch. My eyes got wide realizing why I shot out of bed and I started rushing around. I shut my door and threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain black shirt. I quickly wiped on some black eyeliner and brushed my shoulder length black hair with the bottom half dyed purple. I brushed my teeth put on some deoderant before flying down the stairs and hopped in my Jetta speeding towards school. As soon as I stepped through the doors into the hallway the bell rang. I cursed and ran to my first class. As I walked through the door the teacher gave me a glare. I walked to my desk and sat down my stuff, sighing in relief. I looked around and noticed a boy my age looking at me. He had dark brown hair with a bang that hung over his eye, which were a hazel. He alsohad his lip pierced. I smiled and tunred to pay attention to the teacher.

After the bell rang I was gathering my stuff when a shadow fell over me. I looked up and saw that boy. "Hey, my name is Frank." he said smiling. I smiled back. "I'm Raven." "Are you new?" he asked. "Yeah, moved from California." I said walking out of class with him following behind me. "Well, I'll see ya latr." he sai before walking in the opposite direction.