I used to be healthy. - Comments

  • Whens the next time your going to see a doctor? tell him about this. Your sixteen, so you should be able to get medicine or help without having someone find out. You need to tell someone. I dont care if your thinking you heard this one a million times, that you're unfixable. You're fixable. you can fix it. Your family loves you. they're going to help you if you ask them. I dont want anyone dying, and neither do they. You dont want to hear this, but if you keep this up your going to kill yourself. its a sad truth, but its real. I've had way to many people go and kill themselves on me. I can't stand it. You really need help. PM me some time ane we can talk if you want. Just please, please get some help. It will help so much in the long run. it really will. Best of luck, honestly.
    July 31st, 2008 at 08:24pm
  • Look, I am not going to be one of those people who are going to beg you to tell someone about your problems because I know its not easy to just come out and ask for help. Here's my opinion: I read a lot of journals from a lot of whiny, snotting, attention-seeking little girls and I can tell that you're not faking. I've been overweight all my life, and let me tell you this... if I was half as brave as you are, I'd be doing the same thing you are. I'd make myself throw up and take diet pills... whatever I could do. Instead I turned to pot. You and I both know you need to tell someone or else you will end up in the hospital being fed through IV. What you need is a good friend who will help you because something like this is too hard to do alone. Try not to be afraid of letting someone else help you. It should pay off in the long run. I hope everything turns out for you.
    July 31st, 2008 at 08:15pm
  • Don't wait until you're too far gone to seek help. If you're going to let your pride get in the way of your health, you don't deserve to have that pride at all.
    July 31st, 2008 at 08:10pm