Light Up Your Letters

  • generated anomaly

    generated anomaly (100)

    United States
    Dear Eric,

    Please show that side that I saw of you when you were texting my roommate about how much you like me. Stop thinking that I'm out of your league or something, you're smart and very good looking, and we have a lot in common, but you're so nervous around me! Be down to earth with me! I want to like you but it's difficult to when you hardly talk.


    P.S. Sorry for how horrible that sounds Facepalm
    November 22nd, 2011 at 07:44am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    Dear you,

    I think I'm falling for you. We need to talk about this. We need to talk about the parameters and what the fuck we're doing. I think we might be too close for FWB, but a relationship isn't going to work because of And...oh, fuck. It's you. It's always you, and I have a really bad feeling it's always going to be you. I...think I might've Connie'd you. Because the idea of you and Pippa hurts. Quite a lot, actually. I know you like me and care about me, and because that's so rare for you I've grabbed it with both hands and made it my own. Oh fuck fuck fuck. Why am I doing this >.<

    November 22nd, 2011 at 02:32pm
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    Dear DVD shops in Glasgow,

    Please stock more anime series, except starting at episode one instead of twenty-something. Trying to find the beginning of a series is turning into a friggin quest. It's. Annoying. Also, please stock more Studio Ghibli stuff. That is all.

    - Amy.
    November 22nd, 2011 at 02:59pm
  • harmonia nectere.

    harmonia nectere. (100)

    United States
    Dear K,
    If you would just get your head out of your ass, you wouldn't be as dense as you are. I don't know what I EVER saw in you, stop being such an asshole so I don't completely regret kissing you.

    P.S If you date my sister I'll kick your ass.
    November 22nd, 2011 at 11:31pm
  • paper bag.

    paper bag. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Dear J,

    I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you, but I really wish I could have been.

    Love from the girl you've forgotten about.
    November 22nd, 2011 at 11:44pm
  • kwon jiyong.

    kwon jiyong. (100)

    United States

    she said he didn't love her today. it felt like someone stabbed me in the stomach and left me there to die. he said she was about ready to throw him out on the street again. i felt my spine snap then as i crumbled to the ground. they're really falling apart, crumbling like a broken city. and all i can do is watch as they shatter. when i was little, i used to think 'my parents are sooo in love. they'll never split.' but now it seems like i'm counting down the seconds. i'm lost.

    - a scared little girl


    dear mom and dad,

    it's gonna be alright, mm? you wouldn't...right?

    with love, kris
    November 24th, 2011 at 09:14am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    Dear A,

    Stop being such a dick. Sharing is caring.

    November 25th, 2011 at 12:47am
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)


    No se que planeo con esto. No se si estoy haciendo lo correcto pero, la verdad es que la mayoria de las veces no se lo que hago, solo sigo impulsos y espero por algo diferente y emocionante. Me conoces, odio la rutina y estar estancada en la misma situacion. Lastima que tenga tan poco tacto y no planee las cosas, porque termino lastimando a alguien mas y luego, a la larga, me lastimo a mi misma.

    Te recuerdo en momentos. Tu rostro, tu cuerpo, tu risa. Vienes y vas una y otra vez y ya me canse de que tu memoria me persiga hasta en mis sueños. Hay veces que dejo que tomen mi total atencion y es ahi cuando termino asi como estoy ahora. Otras veces las empujo a un lado y veo hacia lo que vendra, me digo a mi misma "ya saldras de aqui. Ya te vas. De que sirve?" Y se que quizas tenga razon, pero siempre esta esa parte de mi que ve todo lo que pudo haber sido y es demasiado, as que lloro y pienso a un mas en todo el mal que hice y lo que pude haber hecho para evitarlo.

    Pero ya es tarde, no es asi? Demasiado tarde para salir de esta nostalgia eterna que llega a mi de vez en cuando. Me resigno a recordarte. Estas en todos lados: platicas, sueños, fotografias, objetos, regalos, la musica, mis escritos, mis fantasias, todo, absolutamente todo.

    No tengo escucsas. No se ni que quiero al darte esto y me disculpo por arrunar tu cumpleaños al haberte ecrito algo asi. Llevo dias mentalizandome, diciendome que no te marcare, no te mandare ningun mensaje, porque es otra vez lastimarte y me odio por haberlo hecho y seguir haciendolo.

    Hay veces que solo quiero verte y saber de ti y termino viendo tus fotos y esa estupida red social que arruina relaciones, porque... porque te extraño pero fue por mi propia mano y obra que estoy asi ahora, asi que me limito a eso.

    Tengo conversaciones conmigo misma y me pregunto a que espero llegar con esto, que quiero ganar? Arrepentirme, tratar de arreglar las cosas, arrepentirme de nuevo y romperlas otravez?

    Ha! Pase de psicotica celosa a alguien con problemas para tomar decisiones y miles de remordimientos.


    Feliz cumpleaños? No e ni que decir. Creo que a lo que quiero llegar es simplemente decirte que siempre, siempre, vas a estar en mi mente, sin importar lo que haga, con quien este, a donde vaya, tu recuerdo siempre va a estar ahi, unas veces haciendome sonreir, otras haciendome llorar. Y es que estas en todos lados! No solo en canciones que alguna vez fueron algo para los dos, de los dos.

    Y encontre la mejor de todas. Me torturo con ella porque me recuerda a ti y lloro y sonrio a la vez.

    "Never mind, I'll find someone like you.
    I wish nothing but the best for you, too."
    Y es precisamente lo que busco, olvidarte. Porque ya fue demasiado el daño y no queda de otra.

    Llegue al punto de escucharla 12 veces seguidas. Y es que describe precisamente lo que siento:

    "I imagine being about 40 and looking for him again and turning up he's settled, and he's got a beautiful wife, and some beautiful kids, and he's completely happy, and I'm still on my own."

    And realizing that it could have been me. That I could have made you that happy, that I could have had that future with you. Traveling, living with you, sleeping with you and waking up by your side, hugging me; getting married... even a kid... and it's now just one small fantasy of mine, one memory that never happened and it will never happen, because, well, I fucked everything up.

    I don't, I just, I guess I've lost my words. What would you do in this case? I guess escaping is the best I can do, like I usually do.

    Perdon por todo. Fuiste el mejor recuerdo de todos (y sigues siendolo). Fuiste mi todo y ahora intento olvidar esa parte, porque no hay vuelta a atras. Acepto las consecuencias.

    Feliz cumpleaños. Quiero que seas muy, muy, muy feliz y que todo lo mejor del mundo te pase a ti, porque no conozco a otra persona que se lo merezca mas y porque trabajas tanto por estar bien. Quizas no sea la persona que lograra hacerte sonreir, pero soy feliz con saber que tu lo eres. Por fin entiendo lo que me decias, eso de que si amas tanto a alguien tienes que dejarlo ser y ser feliz con tan solo saber que esa persona es feliz.

    Y te amo tanto que me di cuenta que tenias razon.

    Te amo, Omar. Quizas fuiste "el indicado" pero lo arruine, no importa, soy feliz si tu sonries y si sigues viviendo y siendo la persona de la que me enamore.

    Te amo tanto que si desapareces completamente de mi vida porque tu asi lo quieres, lo aceptare.

    - Aileen.
    November 28th, 2011 at 07:41am
  • the god of thunder.

    the god of thunder. (300)

    United States
    dear God,

    I ask for so much these days. A lot of it are little things. I prayed you'd help Mr. Scwartz get the math formula right because he was getting so upset at himself. I prayed you get Jordan through her lines in the musical because she was becoming discouraged. I pray for a lot of things like that. Little things that make me happy. You know so well when I just... break down the dam in my mind on accident and start pouring out; please God, help me, please help me. And you've helped me, my whole life. With the most painful incidents and with the tiny twinges of happiness. And I've never blamed you for what's happened or how I've felt. And I never will. And I wish I knew some way to help you more in a way that you truly desire because you have given me so many things and it is all beautiful and I do not take any slice of it for granted. Thank you, God. For listening, for being somebody I can say thank you to, for giving me Tim, for giving me my friends and family and somehow holding all the insane people in this world together in some insane beautiful lovely way. Even if nobody else can see your art, even in the most hopeless places, I do. And I want to repay you. If you have any preference, just give me a call. <:

    December 1st, 2011 at 06:13am
  • Lalonde.

    Lalonde. (125)

    Dear T,

    Very mature. Try again when you grow up a bit, okay?

    December 3rd, 2011 at 01:11pm
  • barely legal

    barely legal (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    No. It was a one off.
    December 3rd, 2011 at 04:09pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    Soy yo otra vez...

    Creo que hay cosas que nunca cambiaran. Yo soy una de ellas.

    Cometo tantos errores, luego me arrepiento, pero nunca aprendo. No. Parece que me gustan las caídas, tan interminables como la caída de Alicia hacia su mundo de maravillas, y me arrepiento de la misma manera que ella lo hizo cuando me doy cuenta que un mundo tan extraño no es para mi.

    Quizás estaba tan acostumbrada a ti que ahora tengo miedo de este mundo nuevo. Ahora nada tiene sentido. Hay veces que te recuerdo tanto, otras que no cruzas por mi mente ni un solo segundo y me rompe el corazón la idea de perder tu recuerdo, de que desaparezcas. Quizás dejarte ir es un paso tan enorme que me conformo con tan solo tener tu recuerdo y me aferro tanto a el, tanto, tanto. Parece que no quiero dejarte ir.

    Esta es otra de esas noches donde te recuerdo. No hay marcha atrás, lo se, así que solo queda recordarte, recordar todo lo bueno y lo malo, lo gracioso, lo triste, recordar tus ojos, tus labios, tu risa, tu aroma, tu piel, tu voz. Quizás me haga daño, pero llorar por ti me hace sonreír Llorar por ti me hace extrañarte tanto, pero se que todo tu solo puede vivir en mis recuerdos, pues ya no perteneces en mi vida.

    Te amo tanto. Te extraño tanto. Quisiera que todo hubiera sido distinto, que yo aprendiera de mis errores, que las cosas pudieran cambiar, pero se que no es posible. Me conformo con que vivas, con que seas feliz. Te amo.
    December 21st, 2011 at 07:55am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Dear Mibba,

    I just wrote a huge letter to God. But I erased it all. I don't know why.

    December 21st, 2011 at 01:40pm
  • hank moody.

    hank moody. (100)

    Dear information classified,
    I only said I liked him because I wanted to see your reaction, I don't like him. I like you actually, a lot.
    Sincerely, your friend.

    Dear mum & dad,
    Just because I don't live with you anymore, doesn't mean I don't love you or think of you both all the time. I've had a hard few months, but I'll never let you know that. I'm trying so hard to make something out of myself, I just want you both to be proud of me. One day you'll look back on me moving out and see how much better it was for me in the long run. I love you both with my entire heart, soul and being. The distance between us will never change that.
    Sincerely, your "half way there" daughter.
    December 21st, 2011 at 01:49pm
  • Lalonde.

    Lalonde. (125)

    Dear mother,

    No, we're not dating, she's my best friend. Of course that's a valid excuse to not go to the coast with you when she needs me. She has depression, mom. No, it's not an imaginary thing. It's real. She can't just snap out of it. She needs me and I'm going to be there for her, regardless of what you want. I'm the only friend she has and I don't mind. I want to be there for her.

    I'm sorry that it's inconvenient for you, but it's how it's going to be, now and always.

    December 28th, 2011 at 09:36am
  • Vicious.

    Vicious. (150)

    Dear Taylor,

    I wish you would believe me when I tell you you're more than I deserve. Because you absolutely are.

    January 3rd, 2012 at 04:12am
  • rotozaza.

    rotozaza. (100)

    To the company at which I was once employed,
    we had a good run, despite all, but everything changes, and I'm growing up.
    I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

    Yours truly,
    January 3rd, 2012 at 05:03am
  • mia bell.

    mia bell. (150)

    Dear you,
    You no longer have a hold of me. I see your posts sometimes and it just makes me feel sorry for you now. Sometimes I wish we could have made it, but I realise that it never would have worked. No matter how in love with you I was, I'm glad you left. I don't miss you, I miss our friendship. I miss how we were, when things were actually good between us. I told our story the other day. And I told the part about when I kissed you - and I smiled. I smiled because, to me, it was perfect. It was sweet. Now, it's a treasured memory. It doesn't cause me pain anymore. We may have broken each other time and time again, we may have been toxic to each other, but we were something special. I hope you're doing better.
    Kind regards,
    February 17th, 2012 at 11:58am
  • Still Ill

    Still Ill (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Dear period,
    Please go away.
    Love, me.
    February 17th, 2012 at 01:11pm
  • lucky luciano

    lucky luciano (950)

    United States
    Dear Christian,
    Stop. Be my friend if anything. Just stop doing this. Stop making me feel like I'm nothing while you're having a great time flirting with her. That I can deal with partly, because I can try and get over how much I like you. Or I can just wait it out. But coming back a few days later, just like nothing had happened. After a week of not talking to me all of a sudden you're staring at me in class again. Stop sending me mixed singles. Please.
    February 17th, 2012 at 05:08pm