Story Order/Chapters/Endings

  • Do you write your chapters in order?
    Do you know the ending of your story pretty close to the beginning?
    I always write my chapters in order.
    And sometimes I know the ending before I write the story.
    Right now, the new story I started, I know the ending and I know the title and I know what's going to happen in the sequel.
    May 10th, 2007 at 06:35am
  • Yes and usually yes. A more vague, nebulous yes for the second one.
    May 10th, 2007 at 06:36am
  • Depends. Usually I have the basic outline of what I want the story to be, however I just let my muses go when I am writing so the story can take any direction. Usually in the middle though I figure out what the ending is going to be. But I always write my chapters in order. I like to write outlines for the chapters so I have a basic path.
    May 10th, 2007 at 07:05am
  • Um...usually I go in order. But when I write, I usually start it out by pretending to be a character and having a conversation with myself/other characters if that makes any sense. So it's me talking to myself pretending to be 3 different people at once.

    Anyhoo, sometimes I just do it out of the blue and I end up writing a part of the story that I won't use until later, usually just a page or a paragraph. So when the time comes, I stick it in there and work it around.
    May 10th, 2007 at 07:40am
  • Yep, I do write in order. Most of my stories start out as one-shots but they get too long so I have to make them chaptered. Some of my stories though, I know the beginning, I know the ending, but I have problems with the middle simply because I'm in such a hurry to get to the ending. Haha.
    May 10th, 2007 at 08:18am
  • Actually at this moment I am writing my series out of order to an extent. I have a number of chapters of my fourth installment written and I haven't yet finished my thrid installment.

    Other than that I write the actual chapters in order
    May 10th, 2007 at 03:15pm
  • Jolly McJollyson:
    Yes and usually yes. A more vague, nebulous yes for the second one.
    Mainly this for me too. I tend to write the chapters in order except for a couple exceptions, if I get good inspiration I have to get it down.

    But endings? Sometimes I get them before I get anything else. Like right now, I'm writing a story that I have the ending, or close to the ending, all planned out.
    May 10th, 2007 at 10:47pm
  • I usually want to have the ending planned out when I start a story, to see if it would be completely worth finishing or not. I might start a new story soon that I have no idea what's going to happen, but I think it should be one of those stories that just happens. I always write my chapters in order, though I might write the ending before I finish the story.
    May 11th, 2007 at 12:13am
  • It depends.

    I really regret not having a serious plan for my current story, Distance, becuase now I have no idea where to go from here.
    May 11th, 2007 at 12:52am
  • I plan out my ENTIRE story before I even begin.
    May 11th, 2007 at 02:11am
  • druscilla;infatuated:
    Sorry if these questions are becoming spam.
    I just figured they were good things for writers to discuss.

    Do you write your chapters in order?
    Do you know the ending of your story pretty close to the beginning?

    I always write my chapters in order.
    And sometimes I know the ending before I write the story.
    Right now, the new story I started, I know the ending and I know the title and I know what's going to happen in the sequel.
    Yes, I write my chapters in order. Actually, I can't start writing another story until I'm done with the previous one :D Or I don't want to *shifty*
    Further, I usually have a whole plot in my mind and then I elaborate it. So basically, I know an ending (:
    May 11th, 2007 at 12:40pm
  • I have to write my chapters in order, just like I have to know what the ending will be. Sometimes I have scenes written out in my head that I'll use later, but I never actually write them down until I get to the right place. I'm really good at remembering exact words for things like that for months. In fact, whe I'm bored in school, I try to write scenes for my story, so I have a scene for the very end pretty much done.
    May 11th, 2007 at 09:43pm
  • I can never plan a story. I just let it go wherever it wants to.

    My thought process is always the beginning, then end. It's the middle of the story that's a bitch to think up.
    May 12th, 2007 at 12:33am
  • Most of the time I write my chapters in order. I've got a few saved for future parts that are just ideas that I'll probably never use.
    I can never plan an ending at the beginning or even middle of a story. It always changed. I pretty much think as I write.
    May 12th, 2007 at 06:33pm
  • My newest story [currently not posted] has been written in such a different manner than my other stories.
    I started the beginning.
    Then I had to write a scene that I assume will end up in the middle of the story. I knew I had to write it to figure out how the beginning of my story would end up there.
    Then I started writing a scene that's going to come between the scene I just mentioned and the beginning.
    It's confusing, trying to figure out how one will lead to the other, but with this story it's completely necessary.
    May 23rd, 2007 at 06:47am
  • Whenever I write a story I end up thinking of a good ending...I write that then I start at the beginning. I have all of the middle figured out in my head but I just don't write it down because It all confuses me.

    <33 katie
    May 23rd, 2007 at 11:06pm
  • What's past is prologue.
    May 24th, 2007 at 12:36am
  • druscilla;infatuated:
    My newest story [currently not posted] has been written in such a different manner than my other stories.
    I started the beginning.
    Then I had to write a scene that I assume will end up in the middle of the story. I knew I had to write it to figure out how the beginning of my story would end up there.
    Then I started writing a scene that's going to come between the scene I just mentioned and the beginning.
    It's confusing, trying to figure out how one will lead to the other, but with this story it's completely necessary.
    I do this sometimes too. Not often, but sometimes it really does work better.
    May 24th, 2007 at 12:38am
  • I write more story in order, and I dont plan my stories, I find that it limits what I want to write, and it just weighs me down.
    But sometimes I will dream up something and have to write it down and find some way to work it into the chapter I am writing.
    May 24th, 2007 at 04:58am
  • A Melancholy Autumn:
    I can never plan a story. I just let it go wherever it wants to.

    My thought process is always the beginning, then end. It's the middle of the story that's a bitch to think up.
    Exactly. :mrgreen:
    May 24th, 2007 at 12:33pm