A Very Furry Love

  • @ miki-kat
    Jordan quickly followed Lucas's lead out of the window. He did not want to get his ass beaten by Aza. Though despite the fact that they went out of the window, Aza quickly followed and was hot on their trail. So he went for another tatic. Jordan threw the snowballs on the ground and turned to her, his hands up. He hoped that Aza would hurt him less this way.

    Aza jumped right onto Jordan when he stopped and pinned him to the ground. Her hands pressed right into his shoulder. Though she suddenly stopped when she looked at his face. Aza was taken aback to see that it was Jordan who had busted into the room. She then growled at him, hit him on his nose with her paw before getting off of him and glaring. Aza was not happy but couldn't express it with words yet. She couldn't shift back naked and head into the cabin to get her clothes.

    Once Vincent was able to get back onto his feet, he ran downstairs to turn the light back on. When he came back up the only two who were in the room was Alixx and Rachel. Though oddly enough Aza's clothes were in a bundle on the ground. "Who the hell knocked me down? What happened? Where are the others?" Vincent looked a bit banged up.
    June 6th, 2014 at 09:19pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    It took Lucas a moment to figure out Jordan wasn't with him anymore and when he turned around, Aza was getting off of Jordan. Lucas had already dropped his snowballs, but he still approached warily. He wasn't sure if he was going to be attacked or not at this point, but he'd be an asshole if he left Jordan.

    Since Aza wasn't back, Alixx knew she'd have to cover for her. "What happened was that I'm stronger than I look, and Aza went after Lucas, and maybe Jordan depending on how many of you were in on this," she told him. It was a half-lie but it had truth to it. "Speaking of which, I'm going to go see how she's doing..." Alixx grabbed some clothes, bundling them in her arms. "She's out there in her pajamas, so she'll probably appreciate these warmer clothes," she explained as she was given a weird look.

    Then Alixx moved past Vincent and Rachel, putting on some boots and heading outside. It was dark and hard to see, but finally she found them. "If Vincent asks you guys, I'm the one who kicked his butt. Also, I brought clothes!" she announced as she approached. "You guys better appreciate me," she joked.
    June 6th, 2014 at 09:41pm
  • @ miki-kat

    Aza immediately ran up to Alixx and grabbed the clothed in her hands with her teeth. She then ran back off into the woods, shifted and then came out Wolfy dressed. It was cold, she didn't have shoes on her feet so she was walking in the snow and she was pissed off. She came back to Jordan and Lucas. "What the hell is wrong with you two!" She yelled at them. "I thought someone was trying to kill us! I almost slammed damn Vincent through the fucking wall and almost tore into your stupid face Jordan."

    Jordan got up and dusted himself off a bit before Aza came back to tear into them. He let out a small groan before shaking his head. "I thought it would be a good prank!" He said in defense before running a hand through his hair. "I didn't think at your reaction yet."
    June 7th, 2014 at 04:21am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Lucas approached Aza, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Jordan's right; it was just a prank. It was a bad one, but no one was seriously hurt," he said soothingly, hoping she wouldn't attack him next.

    Alixx ended up watching for a bit and then she frowned at Jordan. "Honestly, I'm surprised you agreed to be in this... You aren't really the pranking type," she said.

    Lucas snorted. "It was his idea."
    June 7th, 2014 at 04:43am
  • @ miki-kat
    Aza shot a glare in Lucas' direction but it was softer than the one she have to Jordan. She couldn't really get too upset with him. She liked him after all plus there was the fact that he was also an alpha. "Jordan you are in trouble. Go inside. You too Alixx. I don't want you to get sick and I need to talk to Lucas alone." She crossed her arms.

    Jordan looked down in shame before heading back to the house. He didn't want to get in trouble. He just wanted to have some fun. He rubbed the back of his neck before getting into the house to face the others.
    June 7th, 2014 at 05:31am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Alixx frowned a bit at Aza, but nodded anyway, taking off her boots and giving them to her since she was staying outside. Then she headed back with Jordan, who looked like he was feeling like hit. Once they were on the porch at least, rather than in snow, she stopped him. "Hey, Lucas was right. I'm sorry you're in trouble with Aza, but no harm no foul, right?" She gave him a small smile.

    "I'm guessing I'm in trouble first so you're just getting that out of the way?" He asked once Alixx and Jordan had disappeared. He figured with the prank that she probably wouldn't want to have their talk from earlier...
    June 7th, 2014 at 05:38am
  • @ miki-kat
    "Yeah I guess. I just wanted to have a little fun but I didn't think about Aza's reaction. The rest of it was fine but Aza." Jordan said as he reached over and took het hand lightly. She was cold so her lightly pulled her inside.
    Aza let out a little sigh before she shook her head. "No I didn't want to talk about how much trouble you're in. You are in trouble but that's not important. I wanted to talk to you about us." Aza said softly as she moved closer to him.
    June 7th, 2014 at 05:48am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    "So you think," Alixx murmured to Jordan as he pulled her inside. Her feet were thankful for it at least. "Wait until I get my revenge. You won't even know when it's coming." Rachel and Vincent must still be upstairs, she decided, since she didn't see them.
    Lucas was moderately surprised. "Really?" He asked as she stepped towards him. "Are you really sure we should still have this conversation tonight, while you're pissed at me?"
    June 7th, 2014 at 06:03am
  • @ miki-kat
    Jordan chuckled a bit before shaking his head at her. He wasn't all that afraid of Alixx but he fully believed that she would get back at him. "Just try and make sure that you don't get in trouble at all alright?"

    Aza broke into a smile before nodding to him. "The answer is still the same despite the fact that you're an idiot. Besides I don't want to push this off any longer do you?"
    June 7th, 2014 at 06:13am
  • @ miki-kat
    Jordan chuckled a bit before shaking his head at her. He wasn't all that afraid of Alixx but he fully believed that she would get back at him. "Just try and make sure that you don't get in trouble at all alright?"

    Aza broke into a smile before nodding to him. "The answer is still the same despite the fact that you're an idiot. Besides I don't want to push this off any longer do you?"
    June 7th, 2014 at 06:13am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Alixx tipped her head at Jordan with a confused look. "How in the world would I get in trouble?" She asked him. She went over to sit on the couch, pulling Jordan with her. "Come over here. I'm cold and you're always warm."
    Lucas sighed a little and gave her a smile. "Admittedly, no. It's been awkward this past week..." He took a step towards her next. "So... You said he decision is the same if I'm an idiot? Then what's that decision?"
    June 7th, 2014 at 06:36am
  • @ miki-kat

    "Well that's what I thought until I got in trouble for this prank." Jordan said with a chuckle as he moved over to the couch with her. He sat down before moving her onto his lap for the most part and then wrapping his arms around her. This was just the best way he thought to keep her warm.

    Aza was quiet for a moment as she looked up at him. She was rather nervous about what she was going to say. After all it wasn't just up to her, he had to agree to it to. For her it would be more than a little embaressing if he rejected her. "I want to try us out." She told him softly. "I want to do this. Though I don't want the others to know about it yet."
    June 8th, 2014 at 04:19pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    "Don't worry, you know Aza. I'm sure since she and Lucas are on good terms again that it'll be better than it would've been," Alixx reassured Jordan as he wrapped his arms around her and she snuggled into him. One thing she'd always been jealous of when it came to the wolves was that they were always so damn warm in the winter. Sure, they still had heaters in the house, but it was still so cold. Alixx had learned the best way to warm up was to snuggle with a wolf. So much faster and better than blankets.

    Lucas was almost afraid Aza would just refuse to try what had been between them, that things would be forever awkward, so he felt no small amount of relief at her words, and almost immediately he felt himself nodding along. "I want to as well," he said. Then he gave her a puzzled look. "I don't mind not letting anyone else know yet... but why not? -for curiosity's sake."
    June 9th, 2014 at 06:08am
  • @ miki-kat

    Jordan leaned back into the couch a bit and closed his eyes. It was late and right now he felt like getting some sleep would be good. He wouldn't even care if Alixx did end up sleeping with her on the couch tonight. It was normal for wolves to sleep with others during the night and even though Alixx was human it didn't matter. Slowly he move so they were both laying down on the couch on their sides. He pulled her in closer and pressed his face into hers.

    Aza was quiet for a moment, wrinkling her nose as she tried to think of how to explain it to Lucas. "It's not that I am ashamed of what we have or the fact that I like you. It's just that I know once the pack knows it will change how they view us and treat us. I do not believe that it will be in a negative way but I do not want them to suddenly get their hopes up of these ideas in their head when we get together or anything really." She gave him a half smile. "You know how they get."
    June 11th, 2014 at 06:23am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    Alixx didn't argue as Jordan moved so they were lying down and pulled her closer. She was tired as well, and this was nice besides -she even tucked her feet in into his legs so they wouldn't get cold. "Good night," she yawned softly, letting her eyes close.

    Lucas considered what Aza was saying, and he actually agreed with her, nodding. "Okay, I get what you mean," he amended, giving her a smile. Usually it seemed like dating didn't happen a lot in the pack. Most just waited until they found their mate. So in that respect he really didn't blame Aza for wanting to hide it for now, and he actually agreed with her on it. "Well then... so, we're going to try us but not tell anyone..." He gave her a suddenly shy smile. "Anything else we need to talk about?" he asked, finding he really wanted to kiss her all of a sudden.
    June 11th, 2014 at 06:45am
  • @ miki-kat
    "Good night." He said before he closed his eyes and completely relaxed. Within minutes he was fast asleep. Though his hold on Alixx was strong as he pulled her closer into him and he buried his face into her body. This was perfect and it was exactly what he needed at the moment. Jordan liked it much more to sleep with the others and Alixx was nice and cool, keeping his body at a good temperature.
    Aza smiled at him a little before shaking her head. "No there is nothing that I want to say. Though is there anything that you want to talk about?" She asked him lightly as she ran a hand through her hair. Right now she was a little nervous about what he wanted to say. Yet at the same time she was so excited that this was happening, that both of them wanted to try this out.
    June 12th, 2014 at 06:28am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    Alixx was fast asleep before long, snuggled tight into Jordan. At least with his strong hold there was no chance of her falling off the couch. She was also happy they seemed to be on good terms again, since recently things had been shaky.
    "No, not really..." Lucas was half hoping that he wasn't in trouble any more really. Still, he stepped towards her, giving her a soft kiss, smiling as he pulled back. "That's actually all I wanted to say," he told her. "And that we should probably get inside before we turn into popsicles."
    June 12th, 2014 at 06:39am
  • @ miki-kat
    Jordan held her tight throughout the night. Though once morning came around he began to shift on the couch. Once he even turned completely onto his back, but he pulled her with him so she was laying on top of him. He wasn't always a still sleeper.
    Aza smiled lightly as he pulled out of the kiss. She had been hoping that he would do that. When he mentioned heading inside, Aza began to follow him towards the cabin. Her hands were shaking and her whole body had grown chill to the touch. At this point she was a little more than just cold. Though this was something that she thought they really needed to talk about.
    June 12th, 2014 at 06:54am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons

    Lucas led Aza inside, realizing that she was cold, though he paused soon after getting inside, holding back a chuckle. He got Aza's attention and pointed to the couch, where Jordan and Alixx had fallen asleep. Then he headed upstairs, telling Aza goodnight, and headed into the guy's room, where Vincent was. He ended up having to explain how Jordan and himself were in trouble with Aza, and that Jordan wouldn't be coming up since he'd fallen asleep downstairs. Once that was taken care of, Lucas finally got to sleep.
    Alixx didn't wake up through most of Jordan's shifting. She usually had Asher with her, who wiggled and moved a lot, so she'd gotten used to it. When she woke in the morning on top of Jordan though, she was surprised, wondering how she'd slept through it. Deciding she wanted to get up and get something to drink, she tried to wriggle out of his grasp, sighing as he only tightened his grip to where she couldn't move. "Jordan," she murmured, not very loud but loud enough, "let me go. I'm trying to get up."
    June 12th, 2014 at 07:04am
  • @ miki-kat
    Aza smiled over at Lucas widely before she headed off to her room. Once there she talked to Rachel for a bit before getting into her pjs and then into bed. At first it was hard for her to sleep. She was so happy and excited about what had happened that it was hard to calm down. Though after a while she managed to finally drift off into a peaceful sleep. She wasn't awoken until the morning when Rachel began to shake her awake.
    Jordan let out a deep groan, finding it difficult to just let go of her. After a few moments he shifted on the couch and slowly unwrapped his arms away from her, letting her free. He smiled up at her for a moment as she got off of him. Then Jordan turned back onto his side and headed off back to bed.
    June 14th, 2014 at 06:38pm