My mind is all WTF-ed - Comments

  • LieToMeHoney

    LieToMeHoney (100)

    United States
    Well my mom lives five houses down from my dad. Its stupid but I guess it makes things easier for me. My brother lives with my dad full time for the past couple months now and everyone is trying to get me to move in with my mom or with my dad. But Id feel way to guilty either way. To be honest, I'm afraid of what my parents would do or say if I told them what I really, really feel. Ive talked them both, but nothing has really changed. My dad has a girlfriend, but I really like her. It's just her two daughters that I have a hard time dealing with, even though i don't see them often. My mom is 'seeing' the guy next door, but there's something about him, I just can't stand. He's creepy.and It's totally fine, people say they understand and stuff but they don't. So it's nice to herefrom someone that actually does understand
    August 15th, 2011 at 08:17am
  • augustred28

    augustred28 (100)

    United States
    Holy shit i know exactly how you feel. When my parents divorced everything turned to shit. And i've also had a lot of struggles with self esteem and body/face issues, i still do. After they divorced my mom remarried and moved to this wealthier area and wanted my sister and I to move in with her leaving most of my family behind in my hometown. After being with her for a bit I felt like I didn't fit in, everyone was rich and stuck up so I moved back with my dad. It was, and still is, hard traveling back and forrth to see my parents and now my new brother from my mom since she lives far away. And I always felt guilty, it was like I chose my dad over my mom when I moved back with him, it really hurt her and myself knowing she felt that way. And I hated them for making me choose between them. Literally just the other day my sister, my mom, and I sat down and finally talked about everything that happened over the years and the divorce. We all cried so much, but it was a sense of relief and closure to everything that happened. I'm in college now and things are a lot better in regards to my family relationships, now that years have passed and my sister and I got older we accepted everything. I also came here to seek some comfort and support, write journals and find people that can relate to me and my issues. Sorry i'm like telling my life story, but I feel for you. About the divorce, I think its best to talk to your parents, really talk about how you feel about what they did if you haven't already. It gets better as time goes on. As for self image issues I'm still struggling and trying to make progress but at least I'm glad I'm not alone in this.
    August 15th, 2011 at 08:07am