There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

Life Long Wait for a Hospital Stay

"They said she probably had amnesia."

"How much does she remember? How long will it last?"

"They don't know yet. We can't tell until she wakes up."

My eyes fluttered open. I was in a hospital... I wondered why for a moment, but figured it wasn't too important seeing as all of my limbs were in tact. "I suppose you mean me. Wait. Who are you?" I asked. There was a skinny, smaller guy with eyeliner standing next to Bill. He seemed familiar... But I just couldn't remember him at all!

He smiled sadly. "I'm Ryan. Ross." I tilted my head and he swallowed. "I play guitar for Panic at the Disco." He bit his lip and looked at Bill.

"Look, the doctor's going to come in and ask you some questions that may seem a little ridiculous, alright Bells? Just answer them, and we'll be on our way."

"I knew you looked familiar. I'm Bella. Well, you already seem to know that, though. Nice to meet you, Ryan." I said with a nod in his direction. Then I turned to Bill. "Well... Alright. If you say so, Bilvy." I replied with a smile before the two walked out the door.

"Now, don't forget, if she doesn't remember the breakup, you have to-"

"Pretend like we never broke up, I know."

I heard the two talking outside, and I raised an eyebrow. What? Breakup? That was ridiculous. I would never break up with Bill. And he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. I must have misheard them somehow. No matter that they were right outside the door.
I looked back up as a man in a doctor's jacket came in the door, clipboard in hand. "Ahh, Ms. Arabella. So, to begin, why don't you just tell me a little bit about yourself? Where you live, significant other, how old you are, all of that."

I smiled and laughed a little. "Why not? I'm Bella Morphis. I'm the lead singer of Vintage Soup. I live in an apartment in Chicago with my boyfriend Bill Beckett, the lead singer of The Academy Is... My dad's dead, I visit my family about once a year around Christmas if I'm not too busy, they live in North Carolina. I'm 21. Anything else?"

"Hm..." He jotted down a few notes. "I believe that shall be sufficient. Thank you, Ms. Morphis. You should be able to leave very soon, and get back on tour tomorrow. I'll go talk to the waiting party."

Waiting party? Tour? Well, Bill would probably clue me in. I wondered if there were any fans waiting... Maybe I would get a cute stuffed animal out of this after all, at least.

And another chance with Bill.

I could hardly restrain my laugh. Stupid conscience never knew what it was talking about. I looked up to the doorway to see my boyfriend's thin frame.

"Hey Bells."

"Hey there, Bilvy. Why so glum?" He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Who said I'm glum?" he asked, walking over to my bed. "I'm just relieved to know you're okay. We were all worried about you... I mean, You have a mild case of amnesia,but that should be gone in a few days. We'll be staying in a hotel tonight and tomorrow night so you can have a little time to get back in the groove, or whatever." he saidas he pulled up a chair.
I smiled and a laugh bubbled lightly from my lips as I took his hand. "So... Just you... And me... Alone... In a hotel room?" I looked up at him through my lashes, biting my lip and rubbing my thumb lightly across his knuckles.

He cleared his throat. "Er... Yeah. So you can rest and whatnot."

I dropped his hand and smiled. "While I'm not sure I'll be getting much rest, it sounds nice."

He bit his lip, smiling and grabbed my hand again. "Well, it's my job to fill you in, so I'm going to be productive if you don't mind."

I smirked. "Of course I don't, Bilvy."

"Alright then. We're on HCT with Cobra, Panic and Paramore. Vintage Soup is headlining." I smiled widely. "Too bad Patrick isn't here. He would have loved telling you a second time. Sam and Sisky are still dating, Val and Michael are still dating, Felicity and Mikey are married, Summer is still single."

"Gabe's still a hopeless manwhore?"


I laughed a little. "Sounds like things haven't changed too much. I must not have too bad amnesia, huh?"

Bill laughed weakly. "There's been worse. Oh! Hayley, Vicky-T and the girls are practically beating down the door wanting to see you, armed with flowers and stuffed animals and balloons."

My smile grew wider. "What are you waiting for? Shoo! Let me see my girls." Then, I smirked. "Anyways, we'll have plenty of time together, won't we?" I said with a wink.

He coughed a little. "Uh... Yeah. Bye, then." He barely got out the door before nearly all of the girls were on top of me.

"Don't ever scare us like that again, stupid!" Sam said.

"Oh, let's just spend the night in the park." Summer added.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Bells!" Val exclaimed.

"Do you know how many shows had to be delayed? Not to mention the mental state of everyone..." Felicity added.

"Neverever do that again. Silly Bella!" Hayley said.

"Do you know how hard it is to put up with Gabe by myself? Good lord!" Vicky-T sighed.

I laughed and gave everyone a hug. "I missed you guys, too."

"You better have!" Summer replied, and we all laughed.

"Plus, we brought presents!" Hayley exclaimed, thrusting a small purple elephant in my face.

I smiled even wider. "I'm glad I keep you guys around."
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Chapter title to My Chemical Romance.