• Simply Ace

    Simply Ace (100)

    United States
    I really like this post! I thought about doing something similar, to be honest. I will be a college sophomore in two weeks and counting, and your experience sounds identical to my own! (I also go to a small liberal arts college so the orientation thing you had was identical to mine as well as the roommate match-thing!)

    The homesickness was the worst at the beginning but it really does get better. Me and my best friend from high school (that just so happens to attend the same college I do) cried when our parents left... okay, maybe we just teared up but still! We learned to depend on friends to help cope with the stress.

    Any way, just wanted to say that I completely agree with everything you've said and that I think it's really helpful to incoming students! I don't really have anything other to add aside from putting emphasis on not being afraid to join in - on anything. As a shy freshman girl who was convinced that I was socially awkward, I was a little hesitant to join some of the people on my floor and the social groups on campus and after finally caving and putting myself out there, I've actually found a couple of new best and very close friends!
    August 8th, 2013 at 05:31am
  • maesaysdance

    maesaysdance (100)

    United States

    I'm so glad this settled your fears a bit! I have a very similar personality type and moved far from home and to a city as well!

    So I wholeheartedly believe that you can make friends even if you're introverted (like us!) because it is such a social setting.

    I am so glad that this helped! I might do another blog post on boys and relationships in college, so that may be of service to you too!

    I wish you SO much luck at school! It's going to be a blast, I'm sure!
    August 7th, 2013 at 06:02pm
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    So I'm starting college at the end of this month, and I have been freaking out about it almost nonstop. Although I'm friendly when I try, I'm naturally shy and quiet, and putting myself out there can make me feel super uncomfortable. I'm also a super homebody, so the fact that I'm moving four hours away from my home, and to the CITY no less, has me worrying that I will be way too homesick and other people will think I'm weird.

    But your blog reassured me more than I ever thought possible. The "shameless friend-hunting" part made me laugh, but it also reassured me that everyone around me, in my classes and in my dorm, are going to be looking for friends just as much as I am, and I don't have to stress about trying hard to make them like me. Things will just have to fall into place.

    I could go on forever (and kind of already have, so sorry about that), but the gist is that I found your blog EXTREMELY helpful, and even though I'm the kind of person who stresses incessantly about even the most ridiculous of things, your blog actually made me feel calm for the first time in weeks. ^_^
    August 7th, 2013 at 05:48pm