My Heart...Why is it so hard to give away? - Comments

  • Effing Perfect.

    Effing Perfect. (200)

    United States
    You know it. It'll flow out of your mouth. It should never be rushed, just take your time, and if he really loves you he will wait. If you say it before you are ready, when you really mean it it wont matter as much. Wait for you just to wanted say it, without any hesitation. It will be worth it, I promise.
    March 26th, 2011 at 06:14am
  • r_ellis91

    r_ellis91 (100)

    United States
    I'd say don't say it until you're ready for the big deal. You're only 15, and I don't mean that in a demeaning way. I was 15 once and I was in love. So very in love, and yet everyone told me I wasn't, and I'm not here to tell you that,. because to this very day through all the people I've been with, she's the only one I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I loved and still do. What I am saying though, is that there's no rush. There's no need to take too much of a leap. Small steps usually work better than leaps anyways. Keep your head up, and keep looking out. If he loves you as you love him, then eventually it'll be said. Eventually the timing will arise. But don't feel pressured to say it too soon, because once you say it it changes the ball game completely. Thing's become real in a hurry. So essentially my advice is to have fun and don't worry about a few words. =D
    February 7th, 2011 at 09:39am
  • katelynnjosee

    katelynnjosee (100)

    There isn't anything wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with being scared. If he still cares for you and trusts you, then he understands that it may take longer for you to express your feelings. Even though you may feel the same way, verbalizing is so much harder of a confirmation than to just feel something.
    Everything takes time. Don't criticize yourself because there is nothing wrong with what you feel. Just tell him what you're thinking and that it's harder for you. Give it time, give it patience; if he loves you and you love him, then what is a few more months, or even years when you have your whole lives together?
    Don't give up. Time is your worst enemy if you fight it. Like a river, if you follow through with it then you'll eventually find the beautiful peaceful river everyone calls love.
    It'll come. <3
    February 7th, 2011 at 07:59am