Are Teenagers Under Too Much Stress?

Are Teenagers Under Too Much Stress? I sometimes find myself wondering why teenagers are so stressed out, is it because parents put pressure on the teenager? Do exams cause stress? Peer pressure? Nearly all teenagers have a stress filled life, full up with "You can do better" "Pass that exam" or even, "Come on have a cigarette."

When teenagers get under pressure they get stressed, some pull out their own hair, they worry and get themselves worked up and they sometimes even turn to drugs thinking it might help them. The truth is, I have even found myself getting worked up over things such as school.

It is stupid sometimes though teenagers stress over little things too, such as weight. Every teenager (mostly girls) think they do not have the perfect figure or they think they look short and pudgy, tall and a balloon. There is no such thing as a perfect figure or a perfect body, your body was made for you. It is up to you what you put in it, but please don't say you are ugly, fat, chubby or you think of yourself as disgusting, you are bringing yourself down when you are beautiful as you are!

Some girls (and boys) are under weight due to constant stressing over calories and carbs etc, why worry? You are a teenager, eat junk food for crying out loud, just don't stuff your mouth too much. Drink fizzy drinks! Eat oreos and skittles!

Don't change yourself.

There is too many adults on TV, who have just had a baby and look as if they are a stick still, what messages is this sending out to us? That we should be sticks, and also some of them try and loose weight before a baby is born! It's a competition to be the perfect size.

But define perfect? 5'7 or higher? A size two or a size ZERO? Is it really wrong to be 4'11? And a size eight or ten or fourteen or higher? The constant issue of this is stressing us teenagers out, you can't be anything more than a size four in this world nowadays! It's terrible.

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