Alter Ego

Chapter 1

I sighed as the morning breeze from my window blew my hair in my face. i shifted in my bed and sat up. Saturday morning. Today was a free day for me. I had no concerts, no interviews or etc.. Well, Chelste had no shows. Me, I had nothing to do with my friends. I had made plans to go to the beach but I canceled thinking I had a Chelste thing. Today was my day to be Audrey.
Plain old me. My alter ego was put to rest for now.

I looked over at my window as I heard a faint beeping. Standing and stretching, I made my way to the window. Looking out over the hedges into the next yard, I noticed a moving truck. The back swung open and a couch was carried out. A big, white Hybrid vehicle pulled up into the empty parking space next to the truck. A lady with long dark hair stepped out. The door located directly behind opened and a young guy stepped out, carrying a younger boy who looked around 7. Two older boys came from the other side of the vehicle. The tallest took the small boy from the other one's arms. I couldn't quite see their faces. I was just glad to have three guys as my neighbors.

Leaning against the window sill, I watched the three older boys toss a football around. The lady, who I guessed to be their mother, walked over and caught it from them. She motioned towards the moving truck. I guess she was telling them to help out. The curly haired younger one, I was assuming, headed for the moving truck and picked up a head board. One of the older one's helped him out. Tired of being a snooper, I decided to go see who they were.

I headed down the stairs and passed my parents. My mom was reading a magazine with my alter ego on the cover. The headline read:

Chelste Maguire head lines new tour

Yeah, that's the only way people know I exist. To everyone else, I'm just plain old Audrey. My father was watching Wheel of Fortune. I was never any good at that. But Chelste was great pals with Vana. I twisted the door knob to leave my warm safe haven. i stepped into the cool summer breeze and made my way to the side of the house. Walking to the side of my yard where the hedges were located, I could hear faint giggling. I assumed it was coming from the youngest child.

I glanced through two of the hedges. i couldn't see very good, so I stuck my head a little further in. I didn't notice that my head was visible for the other side. I glanced at the ground and noticed shoes. Looking up, I locked eyes with a curly haired boy. He was looking at me like I was a freak.

"Umm.. Did you loose something?"

Trying to react, I had nothing.

"Um... Yeah. Actually my pet rabbit got loose and I was just... you know."

The boy stared at me funny. "Well I hope you find your rabbit."

I smiled at the dark haired cutie. He looked very familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it. His eyes were covered with sunshades.

"Nicholas.. Come on."

The lady waved for the younger boy to come in. He turned and waved and then looked bac at me.

"I have to go, but I will keep an eye out for your rabbit."

I smiled a thank you and pulled my head out of the hedge. The young boy smircked at me.

"Next time... Just walk in the yard."

He leaned across the hedge and pulled a green leaf out of my hair. "Maybe that won't happen."
He turned and walked away, then stopped.

"Oh, I'm Nick by the way."


Nick smircked at me and then met up with the two older boys. He waved a little wave and walked towards his new house.


I tried my hardest to think of who it was the whole way back to my house. Then it dawned on me. Boy curly hair, older brothers. Hot. Left me with only one option.

The Jonas Brothers.