Is the World Truly Ugly?

Is the World Truly Ugly? It seems that’s all you hear these days; “The world is an ugly place.”
Whether it’s in songs, novels, television, or just in a passing conversation, you always hear it.
But is it really though? Is it truly as ugly as it can be?

Yes, the world has its ‘ugly’ moments, but it can have its truly beautiful moments.
Have you ever taken the time to really watch the world? To really understand how it works in all of its complexity?

You can’t have one thing with another. For every good there is a bad. For every loving word, there is a hateful one. So for every ugly moment there is an equally beautiful one.

I’m going to take the words of a teacher of mine, "Everything you believe can be proven untrue, everything you see can vanish, and everything you live for, can be taken away.”

Nothing can ever reach it’s peak without having a downward spiral afterwards, so maybe this ‘ugliness’ is only temporary, maybe it will come crashing down one day and then beauty will come overtake it.

Beauty and ugly go hand in hand as aforementioned. Can you imagine a world with only ugly moments? I’m sure you don’t even want your imagination to be able to concoct such images.

Now can you imaging a world with only beauty moments? I’m sure you love your imagination concocting those images.

But there is a downside to just beauty, just as there’s a downside to just ugly. Ugly’s downside is just more present and better seen. It’s more believable.

Beauty’s downside is hardly ever thought of, ever stumbled upon, but it’s there. We all tend to think of Beauty’s downside as ugly, but in reality, it’s nowhere near it.

Beauty’s downside is worse than Ugly. It catches you off guard, it shows now mercy, and then you end up shrugging it off as Ugly and walking away. This is where Ugly gets it’s bad name.

Now what do you believe in the most? What do you live for every day, the reason you wake up in the morning. What is your highest belief? Now imagine that being proven untrue in the blink of an eye. Everything you’ve ever lived for, proven false.
This is Beauty’s downside.

When death comes, and it’s predicted, you know it’s going to happen, whether it’s six seconds in advance or six months, when you know; Ugly.

When death comes with a vengeance, out of nowhere, taking away a life you never got to say goodbye to. When it leaves you aching for more moments spent and more ‘I love yous’ exchanged; Beauty’s downside.

Now do you understand what I am saying?

What do you think of when you hear the word beauty? You think of amazing things don’t you? Now what do you think of when you hear the word ugly? Put those two together, and you have a map of the world.

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