New Funding to Assist Teenage Parents - Comments

  • I like that the government is setting out to help pregnant women and pregnant teenagers, I do think it's a good thing. :) I also think that it's probably not something you could just get into and abuse - like there would possibly be checks, monitoring and criteria to fill and such. But I do think it's a good thing. I'm not American, but I do live in a country that's big on social welfare, and my friends sister got pregnant at 15, and if the government couldn't help her out - I have no idea how she would have coped or where she would be now - because there was no way her mother could have helped her on her own, and the father of the baby was rather unreliable.

    So, I think it's good that something like this is happening/has occurred - even if I may be biased because it works well within my country, in a way.

    I liked the last paragraph, how it talked about the issue of abortion, I was going along with it thinking [i]yeah, that sounds about right...[/i] and then that last quote just put it all in its place. :) I thought that was great. :)
    August 6th, 2011 at 10:33pm
  • There is a way to not get pregnant
    1. Dont do sex
    2. Keep studying
    3. Go and find some good college
    4. Find a nice job
    5. I dont cared that you wanna loose your virginity just hold it until you are aldult & have money to take care your child
    6. Eh dont give the money to the teen mom give it to the child.
    7. Oh and if your boyfriend is trying to get you in the bed you have the right to say "no" even if you love him very much doesnt matter b/c getting pregnant in such a young age is a huge waste and trust me i know some few teen mom...
    May 4th, 2011 at 02:35am
  • I think that there should only be assistance if it was rape. That means, you have to have a documented case with the police proving it was rape. If you can't be responsible enough to either keep your legs shut or protect yourself properly, then you deserve what you get. The government doesn't have the money to be spending on things like this.
    January 17th, 2011 at 10:59pm
  • v Where in the WORLD does it say or even refer to taking money away from schools? Just because they're funding something other than schools doesn't mean it takes away from school funds.
    The government funds all kinds of crap, a lot that is much 'worse' than this. And this is actually a good cause. Complain about something that actually takes away from school funds, not something thats supposed to help people.
    December 5th, 2010 at 10:04pm
  • "Hey let's take out more money out of schools and give it to the people with a less likely chance to make things better!!!!!!"

    Nice move, Obama.... because cutting money from schools keeps already born children in school and with a chance in moving this country forward.
    October 31st, 2010 at 10:04am
  • You know what, I'm a pregnant sixteen year old and trust me, I'm not irresponsible or stupid.
    I made a mistake and this is a consequence. But I'm handling it best I can.
    My family and my boyfriends family doesnt have the means to give us the support we need and while he is working now and I'll work after high school, without this new assistance, our child would suffer from our mistake and I don't think thats fair.
    Most pregnant teens dont go to college and their kids suffer for it.
    I understand that you dont see the point in supporting me, but I dont think this is about the moms really.
    Its about the kids.
    I need health insurance for this baby.
    I need to go to college for this baby so I can give them a good life.
    I need day care so I can work and my boyfriend can too for this baby.
    And I can't get that without government support.
    I'm sorry your tax dollars will go to my mistake, but you shouldnt think of it that way.
    You should think of them going to a baby who would otherwise have to suffer for their parents stupidity.
    As for teens wasting it, I'm sure this simply offers free day care, health insurance, and money for college that directly goes to that college.
    I'm sure they are taking measures to prevent squandoring.
    Even if they were just passing out money and saying, this is for your baby, I wouldn't waste it.
    I would take that precious gift and use it for exactly what is was for: my baby.
    This isnt a reward for getting pregnant. Its a means to survive.
    I'm sorry so many of you feel this is a waste, but to me, its a blessing.
    Thank you, Obama, for this gift. My child now truly has a chance for a good life, maybe even one better than I had.
    October 13th, 2010 at 11:26pm
  • Does the healthcare extend to under eighteen teenaged girls? As in, could a pregnant sixteen year old get her own health insurance or could she get is through the eighteen year old father.. Or do you not know?
    If you don't know, do you know where I could find out?
    October 13th, 2010 at 11:04pm
  • That is a stupid idea. If the girls didn't want to have to deal with having a kid they shouldn't have had sex. Period. No sex is safe sex and there is ALWAYS a chance of getting pregnant. This sounds like they're giving a reward to the girls for getting pregnant.
    October 3rd, 2010 at 06:44pm

    What. About. Horny. Teenaged. Boys. ???
    August 5th, 2010 at 02:39am
  • they best we can do really is to get into the thick skulls of teenagers, mostly girls since they are the once who get pregnant.

    if we could get them to listen we wouldn't have this problem.

    to bad it's not so simple since many teens think nothing can happen to them
    July 14th, 2010 at 06:28am
  • What we really need is a program that will help these girls keep their legs shut!
    July 8th, 2010 at 05:58am
  • Even if all teenage moms were stupid (although they're not) it's still sickening to think people care more about the handful of dollars they'd have to give to fund this program than about the lives of fellow human beings that could be improved considerably through it.
    July 6th, 2010 at 07:17am
  • I sure wish I was as perfect as some of you must be, so that I could hop on my high horse and look down on everyone else who has ever made a mistake. How judgmental, and not to be mean, but naive. There will come a point in your life where you mess up, big time. It might not be an unplanned pregnancy, but something will happen eventually. it's life. If you expect any kind of help or redemption, you're a total hypocrite.
    July 6th, 2010 at 07:05am
  • Not all teen moms became pregnant via consensual unprotected sex.
    July 6th, 2010 at 12:24am
  • Yes, it's stupid because [i]all[/i] teenaged moms are stupid, and [i]all[/i] of them don't deserve any help because it's [i]all[/i] their faults.

    Generalizations are always right.

    July 5th, 2010 at 11:38pm
  •'s a nice effort. But as people have said, if you don't structure what the money is for, a lot will be wasted. But c'mon, guys..just because a teenage girl makes one mistake doesn't have to mean she'll keep making them. Don't hate on all teenage moms just because of the common sterotype. Accidents happen. Condoms break. Contraceptives malfunction. Can you really say it's their fault, then? There are teen moms out there who fit the sterotype and probably don't deserve this money, yes. But there are those who [i]do[/i], and I 'd like to think that is who this program is aimed at.
    July 5th, 2010 at 09:44pm
  • And all this money is coming out of who's pockets? That's right! Citizens' Hard earned money!
    July 5th, 2010 at 09:21pm
  • LOL cos we have enough money to put towards this programme, yes? We have no money as it is, we don't need another $24mil down the drain. Go Obama! I hate him..

    And this isn't for just for teens, and it never said it was for teens. It said women. Why should we aid pregnant teens? Cos they f*cked up and were stupid? Yeah, let's aid them.
    July 5th, 2010 at 09:07pm
  • Now that this will be thrown into effect, I think I'll go get pregnant.
    Since I'll be getting help.


    Stupid idea. Now tell me again why we voted for this monstrosity?
    July 5th, 2010 at 07:42pm
  • I strongly disagree with the frustrated "helping pregnant teenagers to get through college is a waste of money". I'm currently struggling to pay for university myself so I can understand the frustration, but I know that my -quite good- academic performance has a lot to do with the fact that my parents wanted and could afford to care about my grades. I worked hard to get good test scores, but I also went to a good school, bought a lot of books, had access to an Internet connection, took part in a lot of extracurriculars, etc. all of those would not have been possible if my parents wouldn't have understood how important studying is or if they simply couldn't have paid for it. I also know that because I'm a good student I'll manage to get a scholarship or earn enough prizes not to be forced to sell a kidney or I'll find a decent part-time job and go to school at the same time.
    July 5th, 2010 at 01:49pm