My weird story do's and don'ts - Comments

  • lmfao I am really picky when I go into stories to read. If there's no layout or a bad layout I have to go on my iPod to read it or on Safari so I can use the Reader. If the text is too big I'll turn back but I've never been to a story where the text is too small to read.
    I use really small text for the most part though because large text looks incredibly I appealing to me and if the text is too small for someone they usually comment and I bump it up a little.

    I love the facts thing in the author's notes. I might consider doing that sometime, sounds cool.
    December 18th, 2013 at 12:48pm
  • it's only true i have eagle vision in my right eye and bat vision in the other so lenses are vital
    December 18th, 2013 at 07:58am
  • @ the reaper

    I'm laughing at the that last thing you said oh my god!!

    @ ptvjaime

    Sometimes I'm guilty of the first one, like in blogs and I'm definitely guilty of the second! I don't use caps in writing ever, but I do in blogs and comments.. so does that count? haha
    December 18th, 2013 at 07:51am
  • Don't: Post things without reading over them, whether they are blogs or stories. It is very difficult for people to take you seriously when you misuse words, misspell words, and have multiple grammar mistakes. Also, don't use all caps. It is quite annoying no matter what the font size is.
    December 18th, 2013 at 07:28am
  • i felt so much success seeing nothing on this list that i'm guilty of
    aside from small fonts because i have crazy far vision in one eye and they look fine to me
    but that's a personal thing so idek if it's too small unless someone says "JAMES FIX THE FUCKING FONT"
    December 18th, 2013 at 07:24am