Counting Down The Days To Go

On Holiday-ay-ay.

Before I knew it, April was here and so was spring break. Aiden was pretty nice and he managed to hook us up with four tickets to Lihue, Hawaii.

How had the past month been for me?

Horrible, I tell you. Horrible. I didn’t really fill you in on how I lead my life before Mike came into the picture, right? Well, I shall describe my daily schedule. I wake up and the first thing that pops into my head is Mike. I do all my morning necessities, still thinking of you-know-who. I zoom into school and eagerly look out for any signs of him. If Mike is in school, I would brighten up and rush to all of my classes, just to look out for him. If he is absent from school, I'd slouch into the classes all by myself. When I don’t feel like going, I’d just skip and go into the toilet to smoke. Pathetic, aint it?

And yes, you read right. I have picked up smoking. I used to frown on that little cancer stick and how it would make my lungs all black and reduce my life span by a few years. But these days, I think ‘what the heck’ and I puff away on the sticks. If I was having a good day, I would have smoked through three quarters of a pack within twenty four hours. And you want to know something? No one knows this dirty little secret of mine. Absolutely no one. I bought loads of perfume to spray on myself after every little ‘smoking break’ and I bought loads of mint to keep my breathe fresh.

But you can’t blame me. I have absolutely no one except Chanel and the occasional Aiden to turn to now. I used to go to Mike when I was feeling down and Amanda’s really childish and squeamish antics used to make my troubles go away. But not anymore, eh? I’ve got my little stick of nicotine and tar to relieve all the stress away.

As for Mike, it would be lucky if he was present in school for three straight days. Usually, he would just pop in about three times a week and spend the rest of the time god-knows-where. I don't care. I really don't. Who cares what that good-for-nothing coward is up to, right? I sure don't. He can die and I won't give a shit.

Anyway, like I was saying, it was already spring break and I was shoving my bikinis, tank tops, shorts and other light clothes into my duffel bag. Chanel, Jeff, Aiden and I were going away from town for a week, just arriving the night before school reopens again. I was looking forward to a whole lot of time in the sun, reading some really juicy chick-lit novels and just relaxing. I think that maybe some time away from this placeand him would do me some good.


“Mmmm…I smell freedom!” Chanel said rather excitedly as we walked out of the arrival lounge. We had just arrived in Lihue, Hawaii. There were the lush green trees, perfect blue skies, the foreign tourists and Chanel was right, the air did smell of freedom.

I reckoned that it was going to be a great week.

We headed off into the taxi that Aiden had oh-so-kindly booked beforehand but it wasn’t big enough to fit all of our bags so Chanel and Jeff decided to take a second cab, leaving me and Aiden in the first one.

I was just gazing out of the open window, enjoying the sweet smell coming from the sea and just soaking my eyes in the wonderful scenery when Aiden just had to break the silence.

“So, erm. Heard of Amanda lately?” He asked me, although his face was turned towards his own window.

“Yeah. I called her before we boarded the flight, remember? You even yelled into the phone about how you were going to see me in a bikini and she wasn’t,” I said with a distinct roll of my eyes. I was in a semi-bad mood even though this place was great. I couldn’t help but wished that Mike was here with me. Truth to be told, before Mike went missing during that cold winter, I was thinking about how the both of us could escape to somewhere nice and sunny during spring break. But instead, I was stuck in a cab with Aiden. He’s a nice guy but he’s not Mike. I'm not thinking about Mike one bit. In fact, I was just wondering what my parents were doing right now.

I rolled my eyes again as I saw Aiden checking out the asses of some local girls walking by. So typical.

After an agonizing fifteen minutes of making small talk with Aiden, we finally reached the Marriott Kauai Resort & Beach Club. It was a pretty place and I was already very impressed by the time we reached the reception counter. The service was very efficient and before long, I was twirling my keys around my finger and heading towards my room.

Aiden had reserved the rooms in such a way that two rooms were facing the other two so all four of us were either beside each other or just across the hall. My room was gorgeous, just like the rest of the hotel. It was immaculate and well-kept with a fine smell of pine in the air. I sat down lightly on the bed and just took in the sight of the room but I couldn’t help but shudder as I thought about how I was going to spend the night.

I never really told anyone but I have a fear of sleeping in hotel rooms. It must have been the fact that I watched way too many horror movies or something but I just had a fear of falling asleep. I think that when I’m asleep, some female ghost would waltz into my room and scare the living daylights out of me and that is why I usually bunk in with someone else when I’m on holiday. Yeah, I’m the type of kid who sleep in between their parents on their king size bed.

Oh what the heck. I suppose I would just sleep in Chanel’s room during the night.
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Wrapping this little present up before the 25th; I hope.