Things You Don't Like About Mibba.

  • I said it before and I'll say it again, "Not having the preview feature on stories and blogs sucks."
    July 5th, 2014 at 10:39pm
  • The fact that characters in our stories are allowed to say whatever we want them to say, but we as authors and people can't have a strong opinion without it be considered bashing. If saying something offends a person in real life, and we're not allowed to say anything about it, then why is it allowed in stories?
    July 6th, 2014 at 08:24am
  • nightingale.:
    The fact that characters in our stories are allowed to say whatever we want them to say, but we as authors and people can't have a strong opinion without it be considered bashing. If saying something offends a person in real life, and we're not allowed to say anything about it, then why is it allowed in stories?
    *aggressively agrees*
    This does bother me. Bashing is "you're a wad of f*cking trash you little c*nt", not "my ex was an asshole, he beat me and threatened my family". There's a difference there that needs to be recognised.
    July 6th, 2014 at 08:28am
  • @ nightingale.
    Possibly because characters are fictitious. I don't see a problem with character a calling character b a bitch for stealing her idea, but I think it would be irritating for person b to tell person a the same - because they are real. Just like how... people in stories can murder others, but people in real life cannot.
    July 6th, 2014 at 09:52pm
  • @ absence.

    You have a point, but saying someone is a bitch is bashing either way. I'm talking about opinions. Like for example, if I were to say, "in my opinion, president Obama is a terrible person," on this site, that would be considered public ridiculing, but if a character in a story says it, it's fine. But wouldn't something said in a story offend someone just as much as someone's personal opinion would? That's my point. And this isn't against stories, it's against the rules that we're basically not allowed to have opinions without it being bashing or public ridiculing, even if it's about your own family member when you need to vent.
    July 6th, 2014 at 10:24pm
  • @ nightingale.
    There's other ways to voice an opinion. If you think he's a terrible person, write a blog about how you question his actions instead. I get the whole thing about family, trust me, I do. But it wouldn't be right if moderators sat back and said, "well, we can let that slide because Amanda is venting about her brother Alex." What if Alex happened upon the site? And I've been publicly ridiculed on here in a blog, I wasn't called out, my username wasn't mentioned, but I knew it was me - because the message in reference was the one I sent. And reading that, and not being able to do anything about it hurts.

    And that depends on the person. I've read lots of insulting opinions in a story, but then my mind tells me that's the whole point of that character. I've made purposely offensive characters, because that's what they are, if that makes sense. Just because a character has that opinion, it doesn't mean the author does. Point in case, a few months back to a year ago an author wrote a story where slut-shaming was the point of her story, she got backlash because of her character's opinions and words. People completely missed the point, and attacked her for it.
    July 6th, 2014 at 10:48pm
  • @ absence.

    Yeah, you have good points too. It was just a random thought in my head that I thought I'd put out there.
    July 6th, 2014 at 10:56pm
  • I can't make layouts on my phone.
    July 6th, 2014 at 11:28pm
  • @ nightingale.
    Oh no, it's good to get it out, yaknow? I believe in not letting anything fester, just these are opinions from a different side of the fence. :) I hope I didn't come off as pushy.
    That we can't filter who can comment on our blogs. Not by person, just like on facebook how you have the option to only let people on your friend's list comment. If that makes sense. I mean, before the big change we could delete people's comments off of our journal. Now we, nor the admins other than Dujo (last I recall), can remove annoying comments. I mean... I know it can irritate some if their comment comes up gone, but it gets old when people comment hateful things on a blog about kitties or whatever.
    July 6th, 2014 at 11:42pm
  • @ i saw sparks
    I agree fully. Whatever quarrels people may have should not affect what goes on here on Mibba unless one person is clearly breaking rules
    July 6th, 2014 at 11:44pm
  • @ i saw sparks
    The sad fact is that with life, there are also people that say they want constructive criticism on their story or poem or whatever, and don't actually mean it. The amount of times people have asked me to tell them what I think and then they got super childish or petty because I didn't adore every single thing they did is astounding. Sometimes when people say 'I want constructive criticism', what they actually mean is, 'tell me how brilliant I am'.

    I could just really need to stop interacting with needy lunatics though.
    July 7th, 2014 at 07:16am
  • The fact that I can't have a picture of me up unless I have my face in it. I'm done with this place.
    July 7th, 2014 at 07:36am
  • @ die letzte Frage
    Yeah I find that a little irksome myself. Ranting
    July 7th, 2014 at 12:21pm
  • @ CallusedSilk

    Oh, I totally know what you mean and I'm aware that there are those people out there who are unwilling to acknowledge that their work isn't perfect, but at the same time, it's not fair to those who genuinely want to improve if everyone is too gun-shy to provide any feedback.

    Personally, I can't recall a time when someone wasn't grateful for the feedback I've given them, and I always give a pretty fair balance of praise and suggestions for improvement because, as thick-skinned as I am, I know I certainly wouldn't want someone to completely rip my story apart. Now I'm sure there have been instances years and years ago where people haven't taken so kindly to the criticism, but for the most part, the reactions are positive.

    It's so hard to get honest feedback on this site because there are those people that flip their shit when they receive concrit that it makes us all look bad. I know this doesn't hold true for everyone, but if there were any blatant errors or anything in one of my pieces that needed more clarification, I'd want to know so I could fix it.
    July 7th, 2014 at 03:24pm
  • @ i saw sparks
    I didn't say it was fair or that it was the way it should be. I was just explaining why people are gun-shy at all.

    Although I personally think there should be an option for users to take down their comment section entirely, and should be encouraged to do so if they don't want any form of criticism toward their work. After all, it's unfair to demand comments, but then report people for any sort of constructive criticism. That way maybe people that are gun-shy will be less so.
    July 7th, 2014 at 05:25pm
  • Laaaag. Grr
    July 7th, 2014 at 09:37pm
  • Brita;:
    Laaaag. Grr
    This. No
    July 7th, 2014 at 09:49pm
  • i sometimes get problems loading new story pages or opening stories tabs and i KNOW it's not my pc or internet problem, because everything else loads perfectly fine. But probably no administrator's or whatever gives a care about that, so i probably shouldn't have even posted this...
    July 7th, 2014 at 11:54pm
  • As one who is particularly disliked by the admins, I know that if they don't like you, you're screwed. They don't like me because I challenge their silly rules. Some rules are necessary and many on Mibba make sense. The ones that don't, I challenge and they don't like that. So, yes, if they don't like you, you're screwed. I finally took down all my stories rather than have to wait and wonder what they'll yell at me for next.
    July 8th, 2014 at 04:34am
  • As one who is particularly disliked by the admins, yes, if you they don't like you, you're screwed. They don't like me for speaking my mind and challenging their silly rules. Yes, some rules are good and many on Mibba make sense and I follow them without complaint. But some are silly and I challenge the admins on these. Thus, I am disliked and therefore, cannot get anywhere with them. I finally deleted all my stories because it's easier than wondering what "infraction" I'll have committed next.

    On critiques: I gave up a LONG time ago. I'm aspiring to be a professional writer as as such, I take writing VERY seriously. I give the kind of critique I want to receive back: an in-depth, honest, deep critique of everything that I missed, did not clarify, grammar mistakes, etc. I lay it all out in a no nonsense, honest way without being mean. And every time I got told to fuck off. Well, if the writers here aren't going to be serious about their writing and aspire to learn and grow, I'll find a community where my critiques are welcome. And I did find that place: with others who aspire to be professional writers.
    July 8th, 2014 at 04:40am