
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    "Fuck," he whispered, before letting out a deep sigh," Yeah, I think you're right. Although, I've wanted to go to another store nearby. The street is usually crowded by walkers, but maybe since there are a lot here, there will be less there. But, it's not a food store. It's a firearms store. So it might have been picked clean before the walkers even moved in a while back, but it's worth a look. Right?"
    December 8th, 2014 at 08:36pm
  • @ Stage Doctor

    "We can at least go look at it." Amber said as she turned a bit, looking behind her for a moment. It would not hurt to go look at the store. Plus she was always ready for a chance to get more bullets- now those were a rare commodity. "I hope the walkers backed off from there, I could really use some more ammo." She mumbled before turning to follow Alexander again. Maybe she could even get a silencer. Now that would be hitting the Gold Mine.
    December 9th, 2014 at 07:36am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Alexander nodded, and then stood back up. He motioned for her to follow him a little bit more, and started leaping back across the rooftops to the one previous, and then jumped in a different direction onto another rooftop. He leapt across two more rooftops, and then slowed up once more. He crawled back into a prone position, before heading to the edge of that roof in a similar fashion as the one before. He looked over the edge, and suddenly his mouth curled up into a wide grin. There were only five or so walkers outside of the gun store- but the big plus was the fact that there was a military humvee down outside of the store, and three of the five walkers were in military garb. And that meant that there was a possibility of assault weapons.
    December 9th, 2014 at 07:46am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Amber followed him and moments later looked over the edge to see what he was smiling about. A few seconds later there was also a grin on Amber's face. Now that was cometely doable. "Now we can take care of them. It shouldn't be too difficult." Amber told him before rolling her shoulders. "Do you want to do this?" Amber was rather sure that she k ew the answer but she still decided to ask- just in case he had some idea or something like that.
    December 9th, 2014 at 07:52am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Alexander nodded, and said," What we'll do, is we'll go down there and work from different sides. I'll handle left to right, you go right to left, and we'll meet in the middle. Once they're all dead, let's loot the military walkers and then the Humvee. After that, we'll head inside and Do the same formation. It's a small store, so it shouldn't take us long. Then, we'll pull down the bars that block the front entrance and windows before going to work on looting the place. Sound good to you?"
    December 9th, 2014 at 08:08am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Amber pulled her hatchet out of its protective covering before nodding to him. "Yes that sounds like a good plan." She told him before moving to the other side of the building. She glanced down, keeping track of where all of the walkers were. Then she turned her head, looking at Alexander, waiting for him to get to the other side and start heading down. When he went over the side, Amber did the same as made her way down the building. Once she was on the ground she made her way to the walkers and began to swing, chopping heads off-killing them as quickly as possible.
    December 9th, 2014 at 06:01pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Alexander did the same, removing a throwing knife and a combat knife once he reached the bottom. He quickly hit the furthest zombie with the throwing knife, and then put the combat knife through the skull of the closest one. He yanked it back out, and then repeated the motion with the last one. All five of them were now lying in the street, and Alexander quickly pulled one of the bags off of his back, and began looting the two military walkers that he had taken down. Each of them had a nine millimeter handgun on them- standard issue- and quite a lot of the nine millimeter ammunition. He then moved over to the humvee, and began ransacking it. His smile was humongous as he pulled out the jackpot. He held up the M4 assault rifle that was stashed in the back seat, as well as the two full magazines that were with it. He didn't say anything, though, just motions. He then strapped the M4 onto his back, and then finished going through the humvee and grabbed the throwing knife from the one zombie's head before moving up to the door of the gun store, a combat knife and a flashlight in his hands as he waited for Amber to stack up on the other side of the door.
    December 9th, 2014 at 08:03pm
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Amber moved over to the humvee, providing backup as she looked around for something to come out. When he mentioned to her, a slight smile came across her lips. She was glad that he had found a few things in there. Then she made her way to the door, taking the right side and pressing her side into the wall. After looking around them again Amber pressed a hand against the door and bursted in when Alexander did. She held her hatchet close and turned to her side, taking care of all of the zombies in her way.
    December 10th, 2014 at 07:44am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Alexander breached the doors and led the way in, taking the left side. He immediately took out a zombie in the furthest left aisle by plunging his knife into it's temple. He caught it so it went to the ground softly and not drawing attention. He then moved on to the next aisle, and repeated the action on the two walkers in the next aisle. Then, he moved on to the middle aisle, and took down the last one wandering in there. He then moved on to the front of the store once again, and pulled down the interlocking bar screen that covered the front entrance and windows. He then turned back and went to the middle aisle once again to meet up with Amber
    December 10th, 2014 at 01:06pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Alexander breached the doors and led the way in, taking the left side. He immediately took out a zombie in the furthest left aisle by plunging his knife into it's temple. He caught it so it went to the ground softly and not drawing attention. He then moved on to the next aisle, and repeated the action on the two walkers in the next aisle. Then, he moved on to the middle aisle, and took down the last one wandering in there. He then moved on to the front of the store once again, and pulled down the interlocking bar screen that covered the front entrance and windows. He then turned back and went to the middle aisle once again to meet up with Amber.
    December 10th, 2014 at 01:06pm
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Amber moved through her load of zombies without too much difficulty. She reached the middle aisle and once Alexandr had gotten there she pulled out her two bags and started to go through the store, filling one with ammunition and the other with the different weapons provided in the store: guns, knives, grenades and other things if the sort. Once her bags were filled she moved to where Alexander was looting.
    December 10th, 2014 at 02:36pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Alexander was in the back, since a lot of the better things would be kept in the back anyway, and considering how much this place had been looted, there was still a bit out in the store- but not much. And maybe the people had overlooked the back. He found the office of the owner, and quickly looted through his desk, before getting and epiphany. He then looked under the desk, and found the shotgun that was strapped under there. No wonder he had stashed some shells in the top drawer. He then moved on to the other back room- the stock room.

    Sadly that room had been thoroughly ransacked, leaving only a few shotgun shells, empty M4 magazines, and assault rifle rounds. Absolutely no handgun rounds, though. He still cursed his luck, as he still had not found a bow or arrows.... But it was still a jackpot nonetheless. He headed back out to the store, then, only to head what he had feared... There were a lot of zombies now moaning outside the front of the store, and trying to get in....
    December 10th, 2014 at 03:04pm
  • @ Stage Doctor

    Amber was somewhat by the front, looking at the zombies trying to get in. She swore under her breath before looking back to see Alexander heading her way. "They all are waiting outside for us. They're trying to get in but luckily they were not able to yet. But I do not think we have too much time to plan before they are able to break through." Amber tied the bags tight to her body so she wouldn't have to carry them through the zombies. They were going to have to fight. "We have two options, try and fight through them quietly like before or we can shoot our way through. It will make a lot of nose but maybe we can get through them before others get over here."
    December 11th, 2014 at 02:28am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    "Or...." Alexander said, thinking for a moment," We can go out the back. There will probably be quite a few walkers in the alley, but we can at least get outside. From there, we can blow up a car down the street using one of the fragmentation grenades and the noise and fire will draw them. We can bolt for the fire escape, then, and get up to the rooftops. From there, we can get back to the apartment safely and cleanly. But, we don't know how many there are going to be in the alley, and if the car down the street will actually explode with the grenade. There are a lot of throw ups. What do you think?"
    December 11th, 2014 at 03:18am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Amber rubbed her face as she thought about his plan. It was not a terrible idea but there were two blaring problems with it. Though her ideas were not much better. After a moment she sighed before slowly boddinf. "Yes I think that may be our best best to get out. Besides surely not too many walkers can fit into a alleyway anyways." She pulled out her hatchet and headed towards the back door.
    December 12th, 2014 at 08:48am
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Alexander led the way out of the back door, replacing his flashlight with the fragmentation grenade he had brought with him as they stepped outside. Thankfully there was only one zombie in the alley, which Alexander took down in the same stealthy technique that he had used for the zombies inside the gun shop. He then motioned for Amber to wait before replacing his knife with one of the handguns from the military walkers. He checked the magazine, and then cocked back the hammer, before peeking around the corner to check where the car was. He spotted it, pulled the pin on the grenade, and threw it. Five seconds later, the first explosion was the grenade, and that caught the zombies' attention. The second explosion was the car itself blowing up. That made all of the walkers begin to move towards the car. Alexander took his knife back in the hand that held the grenade, and he motioned for them to move, before leading the way across the street. He took down a zombie that had been coming from the other direction by sinking his blade into its skull, and then made the rest of the run without taking any down. He quickly yanked down the fire escape ladder, and motioned for Amber to go up, and waiting for her to do so before following her and scaling to the roof.
    December 12th, 2014 at 11:38am
  • @ Stage Doctor

    Amber followed Alexander closely, letting him take control of it all since it was his plan. When the grenade was thrown she couldn't help but cover her ears, not wanting her hearing to get destroyed by the two explosions. Once both were set off she follwoed him over to the fire escape and climbed up it as quickly as her legs and arms would allow her. When on the top she took a moment to find her position in the city before running across the rooftops to where Alexander's home was. It was not too much longer until she was climbing into the window of the apartment and rolling inside. Once she was on the ground she let out a few small breaths before smiling widely. "Thank God that worked." She mumbled before sitting up and unpacking the bags of weapons. Honestly she was rather happy with what she had gotten there. It all turned out a lot better than she had suspected.
    December 12th, 2014 at 10:56pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    Alexander followed her back to the apartment and rolled onto the floor as well. He laughed, and said," Yeah. Thankfully. But, it seemed to pay off with a LOT!" He stood back up, then, and set his bags on the couch, before taking the AR-15 off of his back and setting it down as well. "So, did you want the shotgun maybe? Because I think I was gonna take the rifle... I really like it." He began to look over the rifle, then, checking all of the parts of the rifle to make sure they were all working.
    December 12th, 2014 at 11:13pm
  • @ Stage Doctor

    Amber looked over at all of the weapons for a moment, messing with her hair as she did so. "I think I may take a few things but not much. I won't be able to carry a lot anyways." She said as she started to grab a few boxes of the ammunition. Now that was something that she really wanted. Though a shotgun would be great she was debating whether it would be worth carrying it around. Plus there was the chance that she wouldn't be able to find ammunition for it later on either.
    December 12th, 2014 at 11:49pm
  • @ Mother.Of.Dragons
    "Well, if you want to, it's all yours. But, the rifle is the closest that I'm going to get to a bow with it's distance. So, I'm gonna keep it just in case I need it," he said, going into the bags to find the ammunition resting in there, before loading up the magazines for the assault rifle, and then set it aside. He then dug back into the bags, and pulled something out, before handing it to Amber. In his hand was a handgun silencer. "Here you go, by the way. You said you wanted one, right?"
    December 13th, 2014 at 05:02am