Love? Please im in need of advice - Comments

  • N.1239486

    N.1239486 (100)

    New Zealand
    This is what I think so don't take it as orders, just another friendly perspective.
    1. Yes you're right to have broken up with her.
    2.No, if she didn't treat you the way you wanted she's not worth your time, trust me on that. If you get back together with her you'll just become more miserable until she decides she's done with you.
    3. You're not crazy, I'd say not in your right mind haha, but these feelings do that to ya.
    4. My true opinions are not what I normally think and would be depressing cause I'm still going through some crap involving love and breakup.
    5. Refer to Number 4.

    Hope this all works out for you.
    Please, please, please eat and sleep, you're unique, you're somethin' special. You shouldn't be so deeply affected by someone who doesn't hold you in the same regard :( Be mad, get angry. Don't sink into despair.
    Good luck with all this :) And Happy New Year.
    January 2nd, 2012 at 01:27pm
  • StandUp

    StandUp (100)

    United States
    1. I believe so....
    2. Would she still "love" you if you didn't buy her all of these things? Say you drew her a picture, would this have half as much meaning to her as whatever material items you've given before?
    3. Perfectly sane, my dear.
    4. I believe that... I can't whole heartedly say what I believe seeing as I have no idea how long you've been together. I won't say you're too young to love, because 80% of the population will meet who they're going to marry by the age they're 16, but what if someone better came by? Someone maybe prettier, maybe kinder, maybe someone who has more in common with you, somone who has equal or greater feelings for you as you do for them. Would you still want to be with her? What if she becomes a vegetable, (medically speaking) would you be willing to care for her day in and day out and remain completely loyal? Put yourself in hard situations like these, it helps me when I have something I need to figure out.
    5. Yes. I know it's there when I can literally feel it on my skin and bursting from every single pore making my heart just want to jump out of my throat and into his arms. It's there, you just have to find it ;)
    January 2nd, 2012 at 11:18am
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    1. and 2. This really does depend on the whole story.
    3. You've sort of said that she's given you no reason to believe she loves you, so perhaps. Also, she's cheated on people before. Once a cheater always a cheater. She can't know what love is. That's just my opinion. But you can't help what you feel.
    4. I think you're still quite young. From peraonal experience, I find it hard to believe people so young can be in love, because they often don't know much about life. When I was 14 I remember I had a crush on a guy called Adam, and I dated another guy. But none of that was love how I know it to be now.
    5. I do, very much. It's a strange, strong feeling.
    January 2nd, 2012 at 11:01am