everything I DIDN'T ask for - Comments

  • Soulmates Never Die

    Soulmates Never Die (100)

    I met my first boyfriend through a social networking site.
    At first we just talked and yeah, I think it is possible for one to fall in love over the internet.
    But it's not the actual person they fall in love with, they fall in love with what they THINK the person is like. More often than not, that vision they create turns to dust when they actually meet the person IRL.
    Besides, anyone can lie over the net.

    Although in my case, it wasn't at all like that. We didn't start dating via internet, we first only talked for a year or so, then decided to meet in person.
    We spent a little less than a year together after that and mutually decided to break up. We're still friends, though.

    I'd advise you to be careful. You are only 14 after all, any kind of love is the true love kind at that age I'm afraid...or at least that's how it feels at 14.
    December 22nd, 2010 at 12:49am
  • Isadora Pierce

    Isadora Pierce (125)

    United States
    A lot of people have boyfriends or girlfriends over the internet. Personally, I would never do it. I find it a bit weird and unsafe. But I know you can love someone you've never met.
    December 21st, 2010 at 10:40pm