I Want To Go Back - Comments

  • Shatterheart

    Shatterheart (140)

    United States
    Hmmm...Is it one of those "Hi, have you seen me anywhere? I seemed to have lost me...If you see me, can you tell me that I was looking for me?" kinda hectic, panicky, and scrambled situations?

    Well, then I guess I kinda get where you are coming from. I honestly have to keep myself on a leash to keep me here!! XD

    A solution? I say wait.
    If you force yourself to dig further in search for your inner Muse, I feel like that's when you push it further and further away.

    Instead of chasing it, wait for it to come back. In the mean time, do fun, relaxing things that inspire you.
    It could be reading, drawing, listening to music, playing an instrument, etc.

    Lay back, relax, and wait for yourself to come back home with open doors. =)

    ...Hope that helped some.

    April 27th, 2010 at 11:11pm