A Ban On Moshing? - Comments

  • People do get hurt anad I can understand why people eould want to ban moshing. I went to Edgefest with my boyfriend this year and we were at te third stage listening to Atreyu when a small mosh pit broke out by us. One of the bigger guys got shoved into me which cause me to fall and almost break my wrist. And when Atreyu's set almost finished, a guy and his friend from in front of the stage, walked by us and he had blood pouring down the side of his face and he had a hand over his eye.
    Now, I'm not saing I'm against mosh pits, because I mosh on occasion, but there are dangerous and some veneus really should ban it.
    August 17th, 2008 at 03:48am
  • Technically, well in Australia anyway, moshing is prohibited at most, if not all major music venues. It's also usually stated on the tickets. However, does this stop people? Of course not! Most security is fine with it (to a degree) and don't stop people. Not that they really can anyway. I attended a hardcore show a few weeks a go, and on the ticket and on a sign above the entrance it stated No moshing or crowd surfing. Didn't stop anyone from crowd surfing or moshing at all.
    Besides moshing is all part of the experience. :)
    August 17th, 2008 at 03:43am
  • Moshing is fine, but it's obvious that some people take it too far.
    There should be areas designated for moshing (and there already sort of are unofficial moshing areas in most venues), so people who don't want to don't have to, and anyone getting too violent should be kicked out. That's what security is there for, after all.
    August 17th, 2008 at 03:17am
  • I think moshing should be regulated everywhere, but only banned in, like, HUGE venues that can hold a lot of people. I've kinda always wanted to be in a mosh pit so I don't want it to get banned everywhere. Hm, I never actually thought of it being a real problem....
    August 17th, 2008 at 02:46am
  • I'm not doing for banning moshing. The some of the pits I've been in were crazy and to walk out with cuts and bruises and sprained ankles are so worth the story. Besides if you are a new comer to any type of concert or just don't want to be hurt you can still go down in the pit, but you stand on the side. You still get to see the band up close and enjoy the music. The middle of the pit is where you get sucked in and get hurt. A lot of shit goes down in the pit. Half the time if someone sees you are having a hard time they'll help you out. Yeah, things do get out of hand, but the people around well put a stop to it if the security doesn't. And most of the time is just kids being stupid and having fun. Most that get hurt never been in a pit before. Most of the time, not all of the time, but a lot of the time.
    It's like banning smoking outside, or in your homes. Just stupid. And quiet ridiculous. It's your decision if you jump in or not, and it's your responsibility with whatever you do. Not the venue. Know how to handle yourself before you step in.
    August 17th, 2008 at 02:31am
  • I miss the old punk days when moshing
    was just pushing/shoving and running,
    not puching the crap out of people and wind
    mill kicks.
    August 17th, 2008 at 02:24am
    I LUUUUUUURVE Moshing!
    D: if they banned it, I think I'd die on the inside, moshing is one of the best parts of a concert!
    Well, it doesn't really matter, even if they did ban it, no one would listen.
    August 17th, 2008 at 02:20am
  • And, to add onto my other comment, you will [b][i]never[/b][/i] hear someone who moshes say they regret it in the morning. I gurantee that you won't. People know what will happen in a mosh pit. They're not stupid. And without moshing, half of the concert halls would probably go out of business because people would eventually stop going because a concert just standing there is boring.
    August 17th, 2008 at 02:08am
  • The concerts I go to, it's a bragging right if you get hurt. Concerts without moshing would just be... almost pointless other than having bands sing in front of you. Moshers have the choice of going into pits or not.

    Plus, I'd like people to try and ban moshing. See how many concerts actually follow the rule. :roll:
    August 17th, 2008 at 02:05am
  • that's bullshit.
    August 17th, 2008 at 01:39am
  • Well part of the reason I'm nervous to go to a chiodos ,the devil wears prada, underOATH or anyother heavier band's concert is becuase i'm jsut a 12 year odl kid afradi to go into moshpits? and even if they ddo provide seats thats no fun i wanna jump around or stand up close to the stage. And some people just randomally get picked up...
    August 17th, 2008 at 01:17am
  • Hmm... well i've never moshed but from what I know it can be really dangerous. They should have security in the mosh pits to calm down the crowd. They also shouldn't sell booze to anyone in the moshing.
    August 17th, 2008 at 01:03am
  • I think this is fucking insane.

    1. If you think yer gonna get hurt in a mosh pit, DON'T GO IN IT!
    2. It's only common sense to not wear any piercings if you plan to mosh.
    3. Its so much fun. And people KNOW the dangers, but they do it anyways.

    I think it's just dang silly to ban it. It's too much fun to pretend yer a ninja :]
    August 17th, 2008 at 12:54am
  • A ban on moshing is just silly.
    If they think they have a problem now, just imagine what will happen when you try to tell the kids, "You can't mosh at all, so STOP THAT!"
    They're going to come back and mosh until the venue has to be shut down, you know?

    Also, I think venues should start really playing up the fact that nothing that happens to you can be held as their fault. Just like ticket vendors will do.
    All they have to do is make sure that the kids know that by showing up, they're exposing themselves to a potentially crazy mosh pit.
    I don't like moshing much, depends on the act(I'm more of a dancing person, myself), but I go in knowing that even if I don't want to, I could get hurt by someone else. I would never blame the venue what so ever. I don't even blame the kid, unless of course they do it on purpose.
    August 17th, 2008 at 12:39am
  • The venue I saw My Chemical Romance at was Sheffield Halam FM arena, and they provided seats not 'non-moshers' and, of course, plenty of space for a mosh pit. It's wrong to ban though, it can be quite fun, and like you said, a great thrill. Awesome article.
    August 17th, 2008 at 12:26am
  • I think it'd be stupid to ban moshing. At almost every show I've been to, there've been some idiots deliberately looking to start trouble, and they always got taken out by security. If people are complaining that they can't see, they'll just have to find a way to deal with it. If moshing is keeping some people from going to shows, than that's their own problem; don't punish the others for wanting to mosh (and I'm talking about the people who DON'T try to purposefully hurt other kids).

    I usually try to avoid the pit, but I never mind that people are moshing. I expect it at every show I go to, same with crowdsurfer's. If people hate moshing, here's a solution: stay away from it, or don't go to a show at all. I can understand venues banning it, but a state-wide ban is just unfair, if you ask me.
    August 17th, 2008 at 12:02am
  • In my opinion, if you don't want to get hurt just don't go in the pit.
    I'm a short, skinny girl and I've had the shit beaten out of me in pits, so I don't go in anymore because my jaw got fractured. I also don't want my septum ripped in half.
    Banning it isn't got to do anything, and a lot of people in pits often look out for you. I've been hauled up countless times by strangers, protected by strangers when it's got totally out of hand, and strangers have helped me look for my shoes when I lose them.
    I've found that moshing at local shows round where I live is almost more violent than that of big gigs, some of the stuff that goes on is insane. It gets really out of hand, but when accidents happen there's not an ambulance around like at larger gigs. And also, it's an opportunity to beat up people who you don't like.
    August 16th, 2008 at 11:59pm
  • O_O
    what. the. bert.

    dude seriously when kids get hurt it's almost bragging rights
    I've been to two concerts were I've been nearly taken out in an ambulance and that has not stopped me from moshing. A scar is a badge of honor.
    August 16th, 2008 at 11:43pm
  • If they are going to ban moshing they should do it venue by venue, not state by state.
    If they do ban it, moshing is still going to happen anyway.
    Personally, I like crowd-surfing.
    It gives me such a rush, but sometimes moshing gets out of hand.
    I was at a Bring Me The Horizon concert, and the guy in front of me had his nose and lip piercing ripped out, just by standing near the mosh pit.
    It isn't really a concert without moshing.
    Great job on the article by the way! =]
    August 16th, 2008 at 11:42pm
  • i dislike moshpits, but to me they're apart of the concert experience.

    So i thought why don't they ban moshing from bands that cause "chaos" i mean... like Slipknot, people get hurt in those, but its up to people.

    and like bands for MCR should be allowed they don't get too violent.

    but very good article.
    August 16th, 2008 at 11:28pm