Words Can Be Like Knives - Comments

  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Well maybe you are a little sensitive when it comes to the subject, probably because your weight is an insecurity (well I know it is for me which is why I usually tend to state the blunt truth about myself before anyone else can think it) but he should've left well enough alone with his rolling of the eyes and obviously wanting to say something. I hate when people do that. I don't play that game whatsoever. But while he was trying to express his opinion, he could've done so better. Maybe his words weren't as hurtful as the tone in which he delivered his opinion? I don't know. I wasn't there to witness it but the thing that gets me if the way he acted after you told him how you felt. He just said something short and snippy before just leaving. That's unfair.

    Look, you're ok. I know you don't feel ok right now or you would've posted something about how wonderful he was instead of how shitty you feel. It was late and you two fought over something little. I guess the thing is, you need to look at your battles and pick them wisely so you don't wind up like this. Maybe you need to talk to him when it's not 2AM. I'm not trying to make excuses but I think the time of night could attribute to why this blew up into a fight so quickly. =[ I'm sorry you feel like this. I'm not really a relationship expert (since I do my best to avoid them since my first major one) but hopefully I can offer you some validation in the fact that you didn't do much wrong in this scenario. =[

    I really hope you feel better soon. Don't dwell cuz it will just make it all the worse.
    April 26th, 2014 at 07:08pm
  • Chairman Meow

    Chairman Meow (925)

    Maybe you're both just too tired and said things you don't mean to say? That happens to the best of us.

    Let the situation to calm down a little then talk to him.

    I'm shit at giving love advice since I'd never been in a relationship. tehe But from my point of view, neither of you was wrong. He was looking out for you but maybe the way he said it hurt you. And you just wanted him to understand which is normal. XD

    I hope everything works out for you two. Arms
    April 26th, 2014 at 06:59pm