Whatever Happened to Seeing the Good in Celebrities? - Comments

  • We point out the flaws in celebrities, because not only would it be boring if we didn't, but having their flaws out in the open when they're so famous makes us feel better about our own.
    It's simple.
    August 9th, 2009 at 04:40am
  • You have some good points, but you put too much of your own opinion in this article, you need to focus more on the facts and less on your own thoughts.
    July 11th, 2009 at 10:34pm
  • Thank you, finally someone who
    sees it the same as me. Why are we trying
    to point out all the flaws in celeberties?? Is it
    to show others that they're the same as us??
    They're plently of other drama that we could use
    the front of newspapers for. And Personally MJ was
    majorly set up for the child molesting case. The child's
    parents let him sleep over at MJ's house. Honestly though
    who the hell would let there child sleep over at MJ's house. Those
    charges were never proven anyways,
    July 9th, 2009 at 03:09am
  • Yeah, I do agree that some of the celebrity slip-ups are a lot less interesting than the celebrities doing good. Your last two examples, of the marriage problems and the weight loss, are some of the most annoying things to see on covers of magazines. Sometimes there is the rare problem that could be interesting, but I agree with your point. Most are just annoying.
    July 7th, 2009 at 02:58pm