No More E.T. Over The River Thames

No More E.T. Over The River Thames On the 1st of December, Mulder and Scully have lost their jobs in the United Kingdom; the Ministry of Defense has closed the UFO unit. The UFO investigation department was busy during the 50 years of existence but only to receive countless calls of alleged close encounters. No evidence to back up the existence of aliens.

“There was no defense value”, states the Unit in the X-Files unit.

The employee who spent days picking up the phone and listening to frantic people reporting sightings, has been moved to another post. By closing the Unit, The Ministry saves 44,000 pounds a year.

“The MoD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra-terrestrial life”, states the Ministry, adding that in over 50 years there was no evidence of a threat to the UK. The Ministry also added that by continuing with the UFO reports, they would inappropriately use defense resources.

“Any legitimate threat to the UK's airspace will spotted by our 24/7 radar checks and dealt with by RAF fighter aircraft.”

While on one hand some praise the Ministry move, saying that in these times every penny should be saved, others seem to be disappointed. One of them is Dr David Clarke from Sheffield Hallam University:

“I'm obviously disappointed because I think, hidden within all the noise, is interesting material.”

Still, he understands that the Ministry’s top priority is frontline in Afghanistan and he supports it.

“When you've got the families of soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan saying they haven't got the kit they need, collecting reports of funny lights seen in the sky can't be seen as a priority.”

In the future, he hopes, scientists will be the ones to look into these interesting things, not military.

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