Diet Pills (Dangerous or Safe) - Comments

  • I definitely agree. Everyone should read the labels carefully and be sure to focus more on being active and eating healthy rather than just take the pills and leave it at that. I kinda blame all those commercials and advertisements that show women who are already in shape and healthy looking taking the pills and making it look like the pills alone do what a years' worth of proper dieting and exercise can't. It's kind of sad really.
    March 30th, 2016 at 10:30pm
  • Diet pills for the most part are laxatives, and that's how they make you "lose" weight. It's bloating/water weight that you're losing. So technically you are losing, but not long-term effect losing.
    March 30th, 2016 at 10:29pm
  • The way to lose weight has not changed since the time we were cavemen. It's all about using more energy than you eat. Although this theory is not hard to grasp at all yet to put money where your mouth is is way harder. I think that makes people trying shortcuts such as diet pills.

    How hard it can be, I do still believe you should adjust your eating to your exercise and vice versa. But that's me and trust me I don't succeed in it half the time too. After losing 10 kg getting me to a healthy weight for my size, I haven't been able to drop anymore either.
    March 30th, 2016 at 09:49pm
  • It's nice to hear about someone not abusing these. Personally, I could never use ones that didn't cause intense pain or work as fast as a laxative. I get nervous and assume they aren't working if I don't feel anything. I'm definitely stuck in the category of those that abuse them. 100%
    March 30th, 2016 at 09:46pm